How to Find a Graphic Designer in 2024 – A Definitive Guide

Hiring a graphic designer is crucial to help your business produce stunning visuals. Check out this in-depth guide on how to hire a graphic designer in 2023.

By: Geri Mileva
January 19, 2023
11 minute reading
how to find a graphic designer - image of a designer

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle of building a successful business. You have a site to build, copy to write, and logo to design. But you don't have to view your plate as half full — it’s half empty when you delegate some of the tasks to decrease your workload.  

For example, investing in a graphic designer can reduce stress and free time to focus on other areas of running a business (like improving your product offer). But how can a graphic designer help and how do you find a graphic designer that's right for your business?  That’s what you’ll find out today.

What is freelance graphic design?

Freelance graphic designers are independent contractors who work on a project-by-project basis with clients vs. full-time with an employer.  They’re digital artists businesses rely on to create illustrations, logos, websites, and other marketing materials. 

Some graphic designers are all-around skilled, while others have niches, such as web design, packaging design, or logos. 

Working with a freelance graphic designer allows you to tap diverse expertise without the long-term commitment. 

Freelance graphic designer vs. in-house graphic designer

There are two ways to hire a graphic designer: as a freelancer or an in-house designer. Both have benefits and drawbacks to consider. 

Here’s a quick look at the differences between the two so you can make an informed choice:

Freelance Graphic Designer

  • Works for several clients 

  • Works on a contractual or per-project basis

  • Bills by the hour or by project


  • Costs significantly lower than a full-time employee

  • Ideal for quick, one-time projects

  • Access to a wide and diverse set of talents and skills


  • Divides time between you and other clients

  • Requires a detailed brand brief

  • Risks of handing out company information to “outsiders”

In-House Graphic Designer

  • Works exclusively for your company/brand

  • Commits to a long-term full-time working relationship

  • Paid using a monthly compensation plus employee benefits


  • Ideal for consistent and ongoing work

  • Familiar with brand culture and identity

  • Has the potential to grow with the company and contribute further


  • Easily bored if there’s not enough work available

  • More costly to hire due to fringe benefits and overhead costs

  • Can easily switch employers if no longer happy with the job

Whether you’re hiring an independent contractor or an employee, there will be legal obligations, such as taxes, that you should be aware of. Freelancers take care of their own taxes, but in some cases, like in the US, you still need to keep tax records, such as the Form W-9, if you are engaged with them. 

How much does a graphic designer cost?

Graphic designer fees depend on the freelancer’s experience and the complexity of your design.

Less experienced artists demand lower fees since they’re still building their reputation. However, they’d also need more guidance as they hone their skills. More experienced artists demand higher fees, but you can expect more polished and better-looking designs. 

For instance, you can get a basic Logo Design from a less experienced Seller for $50, while a more seasoned designer can charge $800 to create a unique logo and brand book.

Fiverr enables its users to filter the graphic design services offered by freelancers, and any other services, by seller level, and also allows to filter sellers who have been hand-vetted for quality and service.

Pro sellers will usually charge more for their services because of the higher quality work they provide.

Fiverr logo design services

If hiring an in-house graphic designer, expect to pay around $36,000 to $68,000 annually for the base salary alone. In the US, an entry-level graphic designer earns $41,053 annually, including benefits, bonuses, and overtime pay.

Invest in the best professional you can afford when working with a graphic designer. Mijal Zagier, a Logo, Packaging, and Brand Designer on Fiverr , shares her experience:

“I see many new businesses trying to get good results for cheap, which means that they end [up] paying twice to fix problems that should have been addressed early on. This is true, especially in branding. I get a lot of clients who [are] not [at] their first attempt at design. 

They [be]come frustrated after a poor experience, having spent a good part of their budgets. Understanding how crucial it is to get branding done well from the beginning will end up costing less and getting better results right away.”

Michal’s services starting price is $995 and she charges per project. 

mijalzagier is a freelance logo, packaging and brand designer on Fiverr, with over 14 years of experience in the field. She has a deep passion for her job and consistently delivers beautiful and effective designs.

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Benefits of hiring a freelancer

Hiring a freelancer has several benefits over hiring a full-time staff. Here’s a look at some of the advantages freelance graphic designers bring.

Significant cost savings

Reducing costs is one of the primary reasons businesses turn to freelancers. Why? Because you don’t have to pay for benefits, such as health insurance, retirement, paid time off, and bonuses. 

Then there’s the overhead costs (or lack thereof). If you’re just starting out or wanting to downgrade your office size, then this is your opportunity to do so. Freelancers are remote workers, which means you can manage them all from the comfort of your home office (at a fraction of the cost of hiring a remote employee w/ benefits packages).

Higher quality and faster turnaround

Freelancers are like you — they’re entrepreneurs running a business. So their top priority is you, they're the lifeblood of their success. They go over and beyond to keep you happy, so that they get paid and potentially earn your business for future projects. 

No one’s as committed to delivering high-quality work like a freelancer. Even a top employee can be snatched away by a competing company offering a higher salary. Freelancers don’t have to choose between you and another client — they can work for as many as they desire. 

Their earnings are tied to output, which means they work hard to please you. Employees are on the clock and are paid regardless of their output. 

Specialized talent

There are different types of graphic artists to match various design needs

Illustrators have amazing drawing skills, while web designers understand website optimization and UI design. A packaging design artist knows buying psychology, while a logo designer knows what makes brands stand out. 

Working with freelancers allows you to tap into specific skill sets to get the best possible output. 

Access to a broader talent pool

Hiring talent within your locale is so 20th century. Thanks to the internet, you can find employees and freelancers to work with your business remotely. This empowers you to find talent wherever they are in the world — this often means better rates, since overseas talent is often more affordable. 

Working with freelancers vs. in-house designers allows you to hire talent only when you need — no layoffs or firing to reduce overhead costs when things slow down. 

Flexible schedules and scalability

Freelancers are available around the clock and calendar. If one isn’t available when you need them, there are hundreds of others who are. Some freelancers will even price their services. based on their delivery time. Can’t say the same about employees, who clock in and out on a predetermined schedule. 

The flexibility freelancers offer make it possible to get help with last-minute tasks or large-scale projects with tight deadlines. Sometimes, a small business sees unexpected growth and needs to scale yesterday. Freelancers can pull through in these moments, since they’re on-cal when you need them. Plus, you can hire as many as you need for the moment and then scale back down. 

Diversity and fresh perspectives

You’re about to publish your 30th whitepaper and 50th eBook. But your in-house team (or you, if you’re rolling solo) is coming up short in design ideas. The last few you published look almost identical, making your brand feel bland. 

So to spice things up, you hire a freelance graphic designer to offer a unique perspective and fresh ideas. Heck, maybe they’ll even capture attention from your target audience and increase downloads. 

It’s definitely known to happen.

"There are more than just business benefits to hiring a freelancer," Mijal Z shared with us her experience of working with clients. "I've been lucky enough to have excellent experiences with my clients," she says. "I try to make a human connection by not only understanding their business needs, but connecting as people. I believe that when we connect and communicate well, the best results come out. Sometimes, on an online platform, buyers have a hard time understanding that a seller is a real person. So, I make a point to show my personality."

Steps for finding and hiring a freelance graphic designer

You understand the benefits of freelancers and what they bring to the table for business owners. But how exactly do you find and hire a freelance graphic designer?

Here’s what to do.

Determine your needs and write a design brief

Before looking for freelance candidates,determine:

  • What type of freelancer would best fit the job

  • The scope of your project 

  • Your budget Whether it’ll be a one-time gig or a recurring opportunity 

Once you have the answers, you can narrow down your search fast — there are thousands to pick from, so you'll need to separate the options that aren't a good fit from the ones that are.

Also, create a detailed brief outlining your needs. The brief should contain a description of the project, your brand’s creative guidelines, and your expectations.

Here’s an example of what a graphic design brief may look like:

Research potential candidates available on a freelance marketplace

When you know your exact needs,begin researching potential candidates. Visit a freelance designers marketplace and check out the different projects and talents.

On Fiverr, you can either visit the Graphics & Design vertical page which contains links to all graphic design services in the platform, or use the search bar to find your ideal candidate.

Another option: post your needs and parts of your brief on the platform. This will attract candidates for you to pick through. Consider selecting a half dozen to interview and test before deciding.

Find out more about Brief and Match >>

Review portfolios and references

It’s time to build a shortlist of potential freelancers. Portfolios are a window into the graphic designer’s skills. And it’s the closest you’ll come to knowing what they can do without hiring them first. 

When analyzing their collection of past work, look for quality, creativity, and uniqueness. If they all look too similar, then this shows a lack of originality. Then, of course, the artist should have the style you’re looking for. Once you find several, save their profiles. 

But before you go, read the details of their offer. On Fiverr, you see a description of several project options to choose from. Each tier is a different rate and comes with a list of services included in the offer. 

Don’t stop here,  check their past job references. Most freelancing boards allow clients to leave feedback after completing a project. Scroll through the reviews to evaluate the freelancer’s craftmanship and work ethic. 

If there aren’t enough reviews to gauge their talent, ask the freelancer to send more samples or work references you can reach out to.

Interview potential candidates

You’re hiring a freelancer, not an employee — so why conduct an interview? Sure, this may not turn into a long-term relationship, but taking the time to speak with the freelancer (via chat or phone) can save you the headache of making the wrong choice. 

This is the time to see how well they communicate and if their answers match what you’re looking for. Watch for cultural misfits and those iffy about complying with your guidelines. 

For example, if you have a team of freelancers and require weekly updates, then the freelancer should be willing to do so. 

Request a paid pilot project

The interview went well, now it’s time to see if they can walk the talk. Relying on portfolios alone to determine a freelancer’s fit isn’t ideal. You don’t want to onboard a graphic designer to learn later that they can’t capture your brand’s feel. 

So your best bet is to offer them a paid pilot project. If they disagree, then this is a red flag. Pilot projects are small and have a smaller fee than regular projects. This saves you from wasting time and money on the wrong freelancer. 

Qualities to look for in a freelance graphic designer

What separates a good graphic designer from one that’s meh? It’s a mix of the qualities and skills they bring to the table. Here are examples of the hard and soft skills to look for in a freelance graphic designer:

Technical skills: Do your graphic design projects require specific knowledge, like drawing and typography? Or maybe they need experience with software like InDesign, After Effects, and Photoshop? Most freelancers will list their technical skills in their portfolios. You can also ask them about a particular program or quiz them on various technical aspects to grasp their abilities. 

Creativity and problem-solving abilities: A good designer should be able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions that effectively communicate your message visually. And strong problem-solving skills to troubleshoot issues during the design process. Assess these abilities during an interview by asking questions about their past experiences in dealing with project challenges. 

Professionalism and communication skills: Good communication isn’t just the ability to express thoughts clearly. It’s also the freelancer’s consistency in responding to messages and requests. And to collaborate with you and others on the team effectively. Read reviews to see if a freelancer can commit to deadlines and communicate consistently. For Mijal Zagier, a Logo, Packaging, and Brand Designer, forging human connections enhances communication. “I [try] to make a human connection. Not just understanding their business needs, but connecting as people. I believe that when connecting and communicating well, the best results come out.”

Flexibility and adaptability:  Working with a freelancer means you might need them on short notice or require them to pivot quickly due to changing circumstances or client needs. A good graphic designer should be able to adjust their workflow accordingly without compromising quality or deadlines. Just be realistic in your requests and mindful of their other client projects. Submit projects with enough time to complete them and avoid waiting until the last minute to request help. Otherwise, you risk straining your freelancer-client relationship. 

Example questions to ask during an interview with a freelance graphic designer

You’re not just looking for someone with the right skills and experience. You also want an artist whose work ethic and personality fit with your company’s culture. 

Even if they are remote workers, the best freelancers are people who can work well within your company and empathize with your brand. 

Below, are sample interview questions you can ask a freelance graphic designer.

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Experience and Expertise:

  • What experience do you have working as a freelance graphic designer? You want to know if they have relevant experience for your design project.

  • How long have you worked as a freelancer? Ideally, you want someone with at least 1-2 years of experience to ensure you’ll get professional work.

  • Do you have any examples of your previous work that I can review? It would be ideal if they have completed a project that looks close to your needs.

  • Have you worked on a similar project before? You can ask this after showing them your brief.

  • Are there any specific software programs or tools that you prefer using when designing graphics? You want to gauge the level of their technical expertise.

Work Process:

  • How would you approach creating designs for my project? You want to understand their design process, so you can gauge their professionalism.

  • What is your availability and turnaround time? This will estimate how fast they can submit the design.

  • How do you handle revisions and feedback? Ideally, you want a freelancer that accepts 1-2 rounds of revisions with a quick turnaround. 

  • How will you deal with delays? Sometimes, delays are unavoidable, and you want a freelancer that can communicate the status of the project.

  • Are you working on other projects right now? This will gauge how busy they are. If they’re juggling a lot of projects, yours might get delayed. 

Work Ethics:

  • How do you handle remote work? This will help you learn their project management skills.

  • What’s your preferred communication method? You want an artist you can reach t reasonable times.

  • What hours are you available? It’s highly likely that you’re in different time zones, and you’d want to know when you can reach them.

  • Describe your most recent project and how it brought out the best in you. This will help you know their work principles. 

  • How do you communicate with a team? Design is a team sport, so you want someone who can work well with your team.

Contract Details:

  • What is your rate for this project? If the rate is already published, like on Fiverr, you don’t need to ask this.

  • Do you have a recurring fee? This question is helpful if you’re looking at hiring a freelancer for consecutive jobs and getting a discount.

  • Are you working exclusively for us? Most likely, they’re not, but it helps to know how busy their schedule is, so you can estimate how they’d prioritize your project.

  • Will you sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement)? This is important to protect your company assets.

  • Are you doing the project yourself? This will help you determine if they will outsource parts of the project.

During the interview, you should also allow the artist to ask you questions. A good freelancer will dig deep into your business and ask the right questions to help them better understand your needs. 

Be wary of someone who nods to your instructions without asking questions. If this happens, you can ask them to repeat what they understood of your requirements.

Final Thoughts

Small business owners wear multiple hats. It comes with the job description, but it doesn’t have to. Thanks to the rise of the gig economy, finding a freelancer or two (or ten) has never been easier. 

The only issue now is finding the right freelancer for the job. So on your journey to finding a graphic designer, use the tools readily available to you. Platforms like Fiverr simplify the process of finding, interviewing, hiring, and even managing freelancers

Check out Fiverr’s excellent graphic designers,to  kickstart your next design project.

About Author

Geri Mileva Content Strategist

A prolific and versatile writer, I have built a colorful portfolio that includes hundreds of published pieces reaching a wide variety of audiences. I like telling stories. I believe that a good story delivers value while capturing, influencing, and sustaining its intended audience. This has always been, and always will be, my primary aim as a writer.