How Much Do Ghostwriting Services Cost?

Ghostwriting rates range between $0.10 to $0.70 per word or $49 to $84 per hour. Learn the factors that determine the costs and how to hire the best ghostwriter for your next project.

By: Tanaaz Khan
March 4, 2024
8 minute reading

You either have a great idea for a book or need to get some content written for your business. In either case, a ghostwriter is an excellent choice to help you put your ideas to paper.

If you're considering hiring one, the first question that pops to mind is how much it costs to hire a ghostwriter.

In short: it costs around $0.1 to $0.7 per word or $49 to $84 per hour to hire ghostwriters in 2024.

Many factors can add or detract from the final cost. And if this is your first time, it can be hard to avoid the sticker shock.

In this article, we'll break down what goes into the pricing process so you can be prepared before you hire your first ghostwriter.

How much do ghostwriters charge these days?

The cost of professional ghostwriting services vary based on three aspects:

  • Niche and industry

  • Pricing model

  • Type of writing

Let's look at what the typical costs are under these categories.

Based on niche and industry

If you're writing a children's novel, it'll cost far less than a business ebook on a niche topic. Plus, the industry also dictates how much a writer charges.

For example, a recipe book could cost you less than $200. However, a STEM book based on existing materials could cost $15,000 because of the expertise involved.

Typically, top-tier ghostwriters charge between $5,000 and $40,000 for a 30,000-word book.

Based on the pricing model

We've reviewed data from the Editorial Freelancer's Association and adjusted the prices for inflation.

Here are the most used pricing models for ghostwriting:

  • Per-word pricing: $0.1 to $0.7 per word

  • Per-hour pricing: $49 to $84 per hour

  • Project-based pricing: $3,000 to $21,000 for a 30,000-word book (flat fee)

Some writers split the costs into monthly payments or milestone payments like:

  • Outline

  • Quarter of the book

  • First draft of the entire book

  • Final draft of the whole book

Based on the type of writing

Ghostwriting covers a range of writing types. Some of them include the following:

  • Memoirs

  • Autobiographies

  • Business books (marketing):

    • Ebooks

    • Whitepapers

    • Case studies

    • Customer stories

  • Fiction novels

    • Science fiction

    • Fantasy

    • Romance

    • Thriller

    • Horror

    • Children's stories

  • Non-fiction books

    • STEM

    • Law

    • Medicine

    • Economics

    • Psychology

For example, an ebook costs far less than a research report because of the level of work involved.

The former may require interviews and secondary research, but the latter requires data analysis and storytelling skills. That's why reports cost more than the average marketing collateral.

Find ghostwriters who offer ebook ghostwriting services on Fiverr.

Which factors influence how much a ghostwriter charges?

Here are the most common factors that impact the final cost of the ghostwriting service.

1. Length of the book

Your book's length is the primary factor driving up the cost of ghostwriting. Generally speaking, the longer the book, the higher the price.

Usually, longer books take time to research, write, and edit because many elements need to work together. Also, the word count is a straightforward metric writers use to price their ghostwritten books.

For example, a 20,000-word novella will cost much less than an 80,000-word non-fiction book. If your writer uses a per-word or per-project model, it'll be easier for you, since you'll know the final cost.

2. Level of research and involvement

There are a few elements you need to account for in the book writing process:

  • Number of sources required

  • Number of interviews required

  • Original reporting (with travel)

  • Number of one-on-one syncs

  • Timeline of the book project

  • Writing in first-person

The cost can be significantly high if you require more involvement in the form of any of these elements listed above.

For example, if you want a memoir written, you must work with the writer to get your thoughts down. This process requires interviews and syncs to shape the draft.

It won't be possible for the writer to work with too many clients now, so they'll have to price the ghostwriting project accordingly.

But a short fiction story requires minimal one-on-one work and drives the cost down since it's not labor-intensive.

3. Type of writing

If you need a technical manual from an engineering expert, be prepared to pay on the higher spectrum of the price range. But the cost is much lower if you need a short blog post on a simple topic.

The overall cost increases because your ghostwriter will require specialized knowledge for a technical manual.

Also, the intended audience and purpose of the writing affect the cost. This includes writing for commercial publication, professional branding, or academic purposes.

4. Number of revisions

Usually, ghostwriters include one round of revision if they have years of experience. Junior writers tend to offer a maximum of three revision rounds.

If you need additional rounds of edits, expect to pay extra. Extra fees are billed hourly, but some writers have a fixed price for certain edits, like editing common errors or formatting them.

To avoid a higher number of revisions, set clear expectations and clarify how many rounds are included before the project.

5. Writer’s experience

Many fiction writers have advanced degrees in Writing, Communications, or Literature. In addition, they command higher fees if they have a track record of working with bigger publications.

Experienced ghostwriters bring professionalism and quality assurance to justify their higher rates. Their writing skills will also be of better quality.

They might also offer additional insights into the traditional publishing process or industry, which is worth the cost.

If you have a complex project, hire a professional writer with years of experience. For less labor-intensive projects, find a less-experienced writer within the right budget.

6. Writer’s expertise

Professional ghostwriters who specialize in a particular field or genre charge more because of the knowledge and value they bring.

For instance, a high-end writer with expertise in subject matters like law would require less time for research and drafting and can offer a high-quality draft. However, that comes at a cost.

That said, you can expect to pay higher ghostwriting rates for genres like science fiction because it requires extensive storytelling skills.

The language of your book also dictates the price of your book. For example, a book in English would cost more since it caters to a larger audience. But it’s harder to get a good writer in regional languages unless it’s a fairly common language.

Find ghostwriters on Fiverr based on their written language

Find ghostwriters on Fiverr based on their written language

7. Pricing model

An hourly rate model can lead to higher costs for longer novels. It depends on how fast the writer works. If the project requires extensive research, the costs could increase significantly.

However, for project-based pricing, you pay a fixed cost, which is better for planning and quality purposes.

8. Project timeline

Projects with tighter deadlines equire the writer to deprioritize another project. In that case, paying a 10% to 30% rush fee is common.

Discuss this with the writer beforehand to know how much you’ll pay.

What are the indirect costs associated with ghostwriting?

When budgeting for ghostwriting, there are other costs to consider.

Here's a list of unexpected costs related to the project you should budget for:

  • Opportunity costs: These are costs related to hiring, publishing, and promoting your book. You'll spend days, if not weeks, to complete these, so prepare accordingly.

  • Legal costs: You must hire a lawyer to draft and review the authorship agreement. Lawyers have hourly fees that range between $150 to $500 per hour.

  • Editing: Full-length book editing can cost between $37 to $84 per hour. The costs vary based on whether the editor is proofreading, copy editing, or developmental editing.

  • Travel: If the project requires original reporting, you may have to sponsor costs or ask the writer to include it in the price.

If you choose to self-publish the book, include costs for Amazon publishing, book formatting, etc.

If you choose to work with a publishing house, they’ll assign a literary agent and help you find the right ghostwriter (if needed).

How can you reduce the cost of ghostwriting?

While you might be dealing with sticker shock, there are ways to reduce the final cost. Let's explore a few options.

Offer a percentage of sales

More common in the publishing industry, include a royalty share agreement within your ghostwriting contract. Instead of paying the total ghostwriting fees upfront, offer a percentage of sales.

For example, 10% of overall revenue. In some cases, the writer may ask for your book promotion plans to evaluate if the option is worth it.

This model is appealing because it offers the potential for higher revenue from the project, and you don't have to pay in full upfront.

Offer acknowledgment in the book

Ghostwriters typically work behind the scenes due to the nature of the work. However, some are willing to lower their fees in exchange for recognition.

For example, if you don't want to give full co-author credit, mention them in the acknowledgments or foreword.

It's a non-monetary form of compensation that can make the project more financially viable for the client while providing the writer with career benefits.

Send a few referrals their way

If you have a strong network that may require similar writing services, offer to send referrals their way. It can be hard to secure consistent work as a ghostwriter who doesn't receive recognition. This model would be a lucrative option for them.

You can also set up a 10% referral fee agreement for every closed deal with the writer. This way, you get some of your money back—a win-win for both parties.

Provide supporting documentation

Here are a few documents you can provide to make the process easier:

  • Own research documents

  • Interviews and research reports

  • Outline of the book (with chapters)

  • Partial drafts of the book

In the case of fiction writing, you can also provide a book proposal instead of asking the writer to make one.

It gives the writer clear direction and streamlines the writing process. This can lead to a reduction in the overall project timeline and ghostwriter cost.

What should you do before hiring a ghostwriter?

Here are three things to do before engaging a ghostwriter.

Vet the writer’s experience through their portfolio

A portfolio shows the writer's style, versatility, and writing quality. This will help you see if the quality matches your expectations and if you should shortlist them for your project.

For example, on Fiverr, you can see the type of clients a freelance writer has worked with and their reviews. You also see their overall ratings based on these criteria:

  • Seller communication

  • Services as described

  • Recommend to a friend

Taking the time to review this information prevents dissatisfaction throughout the project.

Review a writer’s public portfolio, reviews, and clients on their Fiverr profiles

Review a writer’s public portfolio, reviews, and clients on their Fiverr profiles

Ask the writer to provide a book proposal

A book proposal should outline the intended content of the book, including its:

  • Structure

  • Key themes

  • Differentiators

  • Brief overview

  • Chapter summaries

This step lets you assess if the ghostwriter grasps your vision and can execute it well. Plus, you can edit any issues before the writers get to the research or drafting process.

Send a legal contract and an NDA

Due to the nature of the work, you'll have to sign a legal contract that includes clauses like:

  • Deadlines for the project

  • Associated costs

  • Payment schedule

  • Length of the book

  • Services expected

  • Rounds of revision

  • Confidentiality clause

  • Copyright clause

  • Plagiarism

  • Royalty agreement

  • Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

An NDA protects sensitive information from being shared during the project, including the identity of the ghostwriter and the details of the work they produce. It provides peace of mind for both parties and ensures confidentiality.

Get your contract reviewed by a lawyer before sending it to your ghostwriter. Ensure it's enforceable in different states (and countries, if possible). This step prevents misunderstandings during the project and protects your rights.

Hire freelance ghostwriters using Fiverr's marketplace

Instead of wasting weeks scouring through LinkedIn or asking for referrals in your circle, expand your talent search through an online marketplace.

For instance, Fiverr's marketplace lets you search for ghostwriters under different categories like fiction or nonfiction. Additionally, you can filter for the best writers based on search filters like:

  • Language

  • Country

  • Seller availability

  • Budget range

  • Service options

  • Delivery time

You can review each writer's public portfolio and ratings to decide who is suitable for your project. Since this project is a huge undertaking, contacting them through the chat system is best to clarify the details beforehand.

Plus, all payments pass through an escrow system that disburses payments post-delivery. You can pay using milestones set up by the writers themselves.

This system lets you vet writers before working with them, ensuring you get started as soon as possible without hesitation.

Ready to hire your first ghostwriter? Sign up for Fiverr today.

About Author

Tanaaz Khan Freelance Writer

Tanaaz Khan is a freelance content writer for B2B SaaS brands in the Digital Transformation (DX/DT) tech and Healthtech space. She specializes in long-form content that breaks down dull technical jargon into engaging and data-driven narratives for her audience.