15 Outstanding Author Websites Examples and Best Practices for 2024

An author website establishes your presence online and lets you connect with your readers. Check out some of the best author website examples in our blog.

By: Geri Mileva
November 24, 2022
11 minute reading
author websites article - featured image

“Should I have my own website?”

An author website is an asset every author should have, whether you’ve written a slew of books or you’re in the middle of writing your first book. It’s an important aspect of building your professional career and can get you (and your work) in front of your audience.

Let’s explore the reasons why you need to create your own author website and how you can build one. Plus, we’re sharing some of the best author website examples to give you an idea of what you can do for your website. 

15 Author Website Examples to Inspire You

Check out this author website built with Wordpress, created by techgstore, a freelance web designer and builder on Fiverr for authors, bloggers and small businesses.

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Link’s website has a relatively simple and straightforward layout. From the get-go, it focuses on news about her upcoming book, White Cat, Black Dog, and a snippet that gives you a glimpse into what the book is about and what stories you can find in the collection. Her author website also has links to where you can pre-order the book, as well as links (and images) to all her other books. 

You get everything you need to learn more about Kelly and what she’s doing as the site includes her bio, announcements for upcoming events, recent news, and even a widget that lets you see her tweets. Plus, her author website has an “Extras” section where you can access some of her published short stories and nonfiction pieces. When you visit the “Extras” section (or other pages), you’ll still find a link to her upcoming book, as well as links to where you can pre-order them in various formats, including hardcover, eBook, and audiobook.

2. N.K. Jemisin

Jemisin’s minimalist website only uses a few words and elements, but it gets straight to the point. You immediately see the author’s name and the buttons for each relevant page. Plus, it features a short testimonial that does a good job of letting visitors know about Jemisin and her skill as a writer. When you hover on the About button, for example, it shows a drop-down menu that you can use to check out all her awards as well as access a press kit. When you hover your cursor on the Books button, you’ll see another drop-down menu that lists all the author’s published works. 

3. Austin Kleon

Kleon’s author website is clean and easy to navigate. Best of all, you can easily access all the information you need. On just the home page alone, you can get updates from the author in the form of a blog. As of writing, Kleon’s website features news about the Texas Book Festival. You’ll also see snippets from his About the Author section, a clear CTA to subscribe to his newsletter, and links to his other social media channels. You can also see some of his published works on the left side of the page. 

4. Joan Didion

Joan Didion’s author website is another example of a minimalist website done right. On her home page, you can immediately learn about her and the topics she has written about. You can also read excerpts from some of her works, as it has a dedicated section for them. It also has a section for a memorial service with an embedded video that lets you watch the stream, as well as a section that invites visitors to watch a documentary about her, The Center Will Not Hold, which is directed by her nephew. 

A large part of the author website features her books, from biographies and memoirs to her collected essays. Each book features a cover, and when you click on any book cover, you’ll be redirected to a new page where you can learn more about the book and find links to where you can purchase a copy. 

Lastly, Didion’s author website acts like an online chronicle of her life. It has an archive where you can see some of her old photos, files, and notes, and when you click on each photo, you’ll see a brief description. One neat feature of this section is that the photos are shareable on social media.

5. Malcolm Gladwell

When you visit Malcolm Gladwell’s author website, you’ll immediately see a banner promoting his new book, The Bomber Mafia. Below that, you’ll see clear CTAs and links to where you can purchase a copy. 

The website, overall, is clean and also easy to navigate. You’ll get to read about Gladwell, learn more about all his other works and endeavors, and see his accolades. Exploring the author website further, you’ll see images of Gladwell’s other published books. Clicking on each book cover will take you to a page that contains the book’s description, additional information about the book, such as when it was published, its genre, page count, and links where you can buy the book (in different formats). 

It also has a dedicated section for upcoming events, plus a clear CTA inviting visitors to sign up for the Little Brown mailing list. 

6. Anthony Horowitz

Screenshot: https://anthonyhorowitz.com/

Horowitz’s website makes great use of color and uses it to direct visitors on where to look. For instance, the navigational tabs are set in orange, while his popular titles are set against an orange background, which essentially serves to highlight them. What’s more, when you click on each book, you’ll be redirected to an Amazon page where you can read about the book and purchase it.

One of the first things you’ll notice when you get to Horowitz’s website is that it summarizes who the author is, what books he’s written, and his other ventures. It also has a dedicated section for news about the author or upcoming events. The website is also clean and easy to navigate. As you scroll down further, you’ll see the author’s Twitter handle displayed prominently, making it easier for his audience to follow and interact with him on that particular platform. 

7. Leigh Bardugo

Screenshot: https://www.leighbardugo.com/

Bardugo’s website does a great job of featuring some of her works through a carousel slider. Each slide offers some information about her works, including a button, which doubles as a clear CTA, that redirects visitors to a page where they can learn more about and buy that particular title.

On the top left corner, you can easily find the navigational buttons, which include a helpful section that helps first-time readers find which book they can start with (Reading Order tab). Aside from the website highlighting the author’s works, it also has a dedicated section for Bardugo’s newsletter opt-in form, which makes it more convenient for readers to subscribe and stay updated on the latest news, tours, and giveaways.

The site’s Author Bio page also gives visitors a snippet of who Bardugo is, what she’s written, where some of her works have been published, and which social media platforms you can follow her. 

8. Julie Orringer

Screenshot: https://julieorringer.com/

Julie Orringer’s website is simple, clean, and easy to navigate. Its homepage features her latest book, where you can purchase it, and a button that redirects you to a dedicated page where you can learn more about the book. On the said page, you can choose to read an excerpt, as well as view documents and check out images related to the book. The page also lets visitors see what others are saying about the book. 

The bottom part of Orringer’s website features two social media icons. Clicking on them will take you directly to her Twitter and Instagram accounts. The site also has a dedicated Contact page that features her agents’ contact details. When you click on the “Books” tab, you’ll see a drop-down menu featuring her works. Clicking on each title will take you to a dedicated page where you can find more information about the book, as well as where you can purchase a copy.

9. Gillian Flynn

Screenshot: https://gillian-flynn.com/

When you visit Flynn’s website, you’ll be immediately greeted by a space featuring one of her most famous works, Gone Girl. However, it’s not just a standard version of the book but its 10th Anniversary Edition. On the site’s homepage, you can also find a “Buy Now” button, which, when clicked, will show you where you can purchase that particular title. Aside from sharing the book’s synopsis, it also features some of the awards and recognitions for Gone Girl, as well as selected reviews of the book.

Scrolling further down the website, you’ll find some of Flynn’s other works, including Sharp Objects and The Grownup. Under each book is a short passage that gives you a quick look at what it’s all about, as well as links where you can purchase it. Flynn’s website is one clean spread with dedicated sections for her author bio, email opt-in form, other writing, news, and contact details.

10. Meg Medina

Screenshot: https://megmedina.com/

Medina’s website is vibrant and playful, which helps her stay on brand. Medina, after all, is an award-winning author who writes picture books and fiction for middle-grade students and young adults. Her homepage does a good job of letting visitors know who she is, what she does, and what her social media pages are. 

Aside from having a dedicated page for her newsletter, one of the things you’ll notice when visiting Medina’s site for the first time is that you’ll be greeted by a pop-up for her mailing list.

On the site’s navigation bar, you can find the About tab. Clicking on it, you’ll see a drop-down menu that lets you learn more about Medina, check out some FAQs, and even view a press kit. One of the site’s more unique features is that it has some pages that you can read in Spanish. For instance, by clicking on the FAQs button, you’ll be redirected to a FAQs page that you can read in Spanish.

11. Hannah Kent

hannah kent author website

Screenshot: http://hannahkentauthor.com/

Australian Author Hannah Kent’s website is simple, clean, and easy to navigate. Right off the bat, you’ll immediately see two CTA buttons that will redirect you to a website where you can purchase her latest book, Devotion, in either the UK or Australia. Aside from featuring her latest book, her website also showcases some of the author’s earlier works, along with a synopsis and a CTA button for each one.

The icons for her socials, which can be seen below her picture and on her site’s footer, follow the website’s simple and clean look. The site’s navigation menu also has a very clean look to it, and when you hover your cursor on either the “Books” or “Film” tab, you’ll see a dropdown menu that immediately shows you all her works in books and film. 

12. Stephen King

Screenshot: https://stephenking.com/

For someone who’s famous for writing tales of macabre, sci-fi, suspense, and everything in between, you might think that Stephen King’s website is going to be something dark and foreboding. However, the King of Horror’s website is actually really neat, informative, and well-organized. Plus, it’s updated! Visitors can see the “Latest News” section when they scroll further down the website. The site’s navigational bar is presented in a bold yet clean manner and when you hover your cursor on each tab, you’ll get a nice orange splash that serves to highlight the tab.

Visiting the website, you’ll see a carousel slider featuring some of King’s latest and upcoming works. When you scroll down, you’ll see a section dedicated to New Releases, which covers novels, short stories, and movies. You’ll also see a form for the newsletter signup at the bottom of the page. 

13. Margaret Atwood

Screenshot: https://margaretatwood.ca/

Margaret Atwood’s website has a very retro feel to it, but despite looking “dated,” the website is still very much up-to-date and even features her latest works in a carousel slider. The navigation bar is simple and clean. When you hover your cursor, it shows a dropdown menu for each section. Further down the page, you’ll see a section dedicated to upcoming events and another section called “What’s on my Desk,” which gives Atwood’s website a personal touch. At the end of the page, you’ll also see the author’s icons for her socials, as well as some snippets of what people are saying about her works. Atwood is an environmental activist and her website also highlights several green orgs, including Pelee Island Bird Observatory (PIBO) and Canopy.

14. Roald Dahl

Screenshot: https://roalddahl.com/

Roald Dahl, best known for children’s books like Matilda, The Witches, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, has a website that’s fun, colorful, and well-organized. When you explore the website, you’ll see dedicated sections for Dahl’s stories and other related content. There’s also a section featuring the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre. One of the things that makes Dahl’s website unique is that, on the navigational bar, you can find a tab dedicated to Teacher Resources. When clicked, it will take visitors to a dedicated page loaded with free downloadable resources for educators. 

15. Neil Gaiman

Screenshot: https://www.neilgaiman.com/

Neil Gaiman’s website is simple and straightforward. Upon visiting the site, you’ll immediately see updates and the author’s latest work, as well as journal entries that give the website a personal touch. The navigation bar adds a bit of fun to Gaiman’s website, with labels like “Where’s Neil,” which redirects visitors to upcoming events, and “Cool Stuff & Things,” which takes fans and visitors alike to a page dedicated to, well, cool stuff and things like audio clips, short stories that you can read online, book excerpts, and interviews. 

Why Do You Need an Author Website?

Here are some key reasons why you need an author website:

Your Author Website Helps Readers Discover You

An author website is a valuable promotion tool for your writings because it helps readers discover you and your works. Without it, it can be challenging to let your audience know that you exist and that you’re writing great stuff. Use it to announce or promote book launches or other related events, pre-order schedules, and even fundraisers. 

It Adds Credibility

It enhances your credibility and lets you share valuable information with your audience. It lets you talk about yourself, your craft, what you’re working on, your achievements, or what you’ve already published, as well as your contact information. Plus, it can be an avenue for you to tell your story, such as how you got started or why you got into writing, allowing your audience to get to know you better.

It Lets You Talk About Your Book

It lets you talk about your book and share exciting details about it, which helps drum up interest and excitement for your work. For example, you can write a blog that gives readers a behind-the-scenes look at how you wrote the book. You can include deleted chapters or talk about how you did the research for your material. 

Your Author Website Connects You With Your Readers

Your author website lets you engage with your readers. It’s where they go to learn more about you and your work. Plus, you can further engage them by adding exclusive features, such as a section that houses some of your work that they could read for free. You can also use your website to offer exclusives to your readers, such as a contest, a preview of the first few chapters, or some book-related freebies like themed bookmarks. 

It also helps you build stronger relationships with your readers and create an engaged community. You can use your author website to build a mailing list and send them newsletters so they can get updates about re-order schedules, for instance. You can also use it to interact with them by replying to their comments, answering their queries, or giving them gifts like free access to your previously published short stories or a sneak peek into your next work. 

You can also use your website to link to all your other channels, such as your social media pages, so you’re making it easier for your audience to check out your other platforms and follow you there. 

You Can Use Your Author Website for Sales

Whether you’re pre-selling copies of your book or you want to market all your other works, your website can help readers find and buy your book. You can include links to channels like online booksellers or marketplaces or places like physical bookstores where users can purchase your book. 

Tips to Create a Winning Author Website 

Choose a platform for your website

Nowadays, authors have plenty of options when it comes to choosing the right website builder. Wordpress.com is the most popular and recommended platform since it is well-suited for blogging and content-based websites. Setting up a proper Wordpress website does require some technical skills and maintenance. You can always use a Wordpress developer to help you with development, management and consulting.

Wix is another recommended platform for authors since it does not require much technical knowledge. However, it is still recommended to use website design services to make sure your website looks visually appealing to viewers.

Make sure your website include the following:

  • A section dedicated to your published works. If you’re writing short stories, this can be a bullet list of your published works that include when and where these pieces have been published. If you’re writing books, you can include pictures of the book covers plus a short description of each book. Fiverr can help connect you with skilled designers and writers who can design your book covers and write blurbs for your books. 

  • A clear CTA inviting visitors to sign up for your mailing list. Aside from letting you build your mailing list, this is also a great way to stay in touch with your readers and give them the latest updates. 

  • Keep things short. On average, 94% of readers want a short reading time, approximately under six minutes, which means that if you’re creating content for your website, each post should be approximately 1,600 words.

  • Incorporate your brand. You can add a tagline or short description that lets visitors know about what kind of writing you do. 

  • Try to keep things simple. You may want to consider building an author website that’s easy to navigate. This way, your visitors can easily access all the information they need, whether it’s links to where they can buy your book or a button that leads them to your author bio

About Author

Geri Mileva Content Strategist

A prolific and versatile writer, I have built a colorful portfolio that includes hundreds of published pieces reaching a wide variety of audiences. I like telling stories. I believe that a good story delivers value while capturing, influencing, and sustaining its intended audience. This has always been, and always will be, my primary aim as a writer.