Book Blurbs

Capture your audience with sales copy that describes your book and entices readers


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Book Blurbs FAQs

  • What is a Book Blurb?

    A book blurb is a short promotional description of a book used to entice readers into buying it. It often starts with a hook and then reveals intriguing or interesting details about its plot, setting, or subject. Typically limited to 150 to 200 words, blurbs are kept short but compelling. Traditionally, blurbs are found on the back cover or the inside flap of printed books. Today, they can also be found in the product descriptions of books sold on online platforms. Blurbs of eBooks and digital publications may also be found right after the main cover image.

  • What type of book blurb services are offered on Fiverr?

    On Fiverr, book blurb services are offered by freelancers who specialize in writing book blurbs for various genres, such as fiction, children's books, business, self-help, young adult, technology, marketing, and entertainment. The core services offered under the book blurb include: - Book summary and description. - Book formatting for digital channels. - Author bio. - SEO keywords research. - Book cover design and layout. Some freelancers offer additional services, such as editing, proofreading, or formatting the blurb. It is always best to communicate your needs and requirements clearly with the freelancer to ensure that the service you get exceeds your expectations.

  • Can the writer write a blurb in a specific tone or style?

    Yes, a writer on Fiverr can write a blurb in a specific tone or style as per the requirements communicated by the client. When placing an order, clients can specify their desired tone and style for the blurb. They can also provide examples of blurbs they like or the style they want the writer to emulate. This enables the writer to tailor the blurb to the client's requirements and ensure that it effectively captures the book's selling point while playing with the reader's mind.

  • Can the writer provide a blurb that can be used for various promotional purposes?

    Yes, the writer you get on Fiverr can provide a blurb that can be used for various promotional purposes beyond just the back cover of the book. When placing an order, discuss your specific needs with the writer. Let the writer know if you plan on using the blurb on book descriptions, on an author's website, on social media pages, press releases, or other marketing materials. The writer can then create a versatile and engaging blurb that can be used across various platforms and media. Or they can create multiple versions of the blurb, such as a shorter version for social media or a longer version for press releases.

  • What if I need help editing or proofreading my own blurb?

    Many freelancers on Fiverr that offer Book Blurb services also help with other related tasks such as editing and proofreading. Some focus on editorial services, including proofreading, copy editing, and developmental editing. If you have written your own blurb but need help refining it, you can search for freelancers who offer these services. Before ordering a service, specify your requirements and the level of editing or proofreading you need for your blurb. Provide samples of your work to help the writer understand your needs. This will ensure that you get a writer who can turn your blurb into a polished piece that effectively communicates the message you want to convey.

  • Can the writer provide a professional opinion on the book's overall concept?

    Some writers on Fiverr may offer a professional opinion on the book's overall concept, but it is not typically part of their standard services. If you want professional opinion, review the writer's portfolio and check whether they have the qualifications, experience, and knowledge to provide valuable feedback. You may also choose to search for Fiverr freelancers specializing in book coaching and consulting to get professional advice on book concepts and development. They may be able to provide a more detailed evaluation of the book concept and structure, feedback on character development and pacing, and guidance on improving the manuscript's overall quality.