Fiverr's Community Standards

Community Standards/prohibited services/Image

Illegal and Prohibited Services

Fiverr is an open marketplace where users can offer or request a great variety of services. However, for a number of reasons, we prohibit certain types of services on Fiverr. Some services can pose unwanted risks for our users like privacy or financial risks; others are simply not in line with our values and policies.

Please note that examples included below are not an exhaustive list. We may update what is considered an illegal or prohibited service from time to time. We may also take action in response to a violation of the intent of this policy—if we encounter a new threat or harm that is not explicitly outlined below. 

Illegal Services

We require our users to abide by all applicable laws and regulations. Users may not offer or request services related to illegal activity, or ones that promote, approve, or enable any unlawful behavior. Fiverr reserves the right to permanently suspend user accounts involved in violation of this policy. 

To protect our community, Fiverr is committed to enforce its policies against any illegal activity and behavior on the platform. Should you see an item that appears to violate these policies, please report it.

Please note that Fiverr reserves the right to report illegal activity to law enforcement authorities.

Prohibited Services

Services with the potential to cause harm to our users      

In order to protect the Fiverr community, we do not allow any services or activities which could intentionally or unintentionally harm our users, other individuals, property, or animals. This includes both physical harm, significant risk of societal harm, endangerment of individuals’ rights and freedoms, etc.

Do not offer, agree to provide, or ask for services that are meant to cause harm, including but not limited to:

  • Promoting prohibited or potentially dangerous goods (firearms, ammunition, drugs, and controlled substances), or encouraging others to make, use, or trade these goods

  • Any level of sexual exploitation, abuse, or human trafficking 

  • Providing fake or misleading documents, including the creation of—or any kind of modification to—official documents such as IDs, passports, driver’s licenses, bank statements, death or birth certificates, etc.

  • Content which is related to glorification and/or incitement to violence, or any other criminal and harmful behavior towards an individual, group, or animals

  • The intention to create or promote the spread of fake news and disinformation

  • Providing licensed professional services without the required certifications and/or qualifications, ex. legal counsel, financial or tax advice, etc. 

  • Attempts to  hack or crack any system (accounts, profiles, networks, etc.) with the intent  to obtain unauthorized access to sensitive personal and/or financial information of individuals, entities, or governmental institutions

  • Creating or contributing to any information security hazard for individuals, entities, governmental institutions (DDOS attacks, doxxing, impersonation, distribution of malware, phishing and other hacking techniques, etc.) 

User accounts involved in violation of this policy will be permanently suspended.

Services that can pose financial risks for our users        

Fiverr cares about the financial safety of our users and takes security of their private financial information very seriously. Services that may put our users at risk of exposing their sensitive financial information are strictly prohibited.

Do not offer, agree to provide, or ask for the services that require getting access to other user’s sensitive financial information, such as:

  • Opening, managing, or implementing changes to a financial account of any kind

  • Providing a loan, buying or selling currency or cryptocurrency, or trading binary options, or any other financial instruments 

  • Mining cryptocurrency 

  • Removing negative remarks from the credit score or credit history of a person, entity, or government institution, or any other credit repair related services

  • Trading signals, indicators, or pre-made trading strategies 

Services that infringe third parties’ terms of service

A third party is a company or a person, other than Fiverr, that is indirectly involved in the services you offer or request. As a valued member of the Fiverr community, we ask you to respect the broader Internet community and follow the terms of service (TOS) of other platforms and companies.   

Do not offer, agree to provide, or ask for services that violate or might potentially violate a third party’s terms of service. 

Before creating a Gig, we encourage all sellers to review the terms of service of any third party involved in the service. And we encourage buyers to avoid requesting services or ordering Gigs that could be in violation of a third party’s terms of service. Fiverr reserves the right to take relevant actions against users who infringe the terms of service of any third party.  

Services which violate intellectual property rights

In accordance with various laws—and our commitment to protect the work of our creative community, Fiverr does not permit any service that violates the intellectual property (IP) rights of individuals and/or businesses, and will take measures against those who provide or request such services, and so help to protect our creative community.

Read more about services that violate intellectual property rights.

Misleading or Deceptive Services

To protect our community from any form of fraudulent activity, Fiverr prohibits services which are intended to mislead, manipulate, or deliver deceiving or inauthentic content.  

Do not offer, agree to provide, or ask for any services intended to mislead or deceive others, including:


Any video, photo, or audio recording that has been substantially modified by altering its sequence or composition, or by modifying the original audio in a way that fundamentally changes the original media’s understanding, meaning, or context (including those created with the help of generative AI tools and programs).

Due to the high risk of spreading misinformation, non-consensual content, and illegal activity through deepfake techniques, Fiverr does not allow any creation of deepfakes on the platform. 

Fake reviews

Any (positive, neutral, or negative) review—written, video, or otherwise—that is not an honest and impartial opinion or that does not reflect a genuine experience of a product, service, or business.

User accounts involved in violation of this policy will be permanently suspended.

Fake engagement or traffic

Any forms of artificial engagement through bots, click farms, or other illegitimate techniques intended to increase followers, views, likes, fans, or traffic. Such techniques are in direct violation of third parties’ terms of service and practices, and undermine the integrity and confidence of our platform. 

Promising financial or personal benefits

Any promise of financial or personal outcomes which are not in a seller’s control, including any unreasonable or overstated claims of what a buyer may achieve by acquiring a seller’s services.

This includes but is not limited to guarantees or promises related to: 

  • Restoring buyer’s access to online accounts (ex. Amazon, Facebook, eBay, etc.)

  • Specific monetary earnings or specific profit/return rate on an investment

  • Wins, higher levels, in-game currency, or profits in any game or app

  • Results related to healing or treating medical issues or promises of mind control

Academic and Workplace Dishonesty

Fiverr strictly prohibits any form of academic or workplace dishonesty, including the commissioning of work that will be presented as the individual's own effort. To that extent, Fiverr does not allow any services that offer to complete tasks—such as homework, tests, or job screening assignments—that are expected to be fulfilled without assistance from external sources.

We expect users to follow the honor code and/or internal policies of their respective academic institution or workplace when requesting any type of academic or workplace service. We emphasize the importance of maintaining both academic and workspace ethics or any relevant conduct guidelines and are committed to upholding academic and professional integrity. 

Fiverr will not support any activities that dishonor the authenticity, honesty, and ethical standards of the academic or workplace processes.

Do not offer, agree to provide, or ask for the undertaking of homework, completion of exams, tests, job application assignments, or any other assignment expected to be completed without assistance. 

Read more about Academic and workplace dishonesty services.

Services that involve sharing personal information of third parties 

Fiverr takes proactive measures aimed to protect privacy rights. In order to ensure this policy, we ask that the information provided within relevant services will be unique to each order, and will contain business data only. 

Do not offer, agree to provide, or ask for any services that breach third-party rights and lead to spamming individuals, such as:

  • Any sharing of personal data of individuals, ex. email addresses, phone numbers, etc.

  • Premade lists containing personal data of individuals

  • Scraping social media platforms to obtain information about others

  • Any service that shares confidential personal information, ex. social security numbers, identification cards, credit cards, physical addresses, etc.

Medical-related services

In order to protect the Fiverr community, we do not allow services that are meant to provide any medical treatment, medical advice, or medical or pharmaceutical supplies. This refers to both the physical and mental health of the users. 

Do not offer, agree to provide, or ask for any medical-related services, such as:

  • Any medical treatment, advice on a medical condition, or pharmaceutical advice

  • Any kind of medical drugs or pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, or pharmaceutical supply

  • Providing documentation or other evidence meant to fraudulently deceive others about one’s medical status, ex. fraudulent test results, etc.

  • Offering to heal, prevent or treat cancer, diabetes, eating disorders, depression, COVID-19, any other disease or medical condition, including emotional therapy

  • Creating medical, scientific, or informative content exclusively on COVID-19 that may be used for spreading misinformation

  • Creating fake news or promoting of the spread of fake news regarding COVID-19

Services Outside the Fiverr Catalog

The Fiverr catalog is live and reflects rapid changes happening in the digital environment. We are continually working to make sure our platform provides services that are currently in demand. To this end, we might—from time to time—restructure our catalog and cease to offer certain services. If you are providing one of the discontinued services, we will let you know if your Gig has been removed. This can be a good opportunity to refresh your offerings and provide services that buyers are looking for.

For more information, visit the Fiverr Forum and our Help Center for helpful advice and articles on creating high-performing Gigs that appeal to buyers.