25 Ways to Promote YouTube Videos in 2023 (that actually work)

Learn how to make your YouTube videos stand out and promote your brand to millions of users on the largest video-sharing platform in the world.

By: Jacqui-Lee Katz
September 22, 2023
19 minute reading

YouTube is the largest video-sharing platform in the world, with approximately 2681 million users across the globe. It’s also the second largest search engine, just behind Google.

Creating a YouTube channel provides infinite potential for promoting your brand and gaining more exposure. But how do you make your videos stand out with millions of users on the platform?

Knowing how to promote YouTube videos requires strategy and creativity. You'll need to use a variety of tactics, both on and off the platform, to get eyes on your content and increase engagement.

It's a competitive landscape, so outsourcing your video marketing to a freelance expert is a great way to minimize stress and maximize results. Still, it's good to understand the best ways to boost your YouTube engagement.

To get those metrics soaring, we curated a list of the most up-to-date, actionable insights to grow a YouTube channel fast.

Here are 25 ways to promote YouTube videos in 2023 (that actually work):

1. Write an SEO-friendly video title

Like Google, YouTube works with keywords, so accounting for YouTube SEO (search engine optimization) is key. This means your title and metadata (in this case, your video description) drive viewers to your content. Relevant keywords related to your content help YouTube's algorithm recognize what your video is about so it appears for relevant audiences.

Google Ads Keyword Planner can identify relevant and high-traffic terms. Remember, you only have 60-70 characters, so be clear and concise. A video SEO expert can find keywords that are popular in the YouTube search engine and create thumb-stopping titles that incite curiosity and increase viewership. 

💡 Learn how to optimize your video SEO with these proven video SEO techniques

The best video titles use relatable, emotive, and searchable words. Avoid clickbait, and incorporate a hashtag in your title so viewers can find related content easily. 

[BTS has leveraged the power of hashtags with #MyBTStory to generate over 1,810,932 views] 

[BTS has leveraged the power of hashtags with #MyBTStory to generate over 1,810,932 views.]

2. Create an eye-catching thumbnail

Think of your YouTube thumbnail as the cover of a book—it's your hook and should make people curious to learn more. The brain processes visuals within milliseconds, so you lose the opportunity to draw people in if your thumbnail is unappealing or unclear.

Create high-quality custom thumbnails that make a statement and keep the content in focus. Put a face or recognizable object on the thumbnail to make a personal connection. You can also add logos, text, and images to grab attention and build recognition for your brand. A specialist thumbnail designer can create captivating thumbnails that incorporate elements to attract potential viewers and maintain a consistent brand image.

YouTuber Val Evans grew her channel from 200 subscribers to over 8,500 in just eight months. She explains how she used the YouTube Research Tool to find real-time information about what people want and then customized her YouTube content towards the topics in demand. 

She also states the headline and thumbnail are essential—some of her content went viral with 50k+ views simply because of her thumbnail design and optimized headline. Val strongly recommends hiring a thumbnail designer and copy editor for dynamic and engaging headlines.

3. Write a compelling & optimized description for your video

Your video description should be as SEO-friendly as your title and provide more detail about what the video covers. You have 5000 characters max for the description, but viewers will have to click "read more" on desktop or "more" on mobile to view the full description. This means that the first few sentences are your prime real estate. 

Use the Research tool in YouTube Analytics to find top-searched keywords, and include them in the first few sentences of your description. You can add video chapters to your description to make it easier to find specific sections. Also, link to your website and social channels so viewers can find more related content. Don't forget to add the http:// prefix for all your links to be clickable. 

On a side note, optimizing your channel description will also make finding your channel easier.

4. Tag your YouTube videos with relevant keywords

Adding tags to your videos helps YouTube’s algorithm recognize what the video is about and categorize it correctly. Don't go overboard with this feature—irrelevant tags can negatively affect your ranking. 

Adding tags to your own videos in YouTube Studio is relatively easy, but finding the right tags to get your video seen requires experience and strategic thinking. A freelance YouTube tags specialist can identify relevant tags, create campaigns to target specific audiences and optimize your videos for maximum reach.

5. Add an end screen and cards to your videos

End screens and cards are interactive elements you can add to the end of your videos to encourage viewers to take action. End screens allow you to link to relevant content or websites, while cards create clickable pop-ups during the video. 

When used strategically, these features can be highly effective in driving viewership, engagement, and converting visitors to subscribers. Cards are an actionable way for your audience to opt-in to your offer and subscribe to your channel, while end screens provide a platform for you to direct people to related content. 

An end screen designer can create custom-made end screens and cards optimized for maximum reach and engagement. Tell them to include space for the subscribe clear call-to-action (CTA) so you grow your YouTube subscriber base with every view.

6. Create consistent intros and outros 

There's nothing worse than finding a YouTube channel you love and then realizing that every video takes a different format. Consistent intros and outros distinguish your brand, connect with viewers emotionally, and organize your content. 

Experiment with text, graphics, logos, and music. A professional video editor specializing in crafting intros and outros can design tailor-made intro and outro sequences for your YouTube videos. This will ensure that all of your videos have a consistent look and feel, and make your brand recognizable. 

Most watch YouTube at home during prime time on a horizontally oriented screen, so optimizing videos for that format is important. 

7. Leverage influencers to promote your videos 

Getting reputable influencers involved in your digital marketing strategy is one way to get your content seen. Influencer marketing can be a great way to drive viewership and engagement with your videos if they share your target audience. 

An experienced influencer marketer can identify the perfect partners, create campaigns to reach the right people and measure performance to track success. You can feature influencers in your videos or collaborate with them to create content for their audiences. This allows you to tap into their network and get your content seen by new audiences.

8. Use Paid Promotions to reach more viewers 

Organic reach on YouTube is getting tougher to master, so consider investing in paid YouTube promotions. YouTube ads can boost visibility, drive engagement, and increase conversions. 

Note it's not all about how much money to spend on YouTube ads; it's about creating meaningful campaigns optimized for your unique audience. An expert in video promotion and distribution can develop targeted campaigns focusing on the right metrics and delivering results. With an optimized video promotion strategy, you can reach more viewers and ensure the right people see your videos.

9. Create playlists on your channel 

Playlists organize your videos, keep viewers engaged, and boost watch time. They also help viewers find related content quickly. Each video plays automatically once the previous video finishes, so viewers won't have to click around or search for additional content. 

Group similar videos together and label each playlist accurately (with SEO always top-of-mind) so users can find what they need. Creating playlists keeps viewers on your channel longer, increases watch time and optimizes your channel for better visibility across your content collection.

10. Leverage YouTube Shorts

Shorts are one of the latest features of YouTube and are extremely effective in increasing your reach to over 30 billion views per day. YouTube Shorts are short-form vertical videos that appear on the dedicated "Shorts" shelf on the YouTube homepage, the Shorts tab in the app, and your channel. 

An ideal format for building creative, entertaining content that stands out and drives engagement. YouTube Shorts are typically longer, more in-depth videos than Reels but shorter and more creative than traditional long-form video content. 

YouTube has revealed that:

YouTube has revealed that:

 "Creators uploading both Shorts and longer videos are seeing better overall watch time and subscription growth."

"Creators uploading both Shorts and longer videos are seeing better overall watch time and subscription growth."

So, if you're looking to capitalize on the latest trend and maximize your reach on YouTube, it's time to start creating Shorts. You can create them directly from your smartphone or get a social media video specialist to create share-worthy content.

[Will Smith's Shorts playlist gives viewers a glimpse into his life behind the scenes.]

[Will Smith's Shorts playlist gives viewers a glimpse into his life behind the scenes.]

11. Use captions and create transcripts 

Captions and transcripts make your videos accessible to all viewers. Captions allow deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers to access the content while transcribing your content will enable people to skim through information quickly. 

If people want to access show notes, they can sign up for your newsletter or read the transcript on your website. Closed captions also improve SEO by describing what's being said on screen (i.e., a good opportunity for SEO keyword integration). 

When folks watch your videos at work or without sound, closed captions ensure they don't miss key information and allow them to tune into your channel wherever they are. 

freelance transcriptionist can generate a time-stamped transcript, allowing you to create captions quickly and accurately. If you want to put the entire process on auto-pilot, a professional subtitles and captions freelancer can help. 

12. Share your videos across social media platforms

Repurposing content across different platforms maximizes reach and gets more people to watch your videos. Cross-posting your videos on other social media channels allows you to engage with new audiences while allowing existing viewers to share and comment on their preferred platforms. 

You can create unique content for each platform that links to your YouTube videos. Embedding a YouTube link on other social networks will limit your reach, so it's better to:

  • Repurpose your videos for the specific platform

  • Mention your channel in the content

  • Use the link in your bio to direct users to your YouTube channel

This expands your reach and drives more people to YouTube for additional content. If you feel overwhelmed about linking your content across multiple platforms, consider speaking to a YouTube consultant who can assess your needs and provide professional guidance. 

13. Start exploring interactive video

With the rise of interactive video, your ability to engage viewers is at an all-time high. Advanced features allow viewers to take action within videos, like taking quizzes, responding to polls, and making purchases without leaving the video. 

Adding interactive elements can increase user engagement, boost conversions, and drive sales from your video. YouTube doesn't currently support interactive videos, but Think with Google advises creators to "make experimentation non-negotiable," so it's only a matter of time before official support rolls out. 

Keep up with the latest trends if you're serious about growing your YouTube channel. Also, explore the possibility of adding visual effects to create immersive videos.

14. Post quality content regularly and consistently

It's important to post high-quality and relevant content regularly. The more consistent you are, the more likely viewers will return. Quality content can mean different things depending on the type of videos you create, so keep your audience in mind when developing content. 

Plan by making content calendars and setting goals for posting one longer-form video at least once a week, then repurposing the video for Shorts and Reels on other social media platforms. Decide if you're going to be posting video essays, which are on the rise. If you focus on product reviews, unboxing videos, pure entertainment, or in-depth tutorials are good options. 

Whatever you decide, consistency is key, so post content daily or weekly so your audience knows when to look out for new content. 

15. Create a teaser video 

If you're committed to posting at least once a week, a teaser video can do wonders for creating anticipation. You can use this video to keep subscribers interested in what's coming next and keep them engaged while waiting. It also keeps subscribers updated on your work so they know to expect great content when the main video is released.

Promoted teaser videos are another great way to get new viewers interested in your content by providing a sneak peek. A video ads expert can produce a teaser video that grabs potential viewers' attention. You can also use this teaser as an asset across other social media platforms to entice viewers from there to check out your YouTube channel. 

[BLACKPINK uses a teaser video successfully for their 'How You Like That' ]

[BLACKPINK uses a teaser video successfully for their 'How You Like That' ]

16. Run contests and giveaways

Contests and giveaways help generate buzz and engagement for your YouTube channel. Not only do they engage existing viewers, but they're also effective for getting more subscribers. 

For example, you can offer prizes to subscribers who share your videos, encouraging them to come back for upcoming content. Plan your giveaways around milestones and global holidays. For instance, a 100k followers giveaway, a Christmas contest, or a Q&A giveaway for a follower who engages most on your live streams. 

Ensure you follow YouTube's guidelines so your content complies with their terms of service. This includes making contests free to enter and having a set of "Official Rules.'' Work on a cross-promotion strategy, like working with other content creators or mentioning it on other social media channels like TikTok and LinkedIn (depending on the audience). This will bring in more participants from other channels.

If you need help scripting the rules and writing promo material, a video script writer can help you weave words into gold so you can connect with your audience and inspire them to participate in your contests. 

17. Use email marketing

Email marketing is an excellent tool for growing your YouTube channel, but using it correctly is essential, like only emailing subscribers who opted in. Do this by offering viewers the chance to join an exclusive mailing list when they subscribe or follow your social media accounts. 

Also, send emails at a reasonable frequency and provide useful information, such as exclusive content and new video alerts. Embed your videos in your emails to give viewers a sneak peek of what to expect from your channel. 

Use email analytics tools to track open rates to see your emails' success. An email copywriter can craft effective messages that keep your viewers engaged and returning for more. 

18. Incorporate YouTube videos into your website

Incorporating YouTube videos into your website promotes your channel and increases viewership. Embedding videos on landing pages, blog posts, or product pages can attract and engage your visitors. You can also add a subscribe button so website visitors can easily subscribe. 

Most website builders for SMBs can connect your YouTube feed to your website in a gallery format. You can use a range of plugins to connect your YouTube channel to your site. A freelance web designer can seamlessly integrate YouTube videos into your website and add buttons to encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel.

Niche-specific Reddits are a gold mine for finding trending, relevant topics for your content. Reddit allows you to interact with viewers genuinely interested in the type of content you produce. You can use the upvoting system to see which topics are popular and get ideas for your content. Reddit can also be used to promote videos and drive more viewers to your channel.

You can share videos with relevant subreddits, add a link in the comments section, or even start a discussion thread around the video. When promoting videos, ensure you take the time to add meaningful comments and engage with other viewers positively. This will help build an authentically interested audience, making them more likely to engage with your content. The only caveat is that many Reddit communities don't allow self-promotion, so if you post links to your videos, ensure that you're doing so because it's genuinely relevant and helpful to the audience.

20. Host Live streams

Live streaming gives your audience a more personalized experience. You can stream Q&A sessions, product reviews, tutorials, or exclusive content viewers won't find anywhere else. 

Live streams allow you to interact directly with your viewers in real time and answer their questions about upcoming videos or related topics. YouTube is steadily gaining traction in the live-stream arena. Nielson reports the platform equaled Netflix's July highest record last year and claimed 8% of TV viewing's market share. 

You can live stream using a smartphone, webcam, or encoder (typically used to stream from gaming consoles). The only requirements are having a verified channel and no live-streaming restrictions in the past 90 days.

[Disney XD's YouTube live stream allows viewers to watch their shows in real-time with 11k viewers tuned in to their latest live video]

[Disney XD's YouTube live stream allows viewers to watch their shows in real-time with 11k viewers tuned in to their latest live video]

21. Collaborate for maximized reach

Partnering with another YouTube channel or brand can be a powerful way to get more video views and exposure. Reach out to channels in the same niche as you or complimentary industries. You can co-promote each other's videos, create mashups, collaborate on projects, and share resources. You can add high-quality content to your channel without doing all the work yourself. 

YouTube AdBlitz (a channel that hosts all of the best Super Bowl LVII ads and promotions) is an excellent example of leveraging other creators' content to build a channel. Collaborations can help you gain access to new audiences and experienced creators who can share tips, tricks, and advice. Collabs are different from paid partnerships, which we'll explore next.

22. Participate in YouTube Communities

YouTube Communities are thriving online spaces where YouTube creators share advice, feedback, and support. You'll find an active community of like-minded creators on the popular YouTube Help Community. While the forum is currently closed for updates, it's a great place to get tips from experienced YouTubers and ask questions.

Other popular free forums include:

You can also connect with other creators on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Joining communities is the perfect way to network with potential collaborators and get feedback and advice on your work. 

Don’t forget you can also host your own community on your YouTube channel. This can be an excellent way of engaging your audience and allowing them to get involved in the conversation.

23. Post User Generated Content (UGC) on your channel

They say social proof is the most powerful marketing tool. One of the best ways to showcase your brand's authority and reliability is to feature user-generated content on your page. This includes reviews, messages from fans, and even videos of people watching your videos (video inception!).

Featuring UGC on your page serves as an endorsement for your YouTube channel and gives viewers an authentic way to connect with you. It also helps you better understand which topics resonate with your audience and what videos they enjoy. 

Create your hashtag, and then prompt your viewers to use it when discussing your brand in their videos. You can run hashtag competitions where you reward the most creative videos, create content for reaction videos, or even use UGC from other platforms in a Shorts compilation video. If you don't have UGC to leverage just yet, consider creating customer testimonial videos and case studies to add to a playlist.

[Zoom’s YouTube channel has a playlist dedicated to customer stories where they feature case studies]

[Zoom’s YouTube channel has a playlist dedicated to customer stories where they feature case studies.]

24. Monitor your metrics

Tracking your analytics is critical to any successful YouTube strategy. By understanding which videos perform best and getting the most engagement, you can create more content that resonates with your viewers.

Also, monitor other metrics like: 

  • Watch time

  • Average view duration

  • Number of comments

  • Clicks to playlists/other channels

  • Social media shares

This data helps you refine your content and better understand what works for your channel. You can use YouTube Analytics to get real-time insights into how videos perform, where viewers are coming from, and which demographics enjoy your content the most. 

YouTube Channel Manager can keep your response metrics up and create custom reports for channel performance. 

25. Partner up to monetize your channel

Your YouTube channel is about more than likes, shares, and views. You can monetize it as an additional income stream. That's how YouTubers with over 1 million subscribers can make between $14,600 and $54,600 per month

The platform offers monetization opportunities, including the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). This program allows you to access features, such as revenue sharing from ads on your videos. To become eligible for the YPP, you need to either get the following:

  • 1,000 subscribers with 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months

  • 1,000 subscribers with 10 million valid public Shorts views in the last 90 days

You can also create sponsored videos or partner with brands offering paid partnership opportunities.

Fiverr's Influencer Program allows YouTubers with 5000+ subscribers to gain access to a suite of benefits including Fiverr credits to help create premium-quality content, generous commission rates or a flat rate depending on the partnership plan you choose, and exclusive promo codes for your subscribers.


How to promote YouTube videos strategically 

There are a myriad of ways to make YouTube marketing work for you. Promoting YouTube videos is key, but it’s also important to be strategic in your approach. 

You'll likely become overwhelmed if you try to do it all at once. Start with the basics, such as choosing your niche and brainstorming a basic idea for your channel. Then, reach out to a video marketing specialist who will strategize a way to roll out your content and get it seen by your target audience.

Fiverr's marketplace provides you with a range of video marketing freelancers, from video editors and social media marketing video specialists to influencer marketing experts and Video SEO experts. You get a chat system to talk to freelancers before hiring them, no fixed monthly charges, and a single dashboard to manage your payments, projects, and freelance experts.

Getting expert help to promote your YouTube channel has never been easier. 

Sign up to Fiverr today to see your YouTube channel skyrocket to success!

About Author

Jacqui-Lee Katz Content writer

Jacqui-Lee Katz is a multi-award-winning creative and serial entrepreneur who specializes in building revolutionary brands. She has crafted high-converting content for 2k+ successful brand across the globe and is passionately dedicated to making her client's vision her mission.