Fiverr's Community Standards

Community Standards / Violence and Criminal Behavior / Image

Violence and Unlawful Behavior

Violence and Incitement

Prioritizing the safety of our community means taking all threats of violence seriously. This includes proactively mitigating any potential risk of harm to our community or those outside the platform. We will consider language and context to ascertain credible threats and take appropriate action against those who violate this policy. We may also notify law enforcement authorities in cases of imminent threat to life or safety of persons. 

Incitement means encouraging or asking other people to engage in unlawful conduct. Be aware that inciting others to commit a crime may be a crime in itself, regardless of the outcome of the request. Other unlawful behaviors include the glorification of violence, which is often demonstrated through celebration, or praising/condoning violence. All of these actions are strictly prohibited on Fiverr. 

Do not:

  • Threaten violence against another community member(s), group of people, Fiverr employees, or Fiverr as a company

  • Make any statements of intent to inflict physical harm towards an individual, group, or animals (ex. murders, mass shootings, animal sacrifice, spells/sorcery which intend to cause harm, etc.)

  • Make any statements or share imagery that encourages or incites others to inflict such harm or advocates violence (ex. approval of genocide, support for terrorism, etc.)

  • Share hate symbols like swastikas, hand symbols, or numbers known to reference violent ideologies, etc.

  • Offer, agree to provide, or ask for any content that threatens, glorifies, promotes, or expresses support for acts of violence against individuals, groups, or the general public

  • Urge, provoke someone (through requests or instructions) to break the law or engage in activities of questionable legality

Dangerous Organizations and Individuals

On Fiverr, we do not allow content or activities which are directly or indirectly affiliated with, praise, support, or represent dangerous organizations, their members, their actions, or their shared ideologies. Such organizations often use digital platforms to spread their agenda, proliferate messages of hate, and  indoctrinate new members to join their cause.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • International and domestic terror organizations

  • Criminal organizations and violent groups

  • Extremist organizations and individuals

  • Hate/conspiracy groups

Fiverr reserves the right to permanently suspend user accounts involved in violation of this policy.

Do not:

  • Promote or glorify violence, hateful activity, dangerous propaganda, or conspiracy theories

  • Express support for or glorify dangerous organizations, their members, their actions, or their shared ideologies 

  • Offer, agree to provide, or ask for services related to activities of dangerous groups and/or their members or shared ideologies

  • Offer, agree to provide, or ask for services which promote violence, conspiracy theories, or propaganda—or supports/advocates for the activity of the above organizations

We do allow users to offer or ask for related services that are intended to contribute to:

  • The research of dangerous groups and organizations

  • The prevention of terror, extremists, and criminal activity

Misinformation and Fake News

Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread either accidentally or with the deliberate intent to mislead or deceive others (disinformation). Given the potential harm misinformation can cause to individuals and the general public, Fiverr will promptly address any efforts to spread misinformation through the platform and/or to the general public. User accounts which violate this policy will be permanently suspended from the platform.

When information is developed and presented in the form of an authentic news article or story, with the intent to mislead or disseminate propaganda, this is considered fake news. 

Do not offer, agree to provide, or ask for services that create, promote, or distribute misinformation or fake news, including political content. 

This extends to services that use generative AI tools and/or programs to create, promote, or distribute such content, and includes, but is not limited to the following for the purposes of spreading misinformation at scale:

  • Deepfakes, in the form of video, photo, or audio recordings

  • Automated processes (software, scripts, bots, etc.)

We do allow to users to offer or ask for related services that are intended to contribute to:

  • The research of propaganda and misinformation techniques

  • The prevention of creation and distribution of misinformation and fake news

Election Integrity and Political Content 

On Fiverr, we are committed to fostering a community that values diversity, open discussion, and the free exchange of ideas. To uphold these principles and maintain a safe and trustworthy environment for all users, we strictly prohibit any attempts to use the Fiverr marketplace to undermine elections and civic integrity. 

Election interference is defined as any attempt to interfere with the voting process or to destabilize and undermine public faith in free and fair elections. 

Do not:

  • Offer, agree to provide, or ask for services interfering with elections or other democratic processes 

  • Share misleading information about procedures in election processes

  • Incite the disruption, destruction of procedures and/or election infrastructure, or promote violent behavior and threats

  • Create fake accounts to misrepresent an affiliation—or share content that falsely represents an affiliation—to a candidate, elected official, political party, or government entity 

  • Use generative AI tools and/or programs to create or promote content which—in any of the above forms—is intended to undermine an election or other democratic process

We do allow users to offer or ask for related services that are intended to be represented as caricature, satire, parody, or meme.