How to Plan a Successful Book Launch in 2024: 10 Steps

Get your self-published book on bestseller lists by hitting the charts on release. Here’s a quick guide to a successful book launch for self-publishers.

By: Geri Mileva
November 17, 2022
11 minute reading
book launch

Still thinking about whether it’s the right time for a book launch? Well, book sales in the past two years will have you going straight to the drawing board and getting all gears ready to launch your self-published book.

With over 750 million units sold, 2020 became the bestselling year for U.S. print books in the last decade. While some genres saw a slight dip in sales since then, some genres continue to rise. The business and economic categories, in particular, reached a 10-year-high in April 2022 with a 10 percent sales growth year on year and a CAGR of 4 percent. So now is the time to get your talent noticed. After writing and publishing your own book, get it noticed and read through an extraordinary book launch.

Why Do a Book Launch?

Traditionally, a publishing company takes charge of a book launch and sets the specific period for each release. But if you’re self-publishing, this daunting task falls on your shoulders. You may want to avoid holding one due to the time, effort, and money it entails, but there are several reasons you may want to take on the challenge and host a launch.

For one, a book launch gets the word out about your book. If you’re a new author, you’d need to create as much buzz as possible to get people to notice a new book with no sales history. Moreover, a launch opens opportunities for publicity on social media, with the local press, among book groups, and within your community. It also presents opportunities for you to meet readers and form a connection with them. Then, there’s also the potential of gaining momentum in the sales charts and landing on bestseller lists.

While holding a book launch with limited resources is indeed challenging, you stand to reap rewards that can pave the way to your success as an author.

Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Book Launch

A book launch is part of a broader marketing strategy, so we’re including steps you need to take before, during, and after your launch event.

A book launch flyer designed by ladydesignez // Contact the Seller

1. Set a target audience

You should already have your specific target audience set before writing your book. The same audience is who you’d want to focus on when planning your launch. Who are they? Where are they from? What are their needs, interests, and hobbies? What do they do? 

Once you have a well-defined target audience, research their significant interests. Find out the trends in their niche and what influences their purchasing decisions. Consider demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors to determine which type of event or activity would resonate with them.

2. Set a goal for your book launch

Success is subjective. To know whether your book launch was a success, you need to set a concrete goal. What’s your definition of success? What do you want to achieve during your launch? Are there specific numbers you want to reach in terms of engagement or sales? Set target KPIs before your launch to help determine your success. Use insights to do better on future book launches.

3. Define a budget and stick to it

Most self-publishers have a limited budget for events and promotions, but limitless creativity can make a book launch successful despite budget constraints. You don’t need to spend a fortune. Make do with what you can afford and maximize it.

Your budget will determine how big or small your launch is and what type of marketing campaigns you can run. Prioritize and allocate funds accordingly. Will you be able to book a posh venue? Do you have enough for a video production team? Is there a publicist who can work with your budget? Can you afford paid ads?

If your budget is not enough for venue rental, opt for a virtual book launch instead. Seek opportunities for partnerships with bloggers and influencers. Leverage your social media accounts and do your own marketing legwork.

4. Design a book launch landing page

Have a landing page dedicated to everything about your book launch. Design the landing page with your book fundamentals in mind. Use similar images and graphic elements as your book cover. Include quotes from your book and incorporate relevant keywords in your copy. Consider also your target audience and make it easy for them to find the information they need.

If you’ll be offering pre-orders, add links that lead visitors to the order form. You can also add links to pre-launch campaign activities, your social media pages, and other sites that can give value to your audience.

A book landing page designed by do_your_thing // Contact the seller

5. Do a pre-launch campaign

Drive interest in your book weeks before the launch. Offer pre-launch contests or giveaways, host a competition, and award winners with a free copy of the book. Include potentially viral content in your pre-launch campaign to create hype for the launch.

If possible, take pre-orders with time-sensitive offers. Bundle your new book with bonus materials that complement it. Incentives for pre-orders may include a bonus chapter, an exclusive template, a reader’s guide, or a supplementary eBook. Make sure to indicate the monetary value of the add-ons to increase the perceived value of the pre-order bundle.

6. Run a well-designed email campaign

In 2021, 77 percent of marketers saw an increase in email engagement over the previous year. This shows that email marketing is still effective. For self-publishers, it also provides a more affordable way to engage readers.

For your book launch, prepare a series of emails to build excitement as the event nears. Start with an introduction of yourself and your book to pique curiosity. Then promote pre-launch activities and encourage readers to take advantage of the incentives. A couple of days before the launch, send email blasts inviting them to join the event.

Keep in mind, though, that sending too many emails may annoy the recipients. Schedule your emails at intervals that keep the interest high without spamming readers.

7. Book your venue or choose a streaming platform

Before you set a date for your launch, you’ll need to book your venue first. The most typical ones are the local bookstore or the library, but you can opt for other venues as well. If you can, book a venue that’s related to your book. For virtual launches, choose a platform for streaming your launch. Stream for free on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and other similar platforms. If you have the resources, leverage virtual reality platforms and hold your launch on the Metaverse.

8. Promote on as many channels as possible

If your target audience is in your local area, put up posters around the community to raise awareness. Reach out to traditional media outlets to gain more clout. Go beyond traditional marketing channels to be where your audience is. Post on your social media accounts and interact with readers online. Head to Fiverr and engage with an established community in your niche. Have all your posts visible to the public to reach social media users beyond your own network.

9. Make the event memorable and meaningful

Your book launch is a mix of promoting your book and celebrating your literary achievement. It is both a chance to engage with readers and a reward for a job well done. So, make the event memorable and meaningful for yourself and your audience.

A book launch can be a private or public event. If you want a private event, invite those who have been instrumental in publishing your book. You may also send exclusive invites to those who pre-order your book or join your pre-launch activities. To engage with more audience, you may want to opt for a public event. Hold a short talk and a book signing. Invite other authors or influencers in your niche to join the discussion.

10. Sustain interest in your book over time

Your book launch is important but equally important is marketing your book long after its release. Real sales often happen over time, and it can take a while to reach your first million in sales. You’ll need to sustain interest in your book long-term.

Articles, blog posts, and interviews about your book launch stay online for a long time, so make sure to get news released after your event. Do podcasts and accept speaking engagements. Look for possible media appearances and live events you can join. These help keep you and your book fresh in the minds of readers and reach new audiences.

Tips for your Book Launch

From writing & editing, through design & promotion, take your vision from concept to bestseller with the help of freelance talent on Fiverr.

Publish your book

1. Stay up to date with trends

Stay up to date with news and trends regarding your topic or genre. Check what other authors, bloggers, and influencers are talking about to understand the event scene in your niche. You can get ideas from your competitors but tweak them to make them your own. Copying won’t make you stand out, so you need to differentiate your launch from theirs.

2. Build relationships with people in your niche

You’ll need the support of people in your niche to achieve success as an author. Build relationships with other authors and influencers. Follow their social media accounts. Comment, tweet, and interact with them to establish rapport. Over time, you’ll be more likely to get a guest blog spot or podcast interview with them.

3. Prepare your marketing materials ahead of time

You’ll need ample rest several days before your book launch, so you’d want to prepare your marketing materials ahead of time. Have promotional images and social media copies ready beforehand. Include guest articles you can have posted on blogs, influencer sites, or traditional media in your marketing materials.

4. Hire a professional photographer

Hiring a professional photographer is an added expense, but you can consider it an investment. Get as many photographs taken during your book launch and use them for future marketing materials. Use them on your website, landing pages, and media kit. 

5. Show your appreciation to those who helped with the launch

While you may have done most of the legwork, your book launch would not have been a success without the help of other people. Make sure to thank everyone involved in the process. Thank your readers as well. Showing appreciation fosters lasting relationships.

Launch your way to literary success

Launching your self-published book is a daunting task, but the rewards will definitely pay off long term. Your effort will be worthwhile as you see more readers eagerly looking forward to your next book. Get out there and win the hearts of the readers. Make noise about your book and launch your way to literary success.

About Author

Geri Mileva Content Strategist

A prolific and versatile writer, I have built a colorful portfolio that includes hundreds of published pieces reaching a wide variety of audiences. I like telling stories. I believe that a good story delivers value while capturing, influencing, and sustaining its intended audience. This has always been, and always will be, my primary aim as a writer.