Intro & Outro Videos

Engage your audience before and after they watch your videos with custom intros and outros.


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Intro & Outro Videos FAQs

  • What is an intro and outro for a video?

    An intro is the introduction of a video. It includes the visuals and the soundtrack that mark the beginning of the video. Similarly, an outro is the content that marks the end of a video. An outro usually includes a concluding soundtrack and closing visuals with a call to action at the end for brands.

  • How to make a compelling intro video?

    A fantastic video intro is short and introduces your brand in style. It includes vivid visuals and a unique soundtrack. A great intro comes after the hook, which is your promise of what the video will deliver. Hire a Fiverr specialist to create a customized intro for you.

  • What are some key features in a compelling outro?

    A great outro should be concise and provide the audience with an action to perform. Typically, it is a single, strong call to action (CTA), giving the viewers an incentive to take action. The CTA could be anything from asking for a like or subscribe to an email opt-in or even a sale.

  • How long should an intro and outro be?

    Both your intro and outro should be short and concise. They should be as long as needed, not too long or too short. An ideal intro length is anywhere between 3-7 seconds, while an outro can be a tad bit longer, about 10-15 seconds. This gives your audience time to act on the CTA you've given them.

  • Why should I make a custom video intro?

    Custom video intros are essential, so your audience knows exactly how you are and what your brand represents right from the get-go. It's your one chance to make a great first impression! A great custom intro will set your video apart from the thousands of videos being promoted alongside yours.

  • How do intros help market my business?

    Video intros help your brand become recognizable and unique, complementing your company's marketing strategies by adding a cohesive look and feel. Your audience should immediately recognize it as part of your overall brand - not only marketing that specific video but your entire business.