How to design a logo: 12 steps to creating a business logo from scratch

A practical guide to learn how to design a business logo, step-by-step

May 9, 2021
11 minute reading
logo design

Your logo is more than just an image. It's the face of your company. Learn how to design a logo that captures attention and tells your brand story.

The power of a company logo is for it to be memorable. 

When people instantly recognize your business logo, you know you have a winner. But you might ask yourself: how can I get a memorable logo made as a busy entrepreneur?

In this beginner’s guide, we'll go through all the aspects of creating a business logo, from assessing your brand identity, and getting ideas to choosing a logo style that fits your brand and working with a designer, and more.

How to create a business logo, step by step

1. Define your brand identity

Before you create a new business logo, it’s imperative that you first settle on the brand identity and the story behind it. A large part of your brand identity is the emotion it transmits. 

This is called emotional branding and its foundation is based on storytelling and your brand values. It's highly important to apply emotional branding to your business logo and all creative assets.

Finding your brand identity takes time and dedication, here below we have listed some key questions you should consider to create your brand identity:

  • What pain point does your brand solve for people? Your brand must solve something specific in your audience. By targeting a specific problem in their life or work, you can create a brand identity around that.

  • Who are the people you are solving this pain point for? Who exactly is your target audience? The more specific you can get, the better. What is their age range? Where do they live? What are their normal days like?

  • Why did you create this brand and company? Look deep inside the reason why you built your company. Was it to solve a need you yourself had? Were you looking for ways to help a specific sector of people? Tapping into your "why" is a great way to define a brand identity.

  • What are your brand values? Your brand values are the basis of how you work and offer your products or services. It's also the foundation for your work environment, employees and supplier. Having concrete brand values keeps your organization in line with your brand and your "why."

  • How does your personal story fit into the creation of this brand? Storytelling is a large part of brand identity. It's highly common for a founder's personal story to intertwine with their brand story. Most often than not, the business was ideated out of a personal need or of someone close to them. Is this your case? If so, use it as a storytelling foundation for your brand identity.

  • What emotion does your brand inspire in people? When your brand is encountered out in the world, what emotion should it evoke? Tap into that and analyze how it can be applied to the brand's story.

Once you know the answer to these questions, you can create a brand identity and tap into emotional branding. This forms the foundation for the creation of a perfect logo. When your designers have this information to work with, they will create a better logo that will match your brand identity.


After the logo is finalized, the brand identity must also be applied to all visual assets. From business cards to social media posts. It's important to always stay on brand and true to your brand identity and story.

2. Find logo ideas to inspire you

If you don’t know what you want your logo to look like, it’s easy to find ideas and inspiration, but from where do you start?

  1. Start with a brainstorm, think like your audience, and get others involved.

  2. Create a vision board with screenshots, sketches, notes, ideas. Put all your typography and style ideas in one folder so you can show your designer later, or refer back to.

  3. Check your competitors. Take a look at what your competitors' logos look like. Do you like them? Are they memorable? Why do you think they work so well?

Another cool way to come up with logo ideas is by using AI art prompts. For example, if you have an AI art idea for a logo, you can type it into a tool like Midjourney or DALL-E. 

Say you want to create a logo for your plant shop and you’re brainstorming ideas. You can prompt DALL-E with something like “Logo ideas for a plant store that include variegated monstera in a realistic, but fun way.

This can be a good jumping off point to play around with design styles for your logo. You can also hire an AI prompt engineer to help turn your ideas into designs.

3. Pick a design style that fits your brand

A crucial aspect to consider when creating a logo is its visual aesthetic. Your brand and your logo are one entity and must be in a visual union.

For example, if your company is a vintage clothing and trinkets shop, your business logo should have some sort of vintage feel to it. The visual perception of the design of your logo must match what your business and brand are about. 

Below are the most common graphic design styles. Do your business and brand match any of them? Find inspiration in the style that most resembles the feeling of your brand and put together some ideas for your designer.

minimalist logo made on fiverr

A minimalist logo design is all about "less is more." Use simple fonts and a minimal amount of color. If your brand is a no-frills affair and you don't want to make a big deal of the visuals, then a minimalist approach can help. This style can work for any type of brand, as long as their brand story matches the aesthetic.

vintage logo made on fiverr

Vintage logos use old-style imagery and colors that remind you of another era. This design style works best with businesses that want to tap into nostalgia or that work with literal vintage products. Tapping into nostalgia is more common than you think. Using a vintage style for a new brand can be successful if done well.

classic logo made on fiverr

A classic logo design doesn't try to venture into the latest trend or break any rules. The aesthetic follows a traditional approach that is simple, with understated graphics and color palettes. It's timeless and often has staying power in contrast to a trendy logo that can be outdated within a few years. Examples of a classic design include the logos of Coca-Cola, Nike, and Macy's. Classic logos can be a good fit for brands that are looking to come across as down-to-earth, trustworthy, and stable.

signature logo made on fiverr

Signature logos are a signed name turned into a logo. A brand that is one person can use their signature as a logo. Designers can also use a script font to create a stylized signature. This style is perfect for individual professionals that want to make a mark with their name.

3d logo made on fiverr

3D logos are unique and eye-catching. They tend to have a futuristic or graffiti-style feeling to them. A 3D logo can be heavy and bulky but also whimsy and colorful. This style works for many types of brands.

hand drawn logo made on fiverr

Hand-drawn logos are very unique and special. The style of the letters and imagery maintains a hand-drawn feel even though it's digital. These types of logos are great for children-related businesses or handmade product stores.

watercolor logo made on fiverr

A watercolor logo is usually quite feminine and pretty. The watercolor effect can be combined with flowing fonts for a complete feminine style or with a heavy font to make it more gender-neutral.

freestyle logo made on fiverr

A freestyle logo doesn't exactly fit into any other category and can range from an artsy sketch to a technical drawing. The idea behind a freestyle design is that there is nothing like it and is only inspired by other aesthetics

4. Choose the best logo type

Logos come in different styles. From just a word to an icon or image with a word to a full emblem. The choice of which type of logo to use depends on where you want to use your logo and for what capacity. A well-designed logo strategy includes two or three versions to use in different ways.

Most logo creators will start with a combination mark that can be separated into a wordmark and abstract mark or a lettermark and a pictorial mark. Let's look at the different types of logos.

lettermark logo made on fiverr
Lettermark logos

Lettermark logos, also called monogram logos, is one that is made up of the abbreviated letter of a longer name. For example, NASA, and IBM.

wordmark logo made on fiverr
Wordmark logos

Wordmark logos are made up of the actual business name. The word is the logo and there is no imagery to go with it.

combination mark logo made on fiverr
Combination mark logos

Combination marks are a two-part logo with a word and a visual. The imagery can be a pictorial mark an abstract mark, an icon, or a mascot. 

abstract mark logo made on fiverr
Abstract mark logos

An abstract mark is a visual that isn't instantly recognized as something specific. These are usually geometric custom forms created for the logo.

pictorial mark logo made on fiverr
Pictorial mark logos

A pictorial mark is a shape or icon that is instantly recognizable, like the Apple apple or the Twitter bird.

emblem logo made on fiverr
Emblem logos

Emblem logos are a more complicated version of logos. It includes words, images, and a shape that unifies it all like a badge or coat of arms. Harley Davidson has a famous emblem logo.

mascot logo made on fiverr
Mascot logos

Mascot logos are logos with mascots in them. A mascot can be included in a combination mark, but a mascot logo is just the mascot with no words.

5. Decide on a color combination

The colors used in the design of your business logo are extremely important. Colors trigger emotions and perceptions, both personally and culturally. 

The color you use in your logo must match your brand identity and it needs to be the right shade of that color. Yellow, for example, is bright and inspirational when it's a sunny yellow but can be off-putting if it's leaning towards ochre or a sickly yellow. 

Color combinations also carry a lot of weight. Be mindful of how you use two or three colors together. 

Many color combinations carry a perception that is hard to shake. For example, green and red are Christmas colors, red, white, and blue remind you of the United States flag, and orange and black are reserved for Halloween. 

Let's look at the psychology of how colors are perceived in logos.

  • Red: Highly noticeable and impactful. Evokes feelings of passion, excitement, and power.

  • Orange: Cheerful and vibrant. Evokes positive feelings. 

  • Blue: Classic colors for corporate logos. It’s dependable and well-received. 

  • Yellow: Not common and will attract attention. It’s a more lighthearted and happy color. 

  • Brown: Natural and earthy. It works well with natural, organic products with sustainable packaging. 

  • Green: Organic and eco-friendly. Ideal for brands making an environmental impact.

  • Pink: Gendered color. Many feminine brands use pink in their logos.

  • Purple: Royal or spiritual. Used a lot in the health and wellness industry. 

6. Choose your logo font

Similar to color psychology, logo fonts also carry emotions and perceptions. The fonts in your business logo must carry on your brand identity just like the colors and visuals. Choosing the right logo font is similar to the way you choose the logo style. Different types of fonts carry their own visual style.

Here are some common types of fonts your designer can use:

  • Serif fonts: These are fonts with letters that have little extensions at the ends. Serif fonts are elegant and generally easy to read. Depending on the size of their serifs (the little extensions), they can be feminine, masculine, or gender-neutral.

  • Sans Serif fonts: The opposite of the above, the letters in these fonts don’t have extensions at the end. Sans serif fonts are easy to read and generally carry fun and easy-going appeal. 

  • Slab fonts: Fonts with thick sans serif letters in a very heavy style are called slab fonts. This style of typography works really well for a logo as long as the brand identity matches the feeling it evokes. A low heavy slab font can represent dependability and confidence.

  • Script fonts: Calligraphy and handwritten fonts are made up of connected letters, much like the script we use to write. Script fonts are the typography of choice for signature fonts but can also be combined with a sans serif or serif for a combined logo style.

  • Novelty fonts: Novelty fonts, also called display fonts, carry a heavy cultural or creative impact. These are the most difficult fonts to use for a logo. Only use a novelty font if it makes sense with your brand identity. If you choose this route, a designer can create a novelty font for your logo that perfectly captures your brand message.

By using the psychology of fonts, you can start to narrow down your font options. 

For instance, Sans Serif fonts are perceived as stable, clean, and modern, while Serif fonts are traditional, respectable, and reliable. Now, think about the unique brand identity that you established earlier in the design process and decide which font category most closely represents that identity.

Give that category to your designer and let them present you with several font options with similar creative logo designs to see how the font works with the rest of your logo, or you can narrow down your font options even further with some of these methods: 

  • Use the font library in Microsoft Word or another word processing software and experiment with different fonts.

  • Try a larger font database like Google fonts or the fonts library to find a font that is more unique to your brand.

  • Keep an eye out for fonts you like on websites, posters, or signs you run into during your day-to-day activities. Use a font finder tool to identify the fonts you like to give your designer ideas. 

You may also consider giving your designer a few fonts to use as inspiration and ask them to create a custom font that will be entirely unique to your brand, helping you stand out even more. 

Now it's about time to get your logo designed, if you don't have an in-house designer then you are left with three options:

  • You can work with a design agency

  • You can design the logo yourself using a logo generator

  • You can hire a freelance logo designer

Working with a design agency can definitely be very expensive, so let's focus on the two other options available.

Using a free logo maker tool

A logo maker is the cheapest solution you can choose from, the only limitation is that they all are 100% software-driven. There is no human interaction whatsoever behind them, therefore apart from being able to choose some basic design preferences, you don't have much more customization options available, except for Fiverr's logo maker.

Fiverr's online logo maker works differently is that the logo creation solutions you are provided with are based on a wide selection of great logo designs made by designers on Fiverr.

But that's not all! The nice part is that if you wish to further customize it, you simply can request the designer of your logo to customize it for you.

Hiring a freelance designer

Choosing and working with a freelance logo designer can be intimidating as all the difficulty resides in the fact that you have to trust them with your brand, therefore in return their design aesthetic must match or at least be close enough to your own brand style.

This is why well before you're thinking to hire a logo designer you must first lay the groundwork by creating a logo design brief that generally answers questions about:

  1. Your brand messaging

  2. The company

  3. Your target audience

  4. The tone and imagery you want to convey

Here below is Rob Janoff, Apple logo designer and Fiverr Pro seller speaking about the importance and reasons to effectively communicate your logo idea to the designer by creating and providing a logo design brief.

Once you find a logo designer that fits your criteria, ask the following questions: 

  • What type of file format will they deliver? Most designers offer jpg, svg, png, pdf, and some offer .ai and .psd logo files. The most important file you need is the vector file with transparent background.

  • What do their price packages include and NOT include? If you don't see something that's important for you, ask.

  • How many design options will they send at first? The higher the number of options, the higher the rate of success.

  • How many revisions do they offer per design? Two revisions or more is best to achieve the logo you want and need.

  • Who will have the rights to the design once it's finished? Easily the most important thing to know. If the designer uses sourced material, do they have the right to do so?

8. Evaluate logo deliverables

To evaluate the different logo options your designer provides you with, the best and easiest option you have, it's to get feedback from your friends, family members, or co-workers. The more people see and comment on your logo, the best.

That said a good logo has some very specific characteristics:

  1. It's relevant to your brand's image and message

  2. Is simple and immediately recognizable

  3. Is versatile and equally looking good on all your branding materials

  4. Is memorable and impactful, vehiculating a positive first impression that last

  5. Is scalable to all sizes and still looks good

To help you further evaluate your logo deliverables, ask yourself questions such as:

  • Does your logo recall your brand personality?

  • Does your logo differentiate you from the competition?

  • Is your logo scalable and would it work on all sizes?

  • Does it appeal to your target market?

9. Integrate your custom logo design 

Once your logo is finalized it's time to integrate it into your branding material. Your logo should be added to every visual aspect of your business brand, from email headers to printed flyers and posters. 

The versatility of your logo depends on how many versions it has. If your logo has a wordmark, a pictorial mark, and a combination mark, they can be used interchangeably in different assets.

Many Fiverr designers offer extra designs with your logo, like business cards, letterheads, social media headers or logo templates, and more. The variety depends on what the designer offers. 

Here is a list of common visual assets where your logo can be added:

  • Email and newsletter headers

  • Business cards

  • Business letterheads and envelopes

  • Company car side magnet

  • Merch like t-shirts, hats, pens, pins, and totes

  • Website, blog, and social media headers and posts

  • Flyers, posters, stickers, and other printed materials, etc…

Why does your business need a professional logo?

A high quality logo is an important aspect of your business's branding and visual storytelling. Without one, you are left without a face for customers to recognize.

These are the 5 most important reasons why your small business needs a logo:

  1. A custom logo acts as a foundation for the entirety of your visual branding.

  2. It's something customers and clients will always expect you to have.

  3. Your logo helps attract new clientele.

  4. A good logo helps your business stand out from the competition.

  5. It helps foster brand loyalty through association and memory.

Remember: your new logo must be memorable, and It must also give a positive first impression. The only way to achieve the above two is by creating a powerful logo that inspires and invites.

Take for example some of the logos we all know and love:

The Coca-Cola logo hasn't changed much since its early beginnings and pretty much everyone in the world recognizes it. It's so memorable that the logo has inspired fonts and the color is commonly known as Coca-Cola red. 

Similarly, the McDonald's logo, with its famous and memorable golden arches is known the world over. You don't even need to see the word "McDonald's" to recognize the arches.

Hire your own logo creator today with Fiverr 

As a business owner, you know how important it is to have a compelling logo. It’s the foundation of your brand and helps you stand out from competitors. 

Today, you don’t need any design experience to create a logo. You can create one in minutes with Fiverr’s Logo Maker. Then, hire a designer on Fiverr to make some tweaks and make it yours. 

Make a business logo FAQ

How do I create a logo for my business?

You can create a logo for your business using Fiverr's Logo Maker for free. It’s an intuitive online design tool that allows you to create a professional-looking logo in a few steps by choosing fonts, colors, and other design elements. Keep in mind, make your logo relevant to your business and ensure it's visually appealing to your target audience.

What free software to use to create a logo?

Fiverr's Logo Maker is a great software option for creating a logo at no cost. This free tool provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of customization options to help you design a unique logo that fits your business identity.

How much does it cost to own a logo?

The cost to own a logo can vary greatly depending on the designer or platform. For professionally designed logos from freelance designers on Fiverr, prices typically start as low as $5, depending on the complexity and uniqueness of the design.

What is the best size for a logo?

The best size for a logo depends on where it's going to be used, but a commonly recommended starting size is 1000 x 1000 pixels to maintain quality across various uses.