How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Web Designer in 2024?

In 2024, it costs anywhere between $30 to $200 per hour to hire a freelance web designer. Learn more about what goes into the pricing process and how you can get the most for your investment.

By: Tanaaz Khan
March 20, 2024
9 minute reading
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Your website acts as the digital storefront of your business. Whether you’re creating it for your portfolio, an ecommerce business or a software platform—it’s typically the first port of call for potential customers.

Your website sets the tone for what you do and how you present yourself, so its design needs to be top-notch.

And to do that, you need an experienced web designer who can communicate your message and vision well.

In 2024, it costs $30 to $200 per hour to hire a web designer In this pricing guide, we’ll explore what goes into the final pricing and how to reduce design costs.

How much do web designers charge?

We reviewed pricing models from freelance web designers on Fiverr’s marketplace (mid-level and Pro designers) and websites from freelancers off the platform to curate this list.

From our research, we found that website designers usually use four web design pricing models to decide what to charge:

  • Project-based pricing: $1,000 to $25,000 per project

  • Hourly pricing: $30 to $200 per hour

  • Retainer-based pricing: $500 to $2,000 per month

  • Per day or week pricing: $240 to $1,600 per day

Let’s look at how each pricing model works.

Project-based pricing

Project-based pricing is the most common because it's easier for both parties and includes a flat rate for all the work.

Clients know how much the design process will cost, and freelancers can charge without worrying about tracking their time. You pay upfront or in milestones—per the freelancer’s working terms.

The price is based on factors such as:

  • Complexity of the website

  • Number of pages

  • Features required

  • Functionality required

  • Client's niche

  • Level of customization

  • Maintenance costs

A small business can expect to pay between $1,000 to $5,000 for a basic website.

On the contrary, an enterprise company should expect to pay between $5,000 to $25,000. This is because the existing website may have issues and require migration.

Hourly pricing model

With this model, the designer charges a set hourly rate for their services, and you're billed based on the number of hours worked on the project.

On average, a web designer’s hourly rates range from $30 to $200 per hour. The project's total cost will depend on the estimated hours required to complete the work.

For instance, if a designer charges $100 per hour and estimates that a project will take 50 hours, the total cost would be approximately $5,000.

Retainer pricing model

This model is ideal for ongoing website maintenance, updates, and support after completing the initial project.

You'll pay a fixed monthly fee for a set number of hours or deliverables. This service is useful if you don't have a full-time designer or developer.

Monthly retainer fees for web design services range from $500 to $2,000 or more, depending on the level of support required.

Per day or per week pricing

This model is similar to hourly pricing, but the difference is you're hiring a freelance web designer for a day or week.

Usually, designers use their hourly rate to calculate the pricing. For instance, if their rate is $50 per hour and you’re hiring them for a day, expect to pay $400.

The project's total cost will depend on the days or weeks required to complete the work.

What influences final web design costs?

Pricing differs based on the type of website and number of pages. But several other factors influence the final cost of web design.

Here’s what you should consider before hiring a designer:

Years of experience

As designers gain more experience, especially with niche projects, their rates increase. It's also normal to adjust rates to match inflation.

If you're working with a freelancer with one to three years of experience, you'll pay on the lower end of the scale due to their skill level. For instance, $30 to $75 per hour would be more appropriate depending on the level of complexity and niche.

However, a freelancer with more than five years of experience may charge between $100 and $200 per hour, if not more.

So, consider the level of experience before searching for designers. If you're running low on budget, go with someone with demonstrable expertise but less experience.

Level of expertise

Some web designers offer platform-agnostic design, while others have clear expertise with a specific tool set.

For instance, if they have deep knowledge of WordPress or Shopify, expect to pay more since it's a dedicated platform.

Ideally, you should work with someone who understands your content management system (CMS). This will prevent critical mistakes on the backend and ensure smooth functioning of the new website in the future.

Client’s niche

Some industries, such as healthcare, finance, or software technology, require more advanced features.

For instance, healthcare websites should adhere to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines. So the website should have data security features to protect sensitive data.

On the other hand, U.S.-based websites must comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines for accessibility.

So freelancers with expertise in a specific niche will command higher prices because the level of complexity is higher.

Project timeline

We recommend starting your search for a web designer months before you need them. If you need something done quickly, that'll impact the final cost of the service.

It's common for designers to charge a 20% to 50% premium as a rush fee to accommodate your web design project.

For example, let's say your designer charges you $5,000 for a 6-week delivery period. The same project will cost $6,000 for a 4-week delivery period or $7,500 for a 2-week delivery period.

Level of customization

Many business owners ask for customizations so the new site looks on brand. However, depending on your requirements, it’ll increase the cost as the project scope grows.

For example, if your designer customizes an existing template, the cost may be between $750 and $3,500, depending on the size of the website.

However, if you're requesting a custom-coded website, especially on complicated platforms like WordPress, the cost could exceed $5,000.

Number of services

Typically, a website design service includes the following:

  • Market research

  • Designing and prototyping

  • User interface/user experience (UI/UX) design

This would be considered the most basic package. But, the package's cost increases as you add services like custom web development, search engine optimization (SEO), and third-party integrations.

For instance, if you’re taking a full-service digital marketing package from a web design agency, the cost will be higher.

Level of complexity

Like the number of services, the project's complexity impacts the web design cost. A simple landing page and blog will cost a lot less than one that requires:

  • Ecommerce plugins

  • CRM integrations

  • Multiple product pages

  • Animations

  • Custom code

In the latter, expect to pay $5,000 to $20,000, depending on how demanding your project will be. So, be realistic about what you need and don't need—and clarify that with the freelancer before engaging them.

Tip: Work with freelance web designers who offer video consultations to resolve such issues.

Need for ongoing support

Some designers offer ongoing support packages, including regular updates, security monitoring, and technical support.

Ongoing support packages may range from $500 to $2,000 per month and ensure someone is available to resolve issues as they come. It’s a flat fee that’s recurring—helping you budget accordingly.

This service is particularly important for websites that collect a lot of data, such as e-commerce stores. A Storyblok report found that a poor website experience could cost online stores $72,000 in sales annually.

So, avoid any friction or maintenance issues in the long run using such services.

How can you reduce the cost of hiring a web designer?

Now that you know how website design costs can stack up based on your requirements, it can feel a little daunting—especially if you’re strapped for budget.

Here are a few tips to reduce the overall cost of website designing.

Handle the technical requirements yourself

Instead of asking a freelancer or agency to do the technical setup, do it yourself. It involves the following aspects:

  • Domain name registration

  • Web hosting setup

  • SSL certificate installation

Most hosting providers offer a combined yearly package for the first three services. Expect to pay between $50 and $300 per year.

We recommend reviewing the hosting provider’s user guides to set it up successfully.

Also, use website builders like Squarespace or Wix to create a barebones professional website. The website building method (template) and the CMS you choose can reduce the web designer’s cost.

Choose a website theme to customize

Do you already have a website hosting platform and potential ideas in mind? Search for a template on the provider's marketplace and use that instead.

It significantly reduces the design cost, since the designer can work from the initial template. Just choose one that's mobile-responsive and compatible with your CMS.

Be realistic about outsourcing

As much as you’d love to get everything done by an expert, your budget dictates how much you can realistically outsource.

For example, you can write your own website copy or source images from free stock photography websites to save on copywriting and graphic design costs.

If it's something overly complicated, like custom website development, outsource that portion but keep tasks like content creation in-house.

Conduct research and have a clear vision

Many designers cover up to two iterations of the design, after which they charge an additional fee to implement your requests.

So, be clear about what you want to avoid incurring additional costs. Research competitor websites and make a list of formats you like. Having a clear vision from the outset can minimize revision costs.

Pay by the hour for customizations

Hire a designer hourly for specific customizations or improvements to an existing business website.

Hourly rates can range from $30 to $150, depending on the level of experience—choose someone with a strong portfolio who fits your budget.

Note that the faster the freelancer works, the higher the costs—especially if they’re inexperienced.

Hire a professional web designer on Fiverr

Finding an experienced website designer doesn’t have to be a hassle. If you’re in the process of searching for one, why not try out Fiverr’s marketplace instead?

You’ll get access to a vast pool of talented designers from around the world, allowing you to browse portfolios, read reviews, and compare prices with ease. The platform allows you to use filters such as:

  • Service options

  • Seller level

  • Budget

  • Delivery timeline

  • Language

  • Tools

  • CMS

These options narrow your results to find the right pool of freelancers to get your website up and running quickly.

Plus, you get to see the types of packages they offer before engaging them, allowing for deeper transparency in the buying process.

Ready to find your next web design partner? Sign up for Fiverr today.

About Author

Tanaaz Khan Freelance Writer

Tanaaz Khan is a freelance content writer for B2B SaaS brands in the Digital Transformation (DX/DT) tech and Healthtech space. She specializes in long-form content that breaks down dull technical jargon into engaging and data-driven narratives for her audience.