Live Action Explainers

Engage and convince your audience with product videos and live action explainers


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Live Action Explainers FAQs

  • What is a live action video?

    Live-action explainer videos are made with actual shot video footage, i.e., not animation or motion graphics. This includes stock video footage as well as on-demand video productions. They can have many purposes but are most often used to explain your product or service or provide testimonials from happy customers.

  • What makes an excellent live-action explainer video?

    Creating a great video is all about implementing the following key elements: a well-written script, professional voice, and adding a hook to keep your audience interested. Also, keep it simple by addressing a problem, the solution, how it works, and including a CTA for viewers to take action.

  • How long should my live-action explainer video be?

    The ideal length for a live-action explainer video is between 60 - 90 seconds. Unlike short social media clips, your explainer video needs to explain your product or service to your viewers thoroughly and, most importantly, informatively.

  • Is a live-action video location sensitive?

    It depends on your project. If you or a specific person needs to be in the video or shot in a particular place, it would be location-sensitive. But most video ads/commercials can be shot anywhere in the world. If you're based in Italy but would like to shoot a video ad for the US market, you can have it shot there by a US-based seller.

  • Will my video have actors in it?

    It can, but it doesn’t have to. If you’d like actors to be cast for your videos, look for sellers that offer it as part of their gig. There are many of them! Video producers will know how to cast the right actors and present you with a few options before proceeding with shooting.

  • I don’t have a script, can someone write it for me?

    No worries, many Fiverr sellers offer scriptwriting services, so all you have to do is to reach out and discuss your needs. Most likely, you will have to fill out a brief about your video project and provide supplementary material to help your video producer write the script.