Custom Websites

Give your business a home with a custom site from freelance developers experts


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Custom Websites FAQs

  • What is a custom website?

    A custom website is a platform that is created from scratch according to your needs. All successful businesses need some form of online presence, which a custom website can provide. Custom website development has your interests in mind, tailoring each page to your needs. For example, a custom website could include pages on your products and services, your business information, how to contact you, and other key information for your business or brand.

  • What are the benefits of having a custom website?

    Custom website development gives you access to different benefits. First, a custom website is tailored to your needs, meaning you will be able to showcase your products and services with ease. Additionally, websites can be developed using different software programs to give you a competitive edge. Custom websites come with coding that helps you optimize your website to attract viewers. This is critical to remain competitive and grow your business or personal brand.

  • How do different programming languages help build a custom website?

    Each programming language serves a purpose. For example, HTML supports the structure of your website while CSS controls the presentation to the public. Both are necessary to develop a strong and appealing website. Additionally, programs, such as JavaScript, control animations, content, and multimedia information can be included. These are commonly used throughout websites to add eye-catching features and informative videos. Implementing different programming languages into your custom website creates a unique structure and design.

  • What are the stages of website development?

    The website development process requires a few different stages. First, you or your seller will need to gather relevant information. This includes information on the purpose of the website. Next, you will enter the planning stage where your seller will create a general layout of each page. After planning comes actually designing the website through adding code and content. Finally, your seller will test the website for functionality and make the website public.

  • What custom website development services are there?

    Sellers offer a wide variety of website development services designed to fit your needs. The four main categories of services offered include responsive design, source code, design customization, and content upload. Each of these four categories then comes with levels of coding expertise and programming language. Coding expertise includes services tailored towards the design, performance, browser capabilities, security, and localization. A combination of these services may be required to meet your expectations.

  • What requirements do I need to give to build my custom website?

    Sellers will require multiple pieces of information to not only understand your creative vision, but to also incorporate the right tools. At the most basic level, you should give details about the purpose of your website. This could be to promote your products or to build your personal brand. Then, you will need to outline what pages you need to be included, such as a blog page. Furthermore, you should go through the design you are looking for with specific color schemes and animations laid out.