How SMBs Can Use Midjourney to Power Their Business

Learn how your small business can use Midjourney to speed up processes. And how a prompt engineer can create stunning visuals that fit your brand.

By: Michelle Newblom
March 31, 2023
12 minute reading
Midjourney use cases

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way businesses conduct daily operations. From well-documented use cases in AI marketing and AI content creation to innovations in drug discovery, nearly every industry can leverage AI.

This is exciting news for small businesses and entrepreneurs that lack bandwidth for new projects—and the budget for additional resources or employees.

AI tools like Midjourney empower businesses to create stunning images and innovative marketing campaigns with little cost. This frees up valuable time to focus on other aspects of running a successful business. This guide will show how to implement Midjourney in your own business with an AI prompt engineer’s help.

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is a text-to-image AI tool that generates images based on user-inputted prompts. Midjourney moved to open beta in July 2022, and was already turning a profit one month later. Two months later, Midjourney had already acquired 1.8 million users.

You’ve probably heard of Midjourney in conversations about DALL·E 2 and Stable Diffusion. These three tools have the potential to change the landscape when it comes to art creation for individuals and businesses.

How does Midjourney work?

Midjourney functions similarly to other AI image generators on the market. One key difference is that all of the image creation takes place in an app called Discord. You’ll need to set up an account there before you head over to Midjourney’s website and click the “join the Beta” button. 

Once you’re in Discord, you can start creating images—25 for free—by using the “/imagine” command. Fill in the parameters for the image you have in ‌mind, and you’ll receive four images based on that prompt in one minute.

Here’s an example:

midjourney prompt example

The more specific you are, the better. If your prompts are short and generic, you may not get the desired result. Although Midjourney doesn’t need more than a single word to generate an image, anything left unsaid will be randomized. It’s important to consider all elements of the picture you have in mind. 

After seeing your four options, you can upscale or create variations. Selecting the “U” command will result in a larger, more detailed version of the chosen image. The “V” command will create more variations based on which of the four images you like best.

Midjourney prompt example 2

Now, you can further tweak your image by producing more variations or redoing the upscale with a different model. All of your creations can be saved to your gallery on the web. 

After using your first 25 images, ‌pick between three monthly subscription plans. The basic plan costs $10 and gives you 3.3 hours of fast GPU time per month. The standard plan is $30 and affords you up to 15 hours of fast GPU time per month. Lastly, the pro plan costs $60 and offers 30 hours of fast GPU time per month.

After mastering the basics of generic prompt crafting, ‌take a closer look at Midjourney’s expansive command list and parameter list.

Sample commands:

  • /ask: Get an answer to a question

  • /blend: Easily blend two images together

  • /help: Shows helpful basic information and tips about the Midjourney Bot

  • /imagine: Generate an image using a prompt

  • /info: View information about your account and any queued or running jobs

  • /subscribe: Generate a personal link for a user's account page

  • /settings: View and adjust the Midjourney Bot's settings

  • /prefer suffix: Specify a suffix to add to the end of every prompt

  • /relax: Switch to Relax mode

  • /remix: Toggle Remix mode

Sample parameters:

  • --aspect, or --ar: Change the aspect ratio of a generation

  • --chaos <number 0–100>: Change how varied the results will be—higher values produce more unusual and unexpected generations

  • --no: Remove elements from the image

  • --quality <.25, .5, 1, or 2>, or --q <.25, .5, 1, or 2>: How much rendering quality time you want to spend—the default value is 1 and hgher values cost more

  • --seed <integer between 0–4294967295>: Creates a field of visual noise, like television static, as a starting point to generate the initial image grids. Seed numbers are generated randomly for each image but can be specified with the --seed or --sameseed parameter. Using the same seed number and prompt will produce similar ending images.

  • --stylize <number>, or --s <number>: Influences how strongly Midjourney's default aesthetic style is applied to Jobs

Check out the entire list of Midjourney commands and parameters. Play around with them to find the right designs you’re looking for. You can also converse with fellow digital AI artists on Discord and read up on additional AI art prompt ideas.

Top Midjourney use cases for small business

While Midjourney is fun to play with, it’s also an efficient, cost-saving tool for businesses. Running a small business requires constant attention, leaving less time for strategic efforts that stimulate growth. Leveraging AI can scale efforts for small businesses, freeing your time to focus on important business operations.

Making advertisements

Speaking of growth efforts, Midjourney can design appealing visuals for your company’s ads. You can test dozens of advertising ideas—no need to wait days or weeks for a team to present an idea you may never use. With Midjourney, you see immediate results and can tweak them to your liking. Scaling your processes has never been faster.

The San Francisco Ballet recently demonstrated AI art’s use in advertisements. They created captivating visuals promoting the Nutcracker on their Instagram page using Midjourney:

San Francisco Ballet using midjourney

Source: San Francisco Ballet Instagram (@sfballet)

“We thought pairing AI-generated art with live performing art was the perfect way to add an unexpected twist to a holiday classic,” says Kim Lundgren, chief marketing and brand officer at San Francisco Ballet. “The campaign’s convergence of technology and creativity is right for this moment, for the Bay Area, and for all audiences, whether you’re a long-time fan or someone experiencing the joy of ballet for the first time.”

Planning marketing campaigns

A lot of time and effort goes into planning a successful marketing campaign. Imagine if you could cut those numbers in half? Using AI in content marketing campaigns can significantly speed up research, planning, distribution, and creation. 

Even if you have a talented team of graphic artists, Midjourney can provide inspiration and accelerate brainstorming. If you don't have artists on deck, ‌use Midjourney to get ideas, and then hire freelance artists on Fiverr to tweak it to meet your brand’s needs.

Creating content

It’s not enough to rely on AI for all of your content efforts. Sure, Google doesn't hate AI-generated content, but you still need to add a human touch to it. Your content must be helpful and written for people first, as Google clarified in a Twitter thread.

Copying and pasting generative AI text outputs onto your website —not a good content strategy. Simply creating images using Midjourney without multiple attempts or a final edit won't result in aesthetic images. 

Use Midjourney to assist you in creating ideas for your content. For example, you can use it as a starting point to design:

  • Logos

  • App icons

  • Thumbnails

  • Blost post images

  • Game designs

The opportunities will expand as the technology evolves.

Here’s an example of someone’s Midjourney generation for icon images:

midjourney image creation

Source: @arnaudi on Twitter

And another example of a thumbnail created using Midjourney:

Source: @iliekcomputers on Twitter

Examples of businesses using Midjourney 

While ‌plenty of AI generators for small businesses exist, Midjourney is the go-to tool to stand out from competitors. See first-hand how different sized businesses adopt Midjourney for: 

  • Creating blog images

  • Bringing art concepts to life

  • Producing marketing campaigns

Creating blog images that represent your brand

Want your content to stand out in a highly saturated market? Then it needs to be unique. This doesn’t only involve solid, clear, informative writing, but eye-catching imagery. 

Stock image subscription costs add up, and it takes time to sift through thousands of pictures for the perfect image. It’s also time-consuming—and costly—to hire a designer to create art that’s on brand. This is where Midjourney comes in.

“Our business marketing is primarily driven by SEO and content marketing, so producing better content is our top priority,” says Stewart Webb, Head of Marketing at PrimeCarers. “The best part of using Midjourney is the consistent style we get out of it. We managed to hit upon a style that gives off all the right feelings about our brand instead of searching ‌hours for the right stock photography and rarely finding it. We're now using Midjourney-generated art for all of our new blog posts.”

Here are examples from their blog:

PrimeCarers midjourney image 1PrimeCarers blog image prompt

When you visit PrimeCarers’ blog, you’ll find imagery that’s comforting and friendly. It lends the company a sense of trust. The initial investment of learning to use Midjourney pays off when you understand the art of AI prompt engineering. 

But, it takes time to hit the jackpot with an art style that truly represents your brand. If you’re experiencing issues at first, it may be due to a specific term in your description you may not identify right away.

“I spent a lot of my spare time finding something I liked,” says Webb. “I noticed that describing something as ‘old’ instead of ‘elderly’ gave a more cartoonish look. It can be time-consuming to isolate the term causing the issue. I can see how paying someone to develop your style could speed up this process and deliver results much more quickly. I'm sure there are many other tricks ‌someone skilled knows about.”

Hiring a Midjourney prompt engineer is one way to bypass the frustrations that come with being unable to fine-tune your images precisely. The time spent tweaking your prompts could be better spent educating a professional on how you’re trying to portray your brand. 

“You want someone who understands your subject matter and audience, and then design in a consistent style you like,” says Webb. “At the end of the day, give people a trial and decide if they can consistently produce the quality of image that you’re looking for.”

Bringing art concepts to life

Small businesses and entrepreneurs use Midjourney to visualize ideas, and bring them to life. Firefly Path designs unique, ethereal gowns. They recently went viral after sharing the process behind turning a Midjourney-generated image into a physical, handmade gown. 

“After hours of playing with the bot and tweaking the prompt, it generated a design I fell in love with! With the same seed, I created a matching necklace and crown. I called it ‘Opal Crystalis.’ I posted the design on my social media and it went viral,” says Firefly Path“I got so many comments from people thinking it was a real photo of a gown we created. It felt similar to what we created before, and I wanted to try to replicate it to the best of our abilities.”

Bringing products to life with midjourney

Firefly Path documented the entire process behind bringing the AI image to life on their Instagram.

“For the overall design, I really wanted to convey that “not fully rendered” look. Midjournery has this whimsical style where some parts of the image look more actualized than the rest. All the details feel like dreamy impressions of something familiar,” says Firefly Path. “At first, I felt like I was cheating, and that I was playing with technology from a future beyond my time. It’s overwhelming and intimidating as an artist to know that entering a few adjectives into AI can create something so beautiful in seconds. It takes me hours, days, or weeks to work out concept designs.”

They did their best to replicate every detail of the image, even using a similar backdrop, so the photograph of the real dress on the mannequin resembled the original Midjourney art even closer. 

instagram profile showcasing midjourney enhanced item

Animating marketing campaigns

Though Midjourney can't create animations on its own (yet), many users are taking the images it can create and turning them into animations.

Here's an example of an animated story episode created using Midjourney:

While most use cases are of individuals creating personal art projects, Midjourney is starting to break into the business world with B2B marketing campaigns.

Here’s an example of a marketing campaign called “Data Connects Us” that used creations from Midjourney:

As the technology advances, it'll be interesting to see businesses and users combine other AI tools with Midjorueny to create more polished videos. Gartner predicts by 2030, a major blockbuster film will be released with 90% of the film generated by AI (using text to video), demonstrating how far this technology is expected to evolve.

Hire an AI prompt engineer with Fiverr

The popularity of AI and its use cases is booming, especially with its projected compound annual growth rate of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030. Now is the time to integrate AI technology with your business. To get the most out of AI, work with individuals who are experts at following the latest trends and getting the most out of the newest tools. 

“When hiring freelancers for prompt engineering, the first thing ‌to look for is: What models do they specialize in?” explains Winston Nguyen, entrepreneur and founder of VR Heaven, who worked with a Fiverr prompt engineer. “Every AI art generator and model has their own unique prompting style. Just because one person is a pro at Midjourney doesn't mean they know how to use Stable Diffusion.”

Nguyen hires a Fiverr AI prompt engineer to train a model of a 2D character for an app he’s creating. He noted that he already had a list of “negative prompts” that returned good results, but the prompt engineer had his own list that produced even more consistent outputs.

“While I'm pretty good at writing prompts myself, I quickly realized this guy was better than me. This was his job and he generates thousands of images every month,” says Nguyen. “Anyone can describe the object they want to create, but not everyone can put abstract ideas into words. This is where things like color, art style, lighting, age, camera view and artist require someone with more experience.”

Small businesses and entrepreneurs wanting to start with Midjourney will benefit from partnering with an experienced AI prompt engineer who can bring their ideas to life. 

Ready to get started? Find talented freelancers who understand your brand and your values by signing up for Fiverr today.

About Author

Michelle Newblom B2B SaaS Writer

Michelle Newblom is a B2B SaaS writer with a knack for creative storytelling, which she artfully applies to all of her content. Her expertise lies in creating compelling copy for blogs and guides, which help businesses generate conversions and attain their goals.