Fiverr's Community Standards

Community Standards / Minors policy / Image

Minors policy

Fiverr’s Terms of Service require that all users be at least 18 years of age and of legal age to form a binding contract. Users under 18 and at least 13 years of age are permitted to use the site only through an account owned by their parent or legal guardian with their permission. Those under the age of 13 are not permitted to use the site.

Services Involving Minors

Some Gigs on Fiverr involve minors’ participation in the service. 

  • In cases where the minor is the primary service provider (for example, child voice over), the owner of the account must be the minor’s parent or legal guardian. When this is the case, it must be clearly stated in the Gig components and profile description.

  • In cases where the minor is involved in the service creation process (for example, photography for children’s products) it must be clear from the nature of the service that participation of minors is required.   

Parents or legal guardians, and sellers who work with minors when providing their services, are required to follow all local child labor laws and regulations. 

Users under 18 may not take part in providing the following services on Fiverr: dance lessons, modeling, greeting cards & videos, and “your message on”.

No Sexually Explicit Content Featuring Minors

We do not allow sexually explicit content featuring minors or content that seeks to sexually exploit minors, including but not limited to:

  • NSFW/lewd illustrations and voiceovers

  • erotic stories

  • lolicon (or loli), shotacon (or shota) voice overs or anime illustrations

  • deepfakes

  • any sexually explicit child-like imagery, including those generated by AI tools and programs

We also prohibit to depict and describe minors in a way which could be considered sexually suggestive in nature, violent, or exploitative.

Fiverr may use broad discretion when removing content that includes or depicts minors. User accounts involved in violation of this policy can be permanently suspend.

We immediately report Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who work with global law enforcement agencies.