Podcast Production

Take your podcast to the next level with expert podcast producers and editors.


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Podcast Production FAQs

  • What services will be provided by freelancers doing Podcast Editing?

    When you want to use a freelancer on Fiverr for your podcast, you can expect the gig to include services such as audio editing, mixing and mastering, background noise and pause reduction and removal, music placement, advanced audio clean-up (e.g. filler words, clicks, cracks, pops, stutters, heavy breathing, echo or others), removing mistakes, adding an intro/outro or ads from sponsors, adding ID3 tags etc. Your podcast will sound more professional and have a great flow to it.

  • What criteria do I use to find the best podcast editor for the job?

    Price and delivery time are two of the main criteria that most buyers use when ordering a podcast editing gig. However, it’s also important to always note what’s included in the gig, as you might be missing important extras if you go for the lowest price or fastest delivery. Your podcast and requirements are unique so it’s also a good idea to request a custom order by direct messaging the seller with questions.

  • What are the benefits of placing regular orders?

    If you are a good fit with a freelancer, it makes sense to hire him/her on a regular basis. Many freelancers offer up to 20% discount on subscriptions or you can go with a bigger order that can be delivered in milestones. The great thing about this, apart from the discount, is that you can build rapport with the seller and have a consistent style and tone of voice across your podcasts, which might not be possible while working with different professionals.

  • What do I need to prepare before the editor can start work on my podcast?

    You need to provide the original audio file (most commonly MP3 format) of your recording via a file sharing service such as Google Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer or others, as you probably won’t be able to share it on Fiverr due to size limitations. Always give detailed instructions if you require anything different than what’s included in the gig and make sure you’ve agreed on the extras so the seller can reflect it in the price.

  • Can I find a freelancer to edit my podcast in 24 hours?

    Yes, absolutely. There are so many sellers available around the globe and around the clock on Fiverr that you’ll always be able to find someone to do fast delivery. Most of them have it as an extra in their gig description, or if you are working with someone for the first time (or even on a regular basis) ensure you specify that you need the work done extra fast in 24 hours or even less time.

  • What can I expect to receive when my podcast is delivered by a freelancer?

    The freelancer will deliver the final edited, mixed and mastered version of your podcast as an audio (or video - depending on your order) file, usually an MP3 (or WAV) over a pre-agreed file sharing service due to size. If you’ve also asked for some additional advice on how to record podcasts in the future or your recording style, this will be delivered as a text file, over chat or via zoom call directly in Fiverr.