Playlists and Placements

Place your music in playlists, TV shows, and radio shows.


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Playlists and Placements FAQs

  • What is a Music Playlist Placement service?

    A music playlist placement service is a specialized service for independent or emerging artists looking to get their music placed on popular streaming platform playlists like Spotify, Apple Music, or Deezer. This service helps in pitching tracks for placement on playlists of specific genres and target audience preferences. When availing of this service, a playlist curator reviews your song materials and places them on appropriate playlists to maximize their visibility. Getting music playlist placement services on Fiverr can increase the chances of success of your outreach campaign, especially since cold pitching can be tedious.

  • How can Music Playlist Placement help my music career?

    With millions of tracks being released every week, it can be challenging to get your music noticed by listeners. Traditional promotion methods like press releases and blog releases are no longer as effective in reaching audiences. This is where music playlist placement comes in. Securing a place in the right playlist increases your exposure and visibility to a broader audience, resulting in more streams, followers, and fans. Being featured on popular playlists can also establish credibility and legitimacy for your music. It may even lead to your being discovered by industry professionals.

  • How does the playlist placement process work?

    The playlist placement process involves submitting your music directly to music platforms or pitching it to independent curators. With a music playlist placement service, you get help and guidance from people who are well-experienced in getting songs included in the best and most popular playlists. While each service has its own workflow for playlist placement, the process generally follows these basic steps: - The music you submitted is evaluated, and relevant playlists for its music genre or style are identified. - Your music is pitched to playlist curators who can place it on playlists your target audience listens to. - Promotional campaigns are created and shared in various networks. - Reports are generated to give you in-depth details on the playlist name, placement duration, and number of streams.

  • Can I choose the specific playlists I want my music to be placed on?

    While some music playlist placement services allow you to choose the specific playlists you want your music to be placed on, placement is not always guaranteed. Moreover, it is important to note that not all services offer this option, nor do some platforms allow such placement activities. Some services use expertise and industry connections to identify and pitch your music to relevant playlists. If having control over which playlists your music is placed on is important to you, it's important to research and choose a reputable and transparent service such as those on Fiverr. Look for those that offer clear communication and provide the option to select specific playlists.

  • What is the difference between Music Playlist Placement and Music Promotion?

    While both music playlist placement and music promotion aim to increase an artist’s visibility and reach, they have different scopes. Music promotion encompasses a broader set of strategies, including social media marketing, press releases, radio play, live performances, and more. On the other hand, music playlist placement is focused on getting an artist's tracks featured on popular playlists on streaming platforms like Spotify. Both strategies help increase exposure to a broader audience and potentially result in more streams, followers, and fans. Aligned with each other, both services can effectively promote your music career.

  • How do I ensure that the playlists where my music is placed are genuine and not fake?

    To ensure that the playlists where your music is placed are genuine and not fake, get expert help from music playlist placement services. Often, these service providers already have established relationships with legitimate playlist curators. You can also look for some key indicators, such as: - Check the number of streams and saves compared to the number of followers. Streams must be greater than the follower count. - Investigate the profile of the playlist curator. Look for suspicious followers and a lack of information. - Check if the playlist name and description align with your music's genre and mood. - Evaluate the visual design and look for specific genre-related artwork covers. Avoid those with unappealing ones or random designs. - Look for playlist curators with a reasonable number of followers in their playlists and avoid those who offer paid playlist placement or music promotion services.