Fiverr's Community Standards

Community Standards / Integrity and Authenticity / Image

Integrity and Authenticity

In order to maintain a safe, respectful, fair, and trustworthy marketplace, Fiverr is taking proactive steps to prevent any abusive practices that may undermine the integrity of our platform or the authenticity of our users.

Any activity aimed to deliberately manipulate the platform tools and features will lead to permanent suspension of user accounts involved in such behavior. 

Account Integrity

Multiple Accounts

In order to buy and/or sell services on Fiverr you may have only one account. Creating multiple accounts on Fiverr can be misleading to other users and is considered a manipulation of our system. Any violation of this policy can lead to permanent suspension of the account(s) involved in this activity. 

It is prohibited to open multiple accounts on Fiverr in order to (including but not limited to):

  • Gain a competitive advantage

  • Harass/mislead other users through messaging and/or ordering systems

  • Engage in any fraudulent activity

  • Abuse the Fiverr Referral program

  • Bypass a restriction—or permanent suspension—of a previous account

  • Violate Fiverr’s Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards in any other way and/or manipulate the system

Do not share your authentic credentials (personal email, payment information, phone number) that could be used to create multiple accounts on your behalf.

Fake Identity

We do not allow accounts to pose as another person or entity in a misleading manner. 

It is prohibited to:

  • Use a fake name, gender, photo, or any fictional or false biographical details in your user profile

  • Present a fake document(s) if asked to verify your identity

  • Use AI-generated imagery/video to create or verify an account on Fiverr, with the purpose of impersonating another person—or misrepresenting yourself

  • Impersonate other people by creating or using an account that deliberately misrepresents your identity, with the intention to mislead or deceive others

  • Use automated programs and tools to misrepresent your actual location

  • Create a Fiverr profile with your personal information/credentials for anyone other than yourself

Do not share your authentic credentials (personal email, payment information, phone number) that could be used to create fake accounts on your behalf. Fiverr reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts which represent a fake identity. 


Misrepresentation is defined as fraudulent, negligent, or innocent misstatements, or an incomplete statement of a material fact. 

It is prohibited to:

  • Write misleading content in your profile description, skills section, professional background, and/or education

  • Include a Fiverr seller badge, seller level, or any reference to a star-rating in your Gig images, seller intro video, profile picture, or any other Gig components

  • Copy Gig descriptions, packages, and/or other content from another user’s Gig listing or their profile page  

  • Raise the price of your Gig service in personal messages before or after purchase. Bait-and-switch marketing is not permitted

  • Have someone else represent you in your Gig, without clearly stating who they are. Post content you do not have the right to use in a Gig description and/or profile

  • Use 'Fiverr' in any part of your username or display name, or impersonate our employees with the intention to deceive and mislead users, or conduct other prohibited activities

Inauthentic Behavior 


We define spam on Fiverr as a messaging activity that is unwanted, repeatedly occurring, and disruptive to the recipient’s experience. Spam can take many forms ranging from unwanted offers to commercially-motivated solicitations that aim to drive traffic or attention to websites, products, and services outside of Fiverr.

Do not:

  • Abuse our communication tools to send unsolicited or deceptive messages

  • Distribute malware, phishing, or other potentially harmful content through Fiverr communication tools

  • Use any artificial tools and/or automated processes (through software, scripts, bots, or any other means) to send mass messages

  • Contact Fiverr users with offers, questions, suggestions, or anything unrelated to their Gigs, requests, or orders

  • Ask other users to guide you on how to start selling on Fiverr through Fiverr communication tools

  • Send direct messages to promote your services or specific Gigs to buyers

  • Ask for donations or free work 

Not only does this activity undermine the integrity of our platform, it also violates the privacy of our members and is potentially harmful. If you encounter spam, please report it.

Feedback Manipulation 

Reviews provided by buyers are an essential part of Fiverr's rating system. They convey the quality of services provided by sellers, their professional skills and experience, and overall buyer satisfaction. Therefore, it is important that reviews be authentic and reliable messages to maintain a trusted and credible marketplace.  

Do not:

  • Manipulate the review system in any way to represent deceitful information about the seller and/or their service, either as a buyer or a seller

  • Purposely provide deceitful, unsolicited feedback

  • Purchase or sell a service with the sole intent to falsely increase ratings and/or levels

  • Pressure a  buyer to edit or remove feedback or a review from the platform 

  • Pressure a buyer to add a 5-star review or give more positive feedback than they are already willing to provide 

  • Withhold the delivery of service or any information required to complete the service with the intent to gain favorable reviews

  • Pressure a seller to deliver free extras or make changes not included in the ordered service by threatening to leave negative feedback

Any attempt to manipulate reviews is prohibited and may result in a permanent suspension of all related accounts. This includes either direct or indirect manipulation of feedback by contributing false, misleading, or inauthentic content, placing orders determined to have been arranged or strategically placed to artificially boost seller ratings, or by abusing the platform by making purchases from multiple accounts.

Should you suspect feedback manipulation or any other violations of these policies, please report it.

Reporting Abuse 

On Fiverr, we value each and every one of our community members and aim to maintain a respectful, inclusive, and safe environment for everyone. We encourage our community to use our reporting tools when encountering anything that is unacceptable. 

However, we ask you not to misuse these tools in ways that result in unfounded complaints.

Do not:

  • Abuse Fiverr reporting tools, complaints to Customer Support, and appeals processes by making groundless, targeted, litigious, or frivolous reports

  • Send multiple reports on the same issue without allowing for a response from our Trust and Safety team

Fiverr reserves the right to withdraw multiple invalid reports and flag accounts involved in such activity.

Referral Abuse

With the Fiverr Referral program, you can earn rewards for yourself and your friends who sign up to Fiverr per your invitation. Referral program abuse might occur when a group of accounts created for the sole purpose of system manipulation, refers to each other to gain a referral bonus. 

Do not:

  • Create fake accounts in order to gain referral credit

  • Attempt to manipulate or exploit the current referral program

Fiverr reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts which are involved in violation of Referral program rules.


Any improper behavior aiming to manipulate Fiverr platform tools and systems does not align with Fiverr values and harms the entire Fiverr community. To create a fair and respectable marketplace, we ask that you do not attempt to subvert our policies which have been put in place to protect platform and marketplace trust and quality.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Excessive cancellations practice

  • Using the delivery button to send an incomplete, partial, or empty delivery

  • Sending multiple requests on the same issue without allowing for a response from our Customer Support team

Any attempts to access the platform through unauthorized methods, affect and manipulate the Fiverr ranking system, send artificial web traffic to Gigs, offer to sell/buy Fiverr accounts, scrape data from the platform, or undermine the security and integrity of our marketplace in any way are strictly prohibited.