E-Commerce Product Videos

Produce powerful and converting product videos for your e-commerce listings.


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E-Commerce Product Videos FAQs

  • What is an E-commerce Product Video?

    An E-commerce product video is a specific type of explainer video that effectively demonstrates the E-commerce product or service's benefits. It is used to promote or sell E-commerce products online and explains how to use the product efficiently and practically

  • What are the advantages of E-commerce product videos?

    E-commerce product videos can significantly boost your business by grabbing higher engagement, higher sales, increases time on site, and helps win customers' trust in your product. And videos with subtitles and captions are even more likely to attract more attention.

  • Why should I create an E-commerce product video?

    Studies have shown that 92% of the shoppers report that videos influence their buying decision and 64% are likely to purchase after watching a product video. Watching product videos minimizes the uncertainty of a product and increases the chances of a user turning into a customer.

  • What should be included in a good E-commerce video?

    There are typically four main sections to a good E-commerce product video. First, briefly introduce what your product or service does, then explain the solution or pain points your product solves for the audience. Demonstrate how the product works, and lastly, complete the video with a clear call to action (CTA).

  • Are there specific standards for Amazon E-commerce product videos?

    Amazon is one of the top E-commerce sites for product videos, so you want to make sure you align your video with their video specifications. The best way to assure that your video meets their standards is to find a seller specializing in Amazon product videos and inquire before ordering a gig.

  • Where should I put my E-commerce product video?

    You should definitely be sharing your product video everywhere you can, such as on social media, YouTube, emails, etc., but it's also crucial that you embed it on your store's product page. This is an excellent opportunity to grab potential customers as pages with product videos have a lower bounce rate than others.