Fiverr's Community Standards

Community Standards / Intellectual Property / Image

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Claims (Copyright (DMCA), Trademark Infringement)

Fiverr is serious about protecting intellectual property (IP) rights and respects the IP rights of third parties. To this end, we provide necessary mechanisms for intellectual property rights protection. 

Since the content uploaded to Fiverr's platform by our users is User Generated Content (UGC), we created and implemented special flows to report intellectual property rights violations (copyright and trademark).

Once a report of all relevant information is received from a rights holder or authorized representative (“reporter”), we will remove or disable access to content that engages in:

  • Copyright infringement

  • Trademark infringement

Fiverr reserves the right to request additional information from a reporter—such as proof of ownership or other documentation.

Services Which Violate Intellectual Property Rights

In accordance with various laws—and our commitment to protect the work of our creative community, Fiverr does not permit any service that violates the intellectual property (IP) rights of individuals and/or businesses, and will take measures against those who provide or request such services, and so help to protect our creative community.

Do not offer, agree to provide, or ask for services such as:

  • Services related to copying or distribution of copyrighted material (digital piracy), such as creating torrent websites, developing platforms for streaming movies and TV shows, selling access to any streaming service account, etc.

  • Services involving hacked or cracked software products (programs, apps, themes, templates, games, etc). 

  • Services which are aimed to intentionally remove the watermark or copyright mark without the owner’s consent or permission.

Fiverr reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts which are involved in infringement of intellectual property rights.

Non-Original Design Standards

Fiverr values individuals' hard work and creativity. As a platform that supports designers, artists, writers, and creatives around the world, it is essential that original work is presented and delivered at all times. We will take swift and serious action against any non-original work being sent and/or delivered as original work. 

The following standards refer to Gig listings and delivered orders in the Graphics & Design and Photography categories on Fiverr:

Do not portray, sell, or deliver others' work as your own.

Unique concept and publication

  • If working with existing creative elements, designers must implement these elements in a unique way to create a new design concept.

  • Delivered work must be customized and unique, meaning the design has not been previously published online or offline and has been invented for the first time.

Gig images

  • Any designs or photographs featured in Gig images must be the seller's original work—but can be work previously published on the designer's websites or social media. 

  • To use a design or photograph from an order delivered on Fiverr, the designer must have consent from the buyer who placed the order.

Elements that can be similar

  • Generic shapes: Ex.Points, lines, squares, ellipsoids, cones, etc.

  • Functional designs: Ex. A circle, a diamond, a heart, ears on a tiger, wheels on a car, green color to convey environmental responsibility, etc.

  • Elements not eligible for copyright protection, such as:

    • Short phrases like “Show me the money” or “Beam me up”

    • Facts and theories like scientific facts or the quantum theory  

    • Abstract ideas, but not the way an idea is expressed. For example, the basic plot of comics can be an idea but not the way the designer expressed that idea   

    • Materials commonly found in a work of a particular type, ex. the presence of castles, knights, and dragons in a medieval story; certain elements and details of creative content that are customary or considered necessary to a particular genre 

Stock image and template policy

Make sure to have all required licenses for using the stock image or template in your delivery. 

Stock images

  • All stock images must be from authorized agencies.

  • Don’t deliver or post stock images “as is”.

  • Stock images can be used in a transformative way as a part of your delivery.


  • If you start your design work with a template, be sure that your final, delivered design is significantly different from the template design, with a new look and feel, a unique concept, and/or transformative use.

  • You are permitted to provide a service that relies on templates found online, but this must be specified in your Gig.

  • Sellers who heavily rely on templates in their design work will not be eligible for special seller programs on Fiverr, ex. Fiverr Pro. 

Responsible Digital Creation

At Fiverr, we are committed to fostering a community of responsible digital creators. Creations on Fiverr might often involve third-party services or products that are meant to be used by third-party platforms (for example, social media networks, other online marketplaces, or AI-powered content creation services). In such cases, we ask our users to adhere to the following guidelines:

Respect for Third-Party Rights

Users should respect the rights of third parties, both within and outside of  the Fiverr community. If you know that your activity or delivery on Fiverr relies on other platforms or companies, you must follow their terms of service (ToS) and other applicable policies (for example, their privacy policy or intellectual property policy).


When utilizing external elements, users must be transparent about their use of third-party content, including  the rights they have with respect to such content. Misrepresentation is strictly prohibited. Users must  verify that their licenses for third-party work include the necessary permissions.

Mutual Respect

Sellers are encouraged to communicate transparently about the use of external elements in their creations, especially in Gigs. For buyers who request deliveries involving third parties, we encourage being proactive in understanding the origins of integrated elements during order requirements or other discussions with sellers, to ensure that their order does not violate any rights.

Intellectual Property Protection

Users are expected to respect intellectual property (IP) rights, including copyright and trademark protections, even when content is freely available, and to maintain a record when collaborating or using external content. Deliveries created on Fiverr should not violate the IP of others. Where applicable, users should provide relevant licenses or permissions to verify pertinent rights. 

By adhering to these guidelines, users can contribute to a thriving and lawful digital marketplace, ensuring that the creative process is grounded in legality, transparency, and mutual respect.

For more information please see Fiverr’s Guide to Responsible Digital Creation.

The difference between incorporating other sellers' work in your delivery and profit arbitrage

Other sellers’ work can be used in your delivery when you have the rights to use it, and it’s used as an element of your own delivery. 

It cannot be used as your own delivery when you are reselling it “as is” with no significant added value or transformative use, under the misconception that it is your original work—and in order to gain profit from price differences. That is called profit arbitrage and it is not permitted on Fiverr.

Examples of other sellers’ work that you can use (if you have the rights to reuse it)

  • Designs as backgrounds for music videos

  • Images for websites or presentations

  • Music beds for explainer videos