22 Promo Video Ideas to Inspire Your 2024 Campaign

Looking for video marketing inspiration? This guide lists 22 promo video ideas to rocket boost your marketing strategies into the stratosphere.

By: Lezanne Winshaw
December 22, 2022
14 minute reading
promo video ideas

A well-composed promotional video can take your next marketing campaign from so-so to so-hot. Do you want to advertise an event, launch a new product, or inform your audience about the different services that you offer? Promo videos are marvelous tools to have in your social media marketing arsenal. This guide lists 22 promo video ideas to boost your marketing strategies into the stratosphere. 

7 Promotional Video Ideas to Promote Your Product directly

Creating promo videos to promote your company's offering can be one of your most efficient sales tools. Here are some of the best promo videos to put your product front and center in the minds of your customers:

1. Teaser

Teaser videos are a handy tool to excite people to talk about a product before it is launched or released. Drum up a sense of intrigue and anticipation with an awesome teaser snippet. Post teaser videos to hype up your new offering and get sales to an astronomical start in launch week.

This video ad features fast-moving images, value proposition copy and more to sell a job-matching website. Made by rosohh.

Connect with Seller

Teaser videos are a handy tool to excite people to talk about a product before it is launched or released. Drum up a sense of intrigue and anticipation with an awesome teaser snippet. Post teaser videos to up the hype on your new offering and get sales off to an astronomical start in launch week.

2. Introduce your Latest Product

This promotional animated video was designed to promote the advantages of a productivity app. Made by blisstrovideos.

Create a video

Create an informative and appealing product launch video to inform your followers about a new product. Your video can show off how the product works and what makes it better than your competitors' offerings. A product demo video is a short video that gives all the juicy details to whet your customers' appetites.

3. Why Your Product is a Must-Have

What makes you stand out from the crowd? Use a promotional video outlining the unique qualities of your products or services to highlight why customers should choose you. Show off cool product features and demonstrate how easy the product or service is.

4. Explainer Videos

Explainer videos show your customers how to use your product/s or services. Not only will this improve the after-sales satisfaction of people who have bought the product. Seeing exactly how a product works may also spur other potential buyers to take the leap and click on the add-to-cart button. 

Explainer Video for Visa Place made by myexplainervid

Connect with seller

To add value to your after-sales offering, include helpful tips on how to get the most from your product. For example, how best to look after the product, how to clean it, store it, replace parts, and so on.

5. FAQs About Your Product

Some consumers will be more likely to invest in your product if they know more about how it works. Having an FAQ section on your website is very helpful. However, posting product FAQ videos on your social media pages will boost views and reach more potential customers.

6. Before and After

Showing before and after videos of how your service or product can make a difference in the life of your potential client is a very useful marketing tool. People are willing to invest in products or services that will simplify their lives and make them more efficient. Before and after videos are a marvelous way to relate this helpfulness in a succinct, attention-grabbing way.

Take a look at one of our business transformation video examples for inspiration:

7. Product Reviews

Let your satisfied customers do your marketing for you! Create a promotional video that features your best customer testimonials. Testimonial videos play a critical role in the purchasing process. Peer reviews and social proof are 90% more effective at selling a product than standard advertising. 

Buyers will trust the opinion of other consumers opinion over that of a salesperson. Video testimonials add credibility and personality to your offering. They are one of the most effective marketing tools to convince consumers to finalize their purchase decisions. Like this video by American Express, boost your brand equity with actual video footage of your customers singing your praises or create videos with slides of text from emails and social media messages sent by happy customers.

11 Creative Promo Video Ideas to Connect with Your Audience

Connecting with your audience on an emotional level is essential to building brand loyalty. Strengthening the devotion of your existing customers may get them to spend more on your products or services and get them excited to spread the word about your business to others.

Check out this stunning brand video made by vaschelsea, a video expert on Fiverr.

Contact Seller

8. Introduce Your Business

Many of your existing customers will know a little bit about you. However, giving them a chance to get to know you better may help to build stronger loyalty. Make promo videos telling the story of how you started your business. Share information about what inspired you, which obstacles you had to overcome to get where you are, and which goals you hope your brand will achieve in the future.

9. Introduce Your Employees

People relate to other people. By posting “Meet Our Team” videos like this one from MadeComfy, you can appeal to various personalities with the medley of personalities that make up your unique squad. In the team intro videos, your team members can relate information that gives deeper insight into how your company works and some quirky content like their favorite music genre or movies, pet names, or their favorite place to hang out.

10. A Day in the Life

Like this video from JP Morgan, your clients will love watching videos about the daily lives of some of your team members. Include elements like where your HR manager gets their morning coffee or what your IT person eats for lunch. While you want these videos to be candid, a little preparation will be key to ensuring a professional outcome.

11. Behind the Scenes

Feed natural human curiosity by giving your audience a backstage pass to the inner workings of your company. Creative promo videos outlining your manufacturing process, an office tour, your team brainstorming new ideas, or how you package your products can increase trust and deepen your connection with your consumers.

12. Event Highlights Reel

If your business has hosted an event, put together a quick video with some of the highlights from the event. Attendees will enjoy getting a glimpse of themselves at the event. It will also give potential clients a better idea of what to expect next time you do something similar.

These highlights can also act as event promo videos for upcoming events like webinars.

13. Question and Answer Videos

You can decide to do these videos live on a platform like Facebook or Instagram, or you can ask customers to send in a bunch of questions before the time and then record the Q&A session to be posted at a later date. Q&A videos don’t have to be purely about your company’s inner workings. You could also interview an industry-appropriate celebrity or influencer to answer some questions.

14. Recruitment Videos

A great way to build brand equity and aid your search for ideal personnel is to record recruitment videos like this one from Zen Desk. Use recruitment videos to show how well you look after your staff and boost your ethical brand identity. You can also highlight your company's benefits compared to your competitors.

15. Show Off Your Company Culture

Your company culture is the essence of how you live out your brand values in the day-to-day running of your business. You've chosen those values with thought and purpose. Taking them through to your marketing strategies is valuable for creating resonance with potential clients. Like Netflix, you can compile short promo videos about your brand values so that your audience can better understand who you are and what you stand for. Ensure consistency with your marketing campaigns by always checking that their message aligns with your company culture and brand values.

16. Support a Cause

Corporate social responsibility influences purchasing decisions. Consumers like to know that they are using their hard-earned dollars as a tool to effect change. Show your audience not only what you stand for but what you stand up for. A 2017 study showed that 87% of Americans would choose a product from a company that advocates for a cause close to their hearts over that of a company that does not support a social cause.

Find a social cause that matches your brand initiatives and company culture. There are several video opportunities to share your love for a particular cause with your audience. You can create a video detailing why you chose this cause, highlighting what they do that resonates with your company’s brand ethics. Another idea is to take footage of your co-workers getting out and about and helping with the charity or hosting an event to raise funds or awareness for your chosen cause.

17. Holiday Greetings

Establish lasting relationships with your customers by connecting with them on an emotional level. Adding social mediapromo videos with holiday greetings is a tremendous way to bolster your holiday content strategy. There are many holidays throughout the year, from Mother's Day and Father's Day to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve. Typically, people are often spending more money at these times. Stay front and center in your audience's mind by posting holiday greetings videos at appropriate times of the year.

18. Say Thank You

Personalized marketing appeals to over 60% of online shoppers. Saying thank you to your existing customers is one of the easiest and most efficient ways of cementing your relationship with them. Compose promotional videos saying thank you for their purchases, ongoing support, and valuable feedback. A great example is this thank you video by Post Consumer Brands.

Be Helpful and Informative with these Promo Video Ideas

One of the best ideas for promo videos is to create content that adds value for your potential customers. Be helpful with how-to videos, FAQs, industry facts, and more. Here are four informative video ideas to help you build customer engagement on your website and social media pages.

19. Share a List

People love a list. For example, "10 coffee shops to visit in New York City", "Top 7 ways to keep your home tidy", and "8 best noise-canceling headphones". Get more shares, likes, click-throughs, and site visits by posting content people love seeing. Compile videos with lists relevant to your business's services or products and share them on your social media pages. Keep it simple with text slides and product images, or get fancy with footage of the products, tips, ideas, or services in action.

20. FAQs Videos

Most websites have an FAQ section. However, you can add significant value by creating a video about some of the most asked FAQs. You can either film yourself or an employee talking your audience through some questions or make a video of slides with Q&A text. If your FAQs touch on different departments within your company, you can ask different employees to answer questions pertinent to their responsibilities. This will take more effort but add extra credibility and personality to your brand.

21. Tips and Tricks

Tips and tricks videos can generate great engagement on your social media pages and your website. The Lip Bar does this well with their make-up tutorial videos. Useful tips on what to do with your products are a solid idea, but you can also think out of the box. Consider your target audience's challenges and try to address those with some quirky How-To videos. This offering will boost engagement and create a sense of loyalty in your customers.

22. Share Video Infographics

Video infographics are visual representations of knowledge and data in video format. People love to consume information in the form of infographics like charts, statistics, and visual data. Video infographics are an effective way of bringing your message across in a succinct, professional, and visually appealing way.

YouTube vs. TikTok: Where to Upload Your Creative Promo Videos

Social media pages are among the most effective ways to reach your target audience and create a solid connection. YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, there are so many different platforms where internet users can consume video content. How do you know which one to choose for your promotional videos?

The secret behind getting the most out of your video marketing strategy is to place your content where your target audience is. Is your service or product aimed at millennials and Gen Zers? You will want to have a TikTok presence. If your offering is ideally suited to the B2B space, consider making the most of your LinkedIn profile. However, digital marketing trends show that most businesses still invest heavily in Facebook and Instagram marketing campaigns.


YouTube is the superior platform for long-form videos. This is a great space to post your how-to's, product tutorials, vlogs, behind-the-scenes footage, and interviews. In 2020, YouTube launched YouTube Shorts, creating a platform for users to upload TikTok-esque content. If you post videos on YouTube, read about YouTube SEO to achieve the best reach with your video content.


Your promotional video ideas don't always have to be pre-recorded. Live videos are also a valuable way of reaching out to your audience to tell them more about your business and your products or services. For live promo videos, Facebook is the most effective social media platform.


Instagram’s user base is growing faster than any other social media platform. This platform is especially popular with millennials and post-millennials. With the advent of Instagram stories and Reels, video content is a key focus for marketing campaigns making the most of Instagram. Reels are your best option for maximizing reach and boosting engagement within this app.


TikTok is the proverbial new kid on the block in the social media scene. In the six short years that TikTok has been around, it has already amassed over one billion active users. 74% of TikTok users say that this platform has motivated them to learn more about a brand or product online, which is why many brands invest invideo production orvideo ad services.

Make Great Promo Videos: Eight Tips for Your Video Marketing Campaign

You've got fantastic ideas for promotional videos to boost your marketing campaign! Before you put those lightbulb moments into action, read through these eight tips to ensure you hit the nail on the head every time.

  • First impressions last. Grab your audience’s attention with an impactful opening scene.

  • Get to the point. Outline the crux of the video in the first few seconds.

  • Keep it short and sweet. The ideal length of time for a promotional video on social media is less than sixty seconds.

  • The ideal promotional video outlines the problem, your solution, and the action that your potential client can take.

  • Include captions or subtitles for consumers who are watching the video without sound. Transcribing the script can help Google bots crawl your video's content more accurately, which will help increase your SEO score. To get professional results with your YouTube videos, read this post on how to write a script for YouTube videos.

  • Optimize your videos by adding appropriate titles, descriptions, and meta tags. This helps search engine bots crawl your content more efficiently and accurately.

  • We create promotional videos to elicit a reaction. It may be to buy a product, sign up for a service, or attend an event. What you promote, include a call to action (CTA) at the end of your awesome promo video. A clickable CTA button that takes the viewer to your website, an order page, or to send an inquiry email is best.

  • Make eye-catching thumbnails to ensure that searchers spot your videos and click on them.

  • Use an online video maker to add voiceovers or create templates to simplify the video editing process.

Promo Videos Tick all the Boxes for Boosting Your Marketing Campaign

As a marketing manager, the primary goals you aim to achieve with your marketing campaigns are to improve brand awareness, increase engagement, and boost sales. The best promotional video ideas work for your brand in the short and long term.

If you need help putting these ideas into practice, many talented Fiverr freelancers with awesome promo video creation skills help you make your video content super professional.

About author

Lezanne Winshaw Content Strategist & Writer

Lezanne Winshaw is a grammar guru and alliteration paramour who is passionate about creating informative, engaging, and interesting content through thorough research. With a background in science and a love of words, Lezanne is dedicated to producing excellently written pieces, whether it be a novel, article, or blog post.