Fiverr's Community Standards

Community Standards / Introduction / image

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Content

Fiverr embraces the use of new technology and allows content generated by users with the help of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools and programs. 

While user expectations are changing to accommodate the increasing prevalence of generative AI tools and programs, sellers who use them to generate content or deliver services must follow the following guidelines.

Sellers must:

  • Ensure they have all necessary rights to the content they create, including copyrights

If the content created and/or delivered on Fiverr with the help of AI is found to infringe or violate any copyrights, applicable law, or Fiverr’s Community Standards, such content will be removed from the platform, and the seller’s account may be permanently suspended

  • Comply with the respective tool and/or program’s terms of service and all applicable regulations, such as data protection, privacy, and consumer rights laws

  • Offer customized work for each order (and not offer AI-generated content in bulk, where the same work is delivered to multiple buyers)

Both sellers and buyers are prohibited from using AI tools to spread misinformation, nonconsensual content, create deepfakes (in a form of video, photo, or audio recording), fake accounts, or generate faces of humans who do not exist for unlawful purposes.

Buyers should communicate their preference with sellers

When considering services that may or may not use generative AI tools or programs, buyers with a preference for work created and/or delivered without the use of generative AI tools or programs, should clearly communicate this preference to the seller. 

If you suspect any misuse or unethical behavior related to generative AI, please report it.

These policies and guidelines will be updated to align with evolving trends and usage in generative AI. Please check back for any updates.