UX Writing

Guide your users through your product with clear, accessible UX writing and microcopy


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UX Writing FAQs

  • What is the definition of UX?

    To define UX, a good starting point is that UX stands for user experience. UX encompasses everything a person experiences when interacting with something, such as a product, service, or website. UX is not the same as UI (user interface), though the user interface is one aspect of the user experience. UX is also different from usability, which is about easy and pleasant a system is to learn and use. Both usability and UI contribute to a good user experience

  • Why is UX writing important?

    UX writing is important because without it, it would be harder for users to know how to interact with products, services, websites, and apps efficiently and effectively. UX writing helps guide users to what they can do with products, services, and apps. It also helps break down particular aspects of those items. When text guides you as to what you should enter in a form field, or how to use a search box, that is an example of UX writing.

  • What are the most important technical skills for a UX writer?

    The ability to write clearly and concisely is one of the most important technical skills for a UX writer. Skill with writing microcopy, such as on-screen instructions, is particularly useful. In addition, it helps to be comfortable working with design teams, as UX design is a collaborative process. It's essential for UX writers to truly understand what task the copy is helping users to achieve. To do that, UX writers must be able to put themselves in users' shoes.

  • What is the difference between a UX writer and a content strategist?

    Here's one key difference between a UX writer and a content strategist. The content strategist plans a company's overall strategy for communicating with customers and potential customers on different channels, such as social media or email marketing. This may affect UX writing, for example in areas like brand voice. In contrast, while UX writers have to be aware of content strategy, their work is focused on the microcopy that helps users get the most out of products, services, and apps.

  • What's the difference between UX writing and copywriting?

    Some people see UX writing as a type of copywriting. However, the difference between UX writing and copywriting is that each type of writing has a different purpose. UX writing focuses mainly on microcopy which helps people use products, services and apps efficiently. For example, this could include instructions within a search box on a website. It's about user experience. In contrast, copywriting is about promotion via writing longer copy such as landing pages, blog posts, and social media posts.

  • What are the 5 Cs of UX writing?

    According to UX Planet, the 5 Cs of UX writing are: 1. Clear - giving users the explicit information they need when they need it. 2. Concise - short and sweet, with only necessary information. 3. Constructive - providing the right help at the right time. 4. Conversational - written like a human is talking to another human. 5. Consistent - matching the brand voice. These principles help UX writers create helpful microcopy to help users achieve their goals when using products, services, and apps.