The Best Blogging Platform in 2024 (according to SMBs)

Need help finding the right blogging platform for your business? We’ve compiled all the resources you need to make the right choice.

By: Izrael Samson
September 28, 2023
14 minute reading
blogging platform

Blogs are no longer “nice-to-have.” If you want to drive traffic, expand visibility, and generate conversions, a company blog is a must-have in 2023.

According to a 2022 Orbit Media study, 80% of bloggers report their content making a positive marketing impact. Another study reveals 36% of companies believe blog posts bring in the best results compared to other media forms.

But before you create your blog — stop.

Getting started on the wrong platform can cause unnecessary friction or stunted growth. You can no longer rely on a free blogging platform like to drive traffic. You need something more robust with a customizable backend.

Luisa Zhou, founder and business coach, suggests having a long-term view. “As your business grows, your needs can quickly outgrow that solution. That's not to say you can't change to a different blogging platform later, but you'll save yourself a lot of hassle.”

We interviewed small to mid-sized business marketers and expert bloggers to see their thoughts on blogging platforms. They also shared valuable insights on blogging consistently, ranking in Google, and designing content strategies.

Here's what they had to say.

The best blogging platforms in 2023 according to SMBs

1. WordPress: Top pick according to bloggers

Twelve out of seventeen (over 70%) experienced bloggers and marketers we spoke to use WordPress for their blogs. Their top reasons were ease of use, plugin library, and free hosting provider (, not 

“I use WordPress for my business website and several side project sites. Why? Because WordPress is open-source, free, and infinitely customizable,” says Alex Lindley, Founder of Law Firm Content Pros.“It's the gold standard for bloggers, and plugins enable anyone to create the blog they want to create without being a technical expert.”

WordPress is one of the oldest and most popular blogging platforms. This also means there are plenty of resources available. 

Max Benz, CEO of BankingGeek, uses WordPress because “It's easy to find support if needed.”

You can create a custom domain name on self-hosted WordPress. Plus, you can get started with over 3,500 free WordPress themes. This is convenient, but several plugins exist if you require deeper and more nuanced optimization. The WordPress CMS (content management system) has a lot of flexibility that businesses can leverage when scaling their blog.

However, it has a slightly steep learning curve. Customization often requires some coding knowledge (the CMS uses PHP programming language) – pushing beginner bloggers to outsource their WordPress needs pros for advanced customization. 

“There were times when I got stuck with the fonts, margin, and other areas when designing my website,” says Priscilla Tan, Content Krapow blogger. “I love WordPress, but I have to admit it's not the best choice if you have zero background in coding. Even the plug-and-play templates do require some level of knowledge.” 

Here's an overview of WordPress's pros and cons:


  • A free account is sufficient to get started with 

  • Endless customization 

  • Highly scalable 

  • Complete control over website and blog 

  • Simple, flexible, efficient blogging features 

  • Excellent SEO tools 

  • 60,000+ free plugins


  • Requires some coding knowledge for advanced customization 

  • Plugins need to be updated regularly

  • Excess plugins can adversely affect site speed

Luisa Zhou struggled with site speed for her blog. “WordPress isn't known for being a great platform for speed optimization and we had to work around a lot of things to get a great speed score.”

Is coding on WordPress a deal-breaker for you? Priscilla Tan suggests using WordPress Elementor to get the best of both worlds: plugin flexibility and a drag-and-drop site builder. 

“Hands down, Elementor makes managing my WordPress blog easier. It's an affordable and robust tool that speeds up the web designing process. And the level of customization is amazing.”

Popular WordPress Plugins (that experts recommend!)


The software is free if you’re comfortable with a subdomain. Otherwise, WordPress hosting services are paid if you use Pricing begins from $25/month for a Professional plan and $75 for a Team plan. 

Check out our guide if you're looking for the best WordPress hosting providers. Most of them, like Bluehost, offer your own domain name for free for the first year when you buy a hosting plan.

2. Webflow: Best for high performance

Used by over 3,500,000 web designers and businesses, Webflow is steadily gaining popularity as a blogging platform.

“We use Webflow as our blogging platform because of its flexibility and customization options,” says Dennis Shirshikov, Head of Growth at Awning“It allows us to create a unique and visually appealing blog that stands out from our competitors. It's also robust and allows us to build tools into our content that help it stand out.”

Webflow is no-code and offers a flexible CMS to tackle the most detailed customizations. For example, you can customize every element in a Webflow template. This includes macro customizations like the layout and text sections and micro customizations like changing the color of a hovering cursor on text interaction from blue to red. 

Finally, for advanced customizations like changing the entire website’s head and body tags, users can add their custom code that alters Webflow’s source code.

But even though you don't technically need HTML or CSS knowledge to build on Webflow, it still has a steep learning curve. Webflow uses a visual programming designer that can be complex for those with zero coding experience. Therefore, consider outsourcing Webflow design services if you feel overwhelmed by the platform. 

“One of the challenges we faced when using Webflow was the learning curve for the platform, but once we familiarized ourselves with it, it was smooth sailing,” adds Shirshikov.

On-page editing is a Webflow feature that makes blogging incredibly easy – and Webflow has great design responsiveness, which is beneficial for SEO. 

A responsive design is when your website has consistent, readable design layouts across different screen sizes and devices — ensuring your blog readers have the same experience on mobile, web, or tablet. 

“I’ve found it much easier to automate publishing posts compared to WordPress,” says Samuel Renotte, founder of Compounding Copy

Here are the pros and cons of Webflow:


  • Intuitive content management system

  • High speed, even with large site traffic

  • Complete flexibility in design and functionalities

  • No-code website builder uses a visual programming designer

  • Easy integration with analytics and marketing tools

  • Access to Webflow University, a resource hub for learning Webflow

  • High-security standards, free SSL certificate


  • Steep learning curve, more difficult than WordPress sites

  • Webflow isn’t the best option for eCommerce (yet!)

  • Difficulty level can be a barrier for beginners to get started and post consistently

“It's easy to get overwhelmed and caught in the weeds,” says Luciano Viterale, blogger and consultant. Just remember blogging is about writing and publishing good content. Prioritize this over everything else.”


Webflow has a free plan that's great for starting and learning how to use the platform. The basic plan starts at $14/month, the CMS plan at $23/month, and the Business plan at $39/month when billed yearly.

3. Squarespace: Best design features 

A personal website built on Squarespace by ambreenfalah on Fiverr.

Squarespace is a website hosting and builder platform with robust blogging capabilities. It’s popular among artists who want to build portfolios and small businesses that want minimal but efficient features. 

“I use Squarespace for my personal blog and website. It's affordable and very easy to use with no coding experience,” says Alli Hill, founder of Fleurish Freelance“I can make my blog look the way I want without having to build CSS or leverage tons of integrations. Plus, Squarespace offers lots of SEO “helpers” so I can optimize each article.” 

With its award-winning, aesthetically pleasing blog templates, you won’t have to figure out all the nitty-gritty design details yourself. They receive positive reviews for excellent customer service, which is helpful for rookie bloggers who aren’t tech-savvy. 

If you're a brand or business that uses photos and videos as part of your content, Squarespace's blogging platform fully supports that. The quality of the visuals doesn't decrease, and the pages load faster. For further reading, read our WordPress vs. Squarespace comparison guide. 

Squarespace has built-in SEO-friendly features like automatic site mapping, indexable static URLs, and a keyword search panel. You can also leverage its email marketing tools while monetizing your blog.

The platform has integrations with Unsplash and Getty Images, so you can source and add stock images to accompany your blog posts. Note that you cannot use stock images for portfolio pages or product images.

Here are the pros and cons of Squarespace:


  • Easy to learn and use - perfect for complete beginners 

  • Well-rounded integration features 

  • Access to award-winning templates for free 

  • Excellent customer service 

  • Free domain name for your website

  • Fully optimized for mobile devices and high-quality content 

  • Advanced website analytics

  • Robust e-commerce integrations with higher-priced plans 

“Thanks to my Squarespace blog, I’m ranking for several terms in my niche,” adds Hill. “It allows me to track those terms, see traffic for each term, and other analytics. I can also connect my Google Analytics and Google Search Console for deeper data insights.”


  • Not very customizable 

  • A limited quantity of templates to choose from 

  • SEO features are not as robust as other blogging platforms 

“One challenge I've faced on Squarespace is the restrictiveness of some of the templates or designs,” notes Boxhall. “Sometimes I want to customize my blog in a certain way or add certain features, but the platform doesn't allow me to do so.” 


Squarespace pricing begins from $16/month for a Personal account and $23/month for a Business account. If selling products is a major functionality you need, they also have a Commerce Basic account at $27/month and a Commerce Advanced account at $49/month.

4. Drupal: Best for business blogging

A Drupal blog created by hamad__ on Fiverr

Drupal is a highly powerful and customizable platform. It's a self-hosted content management system but works seamlessly for businesses with elaborate blogging requirements. These could include sites with many monthly visitors.

“A typical Drupal site will be MUCH faster than WordPress (the way Drupal cache is coded is spot on!),” says John Siciliano, Drupal developer and founder of CreateToday. “When I need a highly flexible CMS, I always go with Drupal. There is a steep learning curve with Drupal, but that’s because it’s much more powerful.”

Bloggers proficient in software development and coding will enjoy working with Drupal. 

It supports several languages, cloud hosting, and top-tier A/B testing. It may all seem daunting at first, but it is a highly sought-after platform for big businesses with complex operations and a high content volume. 

For example, the NASA blog is built on Drupal and Amazon Cloud. And Barbeque Nation, a large casual dining franchise with over 140 locations, used Drupal to build its website. Both needed a website that could handle traffic of over 300 million and configure a menu for multiple zonal locations.

It's highly competent in all the basics of blogging (including customizable templates, analytics, and audience insights), powerful integrations, marketing automation, and real-time sales alerts. 

And the best part? It’s free.

Drupal vs. WordPress

Compared with WordPress, the most popular platform, Drupal outshines in performance capabilities but is significantly less easy to use.

Here’s a list of the pros and cons of Drupal:


  • 100% free platform

  • Open-source blogging platform

  • Smart and intuitive user interface 

  • Multilingual support 

  • Full control over all aspects of the website and blogs 


  • PHP programming knowledge is a requirement

  • Not ideal for bloggers from non-software backgrounds 

  • Steep learning curve

  • Time spent on learning may hamper the blog’s growth 

If you need high performance from Drupal for your business, consider hiring a Drupal expert to create your blog.


Drupal is open-source and completely free.

5. Wix: Best for beginners

A Wix blog created by csmarketingllc on Fiverr

Wix is the second-most popular blogging platform after WordPress. It's a website hosting and builder site perfect for beginner bloggers and businesses who want to write and market content. 

Its main feature is the drag-and-drop functionality — no coding background is necessary to understand how it works. It includes 900+ customizable free themes and templates catering to most business needs. Or you can create your own design from scratch.

Ali Smith, the founder of Rebarkable, used Wix to start a blog. “As a small local business, I managed to get to the top of Google, and now hit a number of top rankings.”

As the business scaled, Smith migrated her blog to WordPress. Her advice to small businesses? 

“If you have a website already, don’t fret about it. Just create a blog on the same platform and get started!”

Wix emphasizes user experience over excessive features — 24/7 security to keep your blog and website safe from hackers, fast loading on any device, and good customer support. 

Integrations with Google Adsense and its in-house ecommerce platforms make Wix a good option for businesses looking to generate revenue from their blogs. It also has a paid events hosting feature that helps you organize webinars or meet-ups for your readers. 

Here’s a look at Wix’s pros and cons:


  • Free, unlimited plan available 

  • Easy to use and learn 

  • Drag-and-drop editor

  • Simple to set-up

  • No coding skills required 

  • 800+ free templates available 

  • Prioritized customer service with paid plans 


  • A free plan isn’t enough for blogging 

  • Limited customization 

  • No CMS features 


Wix pricing varies depending on the size of your business — starting at $16/month for a personal plan and $45/month for a VIP plan with priority customer care. Business plans start from $27/month for a Business Basic plan and $59/month for a Business VIP plan.

Important features to look for in blogging platforms

You want to make the best decision when choosing a blogging platform (that's why you're reading this article!) — but it's tough to do if you don't know what you're looking for. 

You'll get mixed reviews and responses if you ask experienced bloggers which platform they think is best. We interviewed 17 bloggers and learned there's no general consensus or one-size-fits-all for blogging platforms. 

The best way is to get crystal clear on your blog requirements. For example, eCommerce store-front integrations may be unnecessary for a freelancer creating a blog. A mid-sized company with a dedicated SEO growth team may not need Squarespace's in-built SEO tools.

We’ve put together the most important features you should pay attention to when looking for blogging platforms. 


Pricing is a key determiner for many bloggers searching for a platform. There are two core pricing components — the price of hosting a website and the monthly plan that gives you access to the platform. 

WordPress only charges you for website hosting, but using the software and platform is free. 

“Don't fall into the trap of thinking a blogging platform is better because you have to pay for it,” advises Lindley. “Yes, there are plenty of WordPress alternatives, but WordPress has been the industry leader for years because it is the best. It powers some of the largest blogs in the world, and it's perfectly able to adapt to your needs.”

Other platforms, like Squarespace, Wix, and Webflow, charge users for hosting and using the platform. 

Paid tools usually have pricing slabs — for example, Webflow is free for up to 50 CMS items and 1GB, but this isn't enough to run a blog, and they will have to upgrade their plan.

“I recommend using paid platforms rather than free ones,” says Hill. “This way, you can add your own branding and make it look like your own, adding to your SEO and professionalism of the blog, which makes your content more credible.”

Understanding what each blogging platform offers will help you prioritize and budget for the features you need. Note that open-source software like WordPress and Drupal are free — but often require hiring CMS professionals and designers.

SEO tools 

This is (arguably) the most important feature to look for when picking a blogging platform. We all want our articles to appear on a search engine's first page. SEO tools will be of massive assistance to get you there. 

Blogs need to have particular keywords to rake in clicks and viewers. But you should pay attention to other things, such as blog URLs — not all blogging platforms allow you to edit this, so make sure you have that option. 

Example blog URL:

Why is naming your blog URLs important? Because it helps with search engine optimization. It’s better to have the name of your post, or at least its main keyword, at the end of the URL vs. numbers. 


Most blogging sites allow you to use different SEO tools as plugins; some may even have SEO built into the content editor. If you aren’t well-versed in SEO methodologies, these tools can help your blog discover faster. “For the best optimization, ensure the site architecture is clean — paying attention to categories, tags, and breadcrumbs,” advises Viterale.

Easy Maintenance 

When choosing a blogging platform, it's important to consider how easy it is to maintain and build

An easy-to-use and updated platform can save you time and effort in the long run. Consider features such as a user-friendly content management system (CMS), an intuitive interface, and a wide range of templates and customization options. 

Additionally, looking for a platform that offers regular updates and support is a good idea. This can help ensure your blog is always running smoothly and protected against any security vulnerabilities. 

Outsourcing website development services can be a great solution if you don't have the time or technical expertise to handle the maintenance and updates yourself. By working with a team of experts, you can ensure that your blog is always up to date and running smoothly, allowing you to focus on creating great content.

According to Falah Ahmad, a website developer on Fiverr, speed is a major concern in today's digital landscape. In an effort to stay competitive, Ahmad suggests that businesses should prioritize finding a platform that is not only lightning fast, but also has good built-in SEO features.


Not every team can spend hours designing layouts. Having pre-designed themes and templates saves you time that is better spent on writing good content. 

“Templates are cool, but you don't want to use a template that 48,397 other bloggers are using. The blogging platform should offer advanced customization for me to tweak my website according to my unique brand,” says Priscilla Tan.

When looking for a blogging platform, experiment with different themes and how they look on different devices. 

Content editor tool

Whether you’re hiring experienced freelance writers or using an in-house content team, someone will use the content editor daily. Your blogging tool should have an intuitive and simple content editor to reduce the need to train new users. 

Many blogging platforms fill content editors with excessive features that sometimes slow the writer. So focus on the tools the writer wants while keeping it easy to use. Don't forget to check if it has the auto-save feature!

How to choose the right blogging platform for your needs

Before jumping on a pros and cons list for the best platforms, identify the most important features.

Harry Boxhall, SEO Consultant, says, “Think about your future plans for your blog. Are you planning to monetize your blog with ads or sponsorships? Do you want to sell products or services through your blog? Different platforms offer varying features or capabilities that align with your goals.”

Also, consider your industry, business size, and the type of content you'll write.

“Having a specific goal in mind makes it easier to measure your success and make any necessary adjustments along the way,” Boxhall adds.

Most beginners want a blogging platform with an easy learning curve and an uncomplicated user interface. Changing platforms can be tricky — so why not get it right on the first try?

For example, if you want to attach an online store, you could try Weebly. If you want to monetize a blog, a hosted platform like Ghost could be an option. If you want something with a built-in audience, try a social media platform like Tumblr or a social network like Medium. However, these are still not some of the best options in the market based on popularity and functionality.

Checking out competitor blogs is a big part of the ideation process. If you see a blog you like, a quick Web Hosting search will reveal their blogging platform. Analyze how they market their blogs (e.g., social media, newsletter), the topics they discuss, and how often they publish to plan your approach. 

We encourage you to think about these questions:

  • How do you plan to monetize your blog (e.g., ads, affiliate links, selling services, or digital products)?

  • Do you need a no-code tool (drag-and-drop vs. HTML)?

  • Do you want templates? How much customization do you need in design and functionalities (prefer a ready-made design or want to add your personal touch)?

  • What tools or integrations are you looking to use (e.g., email platform integration to capture subscribers)?

  • What do you need for your current SEO game plan (do you need extra add-ons)?

  • Are you a beginner who needs extensive tutorials, or do you have the know-how of blogging??

“Speed is a major concern nowadays,” says Falah Ahmad, a web developer on Fiverr.“So one should be looking for a platform that is light and has good built-in SEO and performance features.”

Before you decide, sign up for a free trial on a few platforms. This will give you a feel of the platform content management system (CMS) and familiarize yourself with the features available.

How to create blog posts that’ll help your blog grow 

Roughly 83% of B2B content marketers credit success to the value their content provides.

Creating high-quality content helps with search engine ranking, generating leads, and growing an audience. If your long-term goal is to turn your blog into an income stream, prioritizing content production is the way to go. As the blog grows, you might find yourself wearing too many hats. Outsourcing content writing, SEO optimization, or technical website upkeep can clear your calendar and help you focus on the tasks you do best. 

Hire freelancers from Fiverr

Once you’ve picked your blogging platform, it’s time to write blogs people want to read. If you’re a slightly bigger business, consider hiring multiple freelancers. Having a team with blogging experience will increase the quality and quantity of your content output. 

“Businesses should focus on hiring freelancers who can deliver results, rather than just asking for specific deliverables,” advises Falah, a seller on Fiverr. “It's important to have a basic understanding of the work being done so you can ensure the freelancer is not taking shortcuts.”

Freelance content strategists, CMS experts, and marketers will optimize your blog for search engine visibility. Many popular businesses have built entire brands from scratch using freelancers — within budget. Shopo, a Unilever brand, built its ecommerce brand within four months by leveraging Fiverr freelance talent.

“I run a content site and blog that generates income in three ways: affiliate revenue, course membership, and consulting work.” says Luciano Viterale. “I use freelancers for design and content. Occasionally, I’ll engage with a freelance developer to build new features on the site.”

Use the right tools 

Understanding how to use SEO tools, third-party plugins, and customization features will change how your content is discovered. Most blogging platforms are compatible with analytic tools, e-commerce integrations, and automation tools. 

We spoke to bloggers about their tool stack. These were the most frequently mentioned tools:

  • Ahrefs: all-in-one SEO toolset

  • Grammarly Premium: grammar check and writing assistant

  • Hemingway Editor: grades your content according to academic readability

  • ConvertBox: Dynamic popups to build email lists and drive conversions

According to SemRush’s report ‘State of Content Marketing 2022’, “content marketing tools” is a popular search term globally. There’s an increasing need for automation and workflow tools to make blogging easier, and it’s a great time to experiment with the tools in the market. Always try the free version to see if it’s a good fit for you.

Posting frequently 

Posting blogs regularly will give your customers more chances to interact with your content. Most businesses find that posting between two to four times a week is a comfortable position for sustainable growth. 

This increases the number of times they visit your site. Not only are you providing information they want to read, but you're also enhancing your business' image. 

Squarespace and Wix have an in-built blog insights tool to assess what time of day and which days of the week generate the most blog traffic and interaction. If you choose to use Wordpress, MonsterInsights is a great analytics tool; for Wordpress, you can also consider hiring a virtual assistant to help you publish more frequently.

You can also syndicate your articles on platforms like Medium that have a partner program in place. It increases visibility and lets you grow your blog.

Build a blog your audience will love 

Creating your own blog for your business or hobby is exciting. Pushing out content is the next best thing to hosting an event with people who share your interests. 

But to get readers to come and return, you need a blogging platform that's comfortable for you and your team. And that offers all the necessary features required for your use case. 

We recommend hiring a freelance blogger if you're unsure about how to jumpstart your blog or lack the time. 

After all, a blog is only as good as those working on it. Sign up to Fiverr today to find the best freelancers to build and manage your blog within budget.

About author

Izrael Samson B2B writer

Izrael Samson is a B2B SaaS writer who specializes in creating long-form, data-driven articles. Her content development process helps B2B brands break down complex ideas, grow distribution, and convert target audiences. When she's not writing, she's either teaching yoga classes or playing indie video games.