Which Social Platform Is Right for Your Next Video Campaign in 2024?

How do you select the right social media platform for your marketing campaign video? Follow these guidelines to help you decide.

By: Roy Rasmussen
December 19, 2022
13 minute reading
Video Social Media Platform featured image

YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter. . .it seems like the number of social media platforms available for marketing campaign video distribution keeps on growing.

The growing number of video channels and users reflects the increasing importance of videos for marketing. If you’re doing marketing today, you need video campaigns. But with so many platforms out there, how do you go about picking the right one for your brand, audience, and product?

You don’t need to be a video production expert to put the tips in this guide into practice. Our marketplace lets you connect with experienced video and animation experts to assist you with video scripting, production, editing, and marketing.

Let’s start with a rundown on today’s popular social media platforms for video marketing:

Most popular social media platforms today have native video features, the ability to upload videos created on other apps or both. As a result, the number of video platforms available to marketers has grown in pace with the number of social media platforms.

In order to help you plan your video social media strategy, here are the most searched social media platforms on Fiverr for Q4 of 2022:

  1. Youtube

  2. Facebook

  3. Instagram

  4. Tiktok

  5. Linkedin

Which Social Media Platform Is Best for Marketing Videos?

Now that you know about the most popular social media platforms in general, let’s dive in and understand which platforms are best for video marketing.

Here are the most searched platforms on Fiverr related to video marketing: 

  1. Youtube

  2. Tiktok

  3. Meta - Facebook & Instagram

Conduct your own research

While these are the most popular platforms among video marketers in general, it’s important to emphasize that this doesn’t automatically tell you which platform is ideal for your specific needs.

You need to reach your own target audience where they’re at, so you need to find which platforms they’re using. The platforms above each have their own unique demographics which may or may not overlap with your target audience.

For example, TikTok has gained popularity among teenagers, so it can be useful for promoting certain consumer products designed for that market. Instagram retains popularity among Millennial and Generation Z audiences. LinkedIn is geared toward job seekers and recruiters, so it’s valuable for marketing to certain business-to-business (B2B) niches.

These statistics can point you toward the right platform for your campaigns. But ultimately, you need to do your own market research into your own specific audience. Use analytics data from your social media profiles to learn about the demographic characteristics of your actual followers. 

Doesn't matter which platform you chose for your campaign, Fiverr social media content creators go you covered.

Make a video

How Do You Decide Which Social Media Platform Is Best for Marketing YOUR Videos?

To determine which social media platform is best for the specific needs of your own video marketing campaigns, you need to consider a number of key variables. Some of the most important are:

  • What the purpose of your campaign is

  • What you sell

  • Who your audience is

  • What type of video content you need to create

  • What your budget is

Let’s consider these elements:

What Is the Purpose of Your Campaign?

With video marketing as with any type of marketing, a best practice is to start by considering the goal of your campaign. Are you trying to:

  • Build brand awareness?

  • Attract social media followers?

  • Drive traffic?

  • Generate leads?

  • Convert clicks?

  • Sell products or services?

  • Maximize sales volume?

  • Generate referrals?

Clearly defining the purpose of your campaign can help you identify its appropriate social media platform:

  • Facebook is the largest social media platform, and an ideal platform for building relationships with customers, driving website traffic, boosting brand awareness, launching campaigns, and increasing sales. 

  • Twitter is a great platform for keeping up with current trends, engaging customers in conversations, driving website traffic, and expanding your reach. 

  • Instagram is an ideal platform for visually engaging customers and sharing visual content. businesses can post photos and videos that showcase products, services, or promotions. 

  • YouTube is a great platform for educating customers, boosting brand awareness, and driving website traffic. 

What Do You Sell?

Another consideration bearing on your choice of platform is what you sell:

  • If you sell music, TikTok will be on your short list of platforms to consider because of its emphasis on music. 

  • Youtube is perfect for more educational content, if you sell an app, putting a tutorial video on YouTube might help you attract viewers searching for software tips.

  • If you offer b2b products or services, Linkedin is the best choice 

  • Twitter is best suited for brief but powerful campaigns that generate discussion around a specific topic or hashtag and drive brand awareness.

Who Is Your Audience?

Knowing your audience is critical for effective video marketing. To reach your market, you need to know which platforms they use:

  • Facebook: Young to middle-aged adults, Teenagers and Older generations

  • Twitter: Professionals who want to engage in real time conversations

  • Instagram: Mostly teenagers and young adults looking to share creative images and videos

  • LinkedIn: Professionals seeking career contacts, job opportunities, and networking

  • Snapchat: Millennials and younger digital natives who enjoy communicating via short-term messages

  • Pinterest: Visual storytellers, DIYers, female users interested in recipes, fashion, home decorating ideas

  • YouTube: All ages with an interest in watching videos ranging from funny to educational

  • TikTok: Young adults aged 16-24, who enjoy creating and watching short videos on the platform. The audience is mainly Gen Z, but also includes Millennials who want to stay up to date with what’s trending.

What Types of Brand Campaign Videos Do You Need to Create?

The type of content you plan to create also impacts your selection of platforms. Different platforms may favor different types of content.

The format of your content is part of the equation. Popular video formats include:

  • Explainer videos, which tell audiences how to use a product or service

  • Presentation videos, which cover a topic using a slideshow or animated motion graphics format

  • Testimonials, where your customers relate their experience with your brand, product, or service

  • Ads and sales videos, which are geared toward making a sale or laying the groundwork for a sale

  • Product demonstrations, which show audiences how to use your product or service

  • Videographic presentations, which use visual aids such as animation to convey facts, statistics, or other information

  • Customer service videos, which assist customers with items such as self-service tutorials and answers to frequently asked questions

The specs for your video are another part of the equation. Some platforms and platform services such as Reels and TikTok favor shorter videos. Others such as YouTube allow for longer videos.

This flat design explainer video walks the viewer through using a meal planning and nutrition tracking app. Made by genesisbior.

Make an explainer

How to Create a Video Campaign: Twelve Steps to Success

  1. Determine the purpose of your campaign

  2. Identify your target audience

  3. Choose your message

  4. Choose your medium

  5. Choose your platform or platforms

  6. Write your script

  7. Produce your video

  8. Edit your content

  9. Publish your content

  10. Track your results

  11. Make adjustments

  12. Replicate successful results

Let’s look at what each step involves:

1. Determine the Purpose of Your Campaign

Start by defining the purpose of your video marketing campaign. For best results, use measurable key performance indicators (KPIs) to quantify your goals. For example, your goal might be to:

  • Grow your brand awareness by generating 100,000 more brand impressions per month on Facebook than you’re currently getting

  • Add 1,000 new followers on YouTube over the next three months

  • Increase your Instagram engagement rate to 0.76%

Quantifying your goals in this way gives you several advantages:

  • It allows you to make a realistic estimate of what resources you’ll need to achieve your objective, such as how much content you need to create, how many views you’ll need to generate, and how much you’ll need to spend.

  • It lets you set benchmarks that represent progress toward your goals.

  • It helps you measure how successful your campaign is.

  • It helps you track the effectiveness of adjustments to your campaign.

If you’re not sure what to track, a social media marketing consultant or data analytics specialist can help you determine which KPIs will be most useful for the specifics of your campaign.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

The next step is to determine who your target audience is for your campaign. Knowing this will help you greatly in determining which platform or platforms to use in order to reach your intended audience.

Your target market may include more than one distinctive niche. Some niches within your audience may prefer different social media platforms. If needed, you can develop multiple versions of a video for different target niches, or even multiple videos. The more you can match your campaign to your audience, their needs, and their platform preferences, the more effective your campaign will be.

3. Choose Your Message

 Next, define the message you want to convey with your video campaign. For example:

  • If you’re building brand awareness, you might want to focus your message on communicating your brand’s unique selling proposition (USP), or a version of your USP customized for a specific segment of your target market.

  • If you’re trying to sell a product to a specific audience, you might develop a video that focuses on the needs and benefits of greatest interest to that niche.

Adapt your message to the needs of your campaign. If you’re developing videos for more than one audience niche, you may elect to develop different messages for different niches. A sales consultant can help you hone your message to fit your audience and platform.

 4. Choose Your Medium

With your audience and message in mind, you can determine the best medium for delivering your message. This involves considering both the format and the specs of your video.

For example, if you’re launching a video brand awareness campaign, a testimonial video revolving around a story about a successful client might hit the right note. If you’re introducing a new product that is innovative for your market, an explainer video might be in order.

Another major consideration is the length of your chosen format. For instance, can you deliver your message in a mini-video less than ten seconds long? Would two or three minutes be better? Or do you need a longer infomercial?

5. Choose Your Platform or Platforms

If you’ve followed the previous steps, you should have the information you need about your video campaign’s purpose, audience, message, and medium to determine which platform is most suitable for your campaign. For example:

  • If you’re trying to build brand awareness of a fashion product among teens with an entertaining short video that showcases what makes your brand stand out from competitors, TikTok might be a logical choice.

  • If you’re trying to introduce a small business software app, you might need an explainer video on YouTube or LinkedIn.

  • If you’re launching a new video game, you might consider a platform favored by gamers, such as Twitch.

These are just some examples. Your own research into your target audience’s preferences will play a key role in helping you determine which platform to use.

In some cases, you may decide your campaign needs to target multiple platforms. For instance, you may have learned that your audience favors two or three platforms in particular, or you may have found that different segments of your audience can be reached on different platforms. In this case, you’ll want to consider whether you can repurpose the same video for multiple platforms or whether it would be better to release different videos on different platforms.

6. Write Your Script

At this point, you can begin developing your video or videos. The first step is to write a script. A script helps you plan your video by organizing your action into scenes and laying out your dialogue. It also helps you estimate the length of your video. If you don’t have experience scripting videos, consider working with one of Fiverr’s experienced scriptwriters.

7. Produce Your Video

With a script in hand, you can start taking the steps necessary to produce your video. Based on the medium and video format you chose, you need to plan your production. While you can reach out to a video production company, know that the production service won’t be cheap.

Alternatively you can hire a video professional on Fiverr for your chosen video format:

  • Explainer Videos 

  • Product Videos

  • Corporate Videos 

If you are looking to break down the various pieces needed for a video production, you can also contact scriptwriters and voice over artists on Fiverr.

Need a voice for your video? Find freelance voice over services by professional voice actors.

8. Edit Your Content

Unless you’re shooting a live video, the next step is to edit your content. This will require the use of video editing software. It also will require making sure your video’s specs meet the requirements of the platforms where you intend to publish it.

If you need help polishing up your video and getting it into the right format, Fiverr’s marketplace includes video editing specialists who can assist you.

9. Publish Your Content

Once your video production has been completed, you can publish your video. This step requires actions such as uploading your video to the platforms where it will reside, adding titles and descriptions, and scheduling publication dates. You may find it efficient to hire a social media manager to handle these actions for you.

10. Track Your Results

After launching your campaign, your marketing team should track the results of your performance as measured by the KPIs you selected in the first step. This will provide you with critical information about the effectiveness of your campaign, enabling you to copy successful results, make improvements to underperforming campaigns, and avoid wasting money on what isn’t working.

11. Make Adjustments

Tracking your results positions you to make adjustments to your video marketing campaigns. For example, you may notice that a particular video plays better to one audience niche than another. In this case, you may elect to shift more of your budget toward that niche.

The most effective way to make adjustments is to do split testing, where you track the results of making slight adjustments to your videos to see which adjustment yields the best results. Consider split-testing different variables, such as what happens when you play your video to a different niche, air a different version of your video, or show your video on different platforms.

12. Replicate Successful Results

Making fine adjustments to your video campaigns helps you pinpoint what’s working and what isn’t. Once you determine what’s working, you can duplicate your results to scale up your success.

For example, if you find one version of your video yields significantly better results than others, you might allocate more of your marketing budget toward promoting that video. Or you might begin developing other videos which focus on similar marketing and sales themes. Replicate successful results to multiply the impact of winning video campaigns.

Choose the Right Social Media Platform for your Video Marketing Needs

Today’s most popular platforms for video marketing include YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram Video, Facebook, and TikTok, among others. Choosing the right platform involves considerations such as your campaign’s purpose, your product, your audience, your content format, and your budget. Reviewing these elements positions you to select the right platform and develop video content suitable for the platform you’ve chosen. Tracking the results of your campaigns can help you optimize your platform selection to focus on the most profitable platforms for your best-pulling campaigns.

Picking and leveraging the right platform requires a diverse skill set, including market research analytics, scriptwriting, videography, and video marketing. Fiverr’s marketplace lets you connect with video and animation experts who can help you script, shoot, and share effective content on the appropriate platform. Tap into our resources to select the right platform for your needs and develop the content you need to connect with your target market.

About the author

Roy Rasmussen

Coauthor of Publishing for Publicity and ghostwriter of two Amazon bestsellers, is a freelance copywriter who helps small businesses get more customers and make more sales.