Sales Copy

Get a persuasive sales copy that makes you sell more by turning doubters into buyers


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Sales Copy FAQs

  • What is sales copy?

    Sales copy is persuasive writing. It’s designed to tell people about a product or service and make them want to buy it. You can find sales copy on websites, landing pages, product pages, and in emails. Offline, sales copy appears in brochures and flyers. The purpose of sales copy is to promote and sell. The best sales copywriters can help businesses earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. That’s why it makes sense to get your sales copy professionally written

  • What makes sales copy great?

    One secret of good sales copy is to write copy that reaches your target audience. Whether your copy is a sales letter or a sales page, or you’re sending it to your email list, effective sales copy is persuasive. Good copy includes compelling headlines and sub-heads, and bullet points to give your audience what they need. Great sales copy also appeals to the emotions, tapping into your audience’s desires to make them want to buy your product or service.

  • What are the main principles of writing good sales copy?

    A key principle of writing good sales copy is the same as for content marketing, blog posts, or social media marketing: know your audience. Once you know who you’re writing for, you can create compelling copy that meets their needs and wins business. The best sales copy appeals to emotions, and uses persuasive language. Persuasive sales copy helps readers imagine using your product, eliminates their objections, and makes it a no-brainer for them to buy your products or services.

  • What's the secret of high-impact sales copy?

    Many believe the secret to high impact sales copy is appealing to readers’ imagination. Many sales letters identify the problem readers face in the headline, then help them to imagine how the product offers the solution. Unlike a product description, sales copy is persuasive. It highlights benefits and minimizes risks to give people an incentive to buy. When you put yourself in the readers’ shoes, and show how they can solve their problems, then your copy has the desired effect.

  • What are the differences between writing a sales letter vs a sales email?

    Both sales letters and sales emails encourage readers to buy. They both use compelling headlines and persuasive copy to make readers want to take the next step. And they’ll both include a call to action so readers know exactly what to do next. One of the main differences is in length. Most emails are short, often less than 300 words. Most sales pages, even short ones, are longer than that. In fact, research shows that long sales pages work well.

  • What are the qualities of a good sales copywriter?

    Good sales copywriters have to be extremely creative. Ideally, they’ll be adept at picking out the right words, phrases, and sentences to encourage people who read their copy to click on the call to action, and buy. Research is also a key skill for sales copywriters, as they need to understand the different industries they’re writing for, and what’s important to the audience for each industry. Good copywriters aren’t afraid to take constructive criticism, and are always improving their skills.