Creative Writing

Express yourself or your brand with creative writing from poems to song lyrics


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Creative Writing FAQs

  • What is the purpose of creative writing?

    Creative writing has several purposes. One of the main purposes of creative writing is to entertain readers while sharing the writer’s perspective and emotion. Another is simply to tell a story. Today, creative writing techniques are also used to inform and persuade readers. For example, marketers use storytelling to help readers relate to content they publish, even if that content is technical. You can even hire creative writers to help you write effective letters that get the results you need.

  • What are the elements of creative writing?

    Creative writing uses several techniques to keep readers interested. In the case of fiction, writers will usually have a plot which covers the events that happen, and main and secondary characters who develop throughout the story. Many creative writing pieces have a particular theme or setting underlying the narrative. Creative writers will also use dialog, and techniques like similes, metaphors, and word choice to attract their readers. Creative writing techniques related to storytelling can also be used in marketing.

  • What does a creative writer do?

    A creative writer uses ideas and imagination to entice readers with their writing. Creative writers may write books and ebooks, scripts and screenplays, speeches, poems, and more. Other typical forms of creative writing include marketing copywriting, press releases and advertising copy. Unlike technical writers, who focus more on educating readers, creative writers may focus on entertaining them. However, this is not clear cut, as the creative writing technique of storytelling is widely used, both in technical writing and in marketing.

  • What are the differences between technical writing & creative writing?

    Here are a few differences between technical writing and creative writing. Technical writing is primarily factual, while creative writing draws on the writer’s imagination to create a story in different written forms. Technical writing is intended to inform and educate. For example, it may help people to use a product. In contrast, some creative writing is focused on entertainment. However, there can be an overlap, as some technical writing includes an element of storytelling to entice readers.

  • What are the benefits of creative writing?

    Creative writing has many benefits, both for writers and for people hiring creative writers. For writers, creative writing helps to enhance planning and writing skills, improve vocabulary, and create an outlet for ideas, imagination and emotion. These advantages also benefit those who hire creative writers. For example, in marketing, creative writers can easily tell the story of your company, product or service in a readable and engaging way. Creative writers can also help you write scripts for video marketing.

  • What are the different types of creative writing?

    Unlike journalism, technical writing or academic writing, creative writing involves the imagination. Common types of creative writing include novels, short stories, and novellas, all of which are part of the fiction genre. Creative writing also includes plays, poetry, personal essays and memoirs, songs, speeches and scripts for TV programs and movies. Many creative writers specialise in a particular type of writing, so when you’re hiring a creative writer, ensure that writer is experienced in the type of writing you need.