3D Animated Explainers

Help your audience understand your story with 3D animated explainer videos.


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3D Animated Explainers FAQs

  • How does animated 3D work?

    3D animation works by taking virtual images and generating an illusion that they are moving in three-dimensions. The first step in creating 3D animation is to develop model objects. Modelers will then assign these objects color and texture and create a skeleton that allows the object to move. Next, keyframes are used to move the object frame by frame. The final step is rendering, which involves exporting the images and adjusting the contrast and brightness levels.

  • What can an animated 3D video be used for?

    Animated 3D is used in various different industries, from medicine and prototyping to architecture and design. Individuals and businesses in the medical field use 3D animation for learning simulations and to effectively demonstrate techniques in complex areas. Additionally, 3D animation is used to create prototypes on a low-cost basis. Businesses in the tech and construction industry frequently rely on 3D animation. Moreover, architecture and design companies build 3D animations to render designs before they are built.

  • What is the difference between animated video with audio and without audio?

    An animated video with and without audio conveys the same principles. Depending on your animated 3D video purpose, it may be beneficial to include an audio overlay. However, in some cases, this detracts from the message. For example, if you are creating a medical 3D animated video, users will see added benefits from explanatory audio. On the contrary, showing a client a design for a residential house won’t see as many benefits. Understanding your video’s primary purpose will help you decide which option is right for you.

  • What is the difference between a regular video and an animated 3D video?

    A regular video perhaps comes with less engagement, communication and branding compared to an animated 3D video. Since animated 3D videos are relatively new, they peak consumer interest, creating more buzz around your idea or product. Additionally, animated 3D videos have the capabilities for in-depth analysis, such as a full 360 view of a potential new development. Furthermore, 3D videos provide businesses with heightened branding abilities since additional product insights and operating visions are portrayed.

  • What information do I need to create animated 3D?

    You will need to detail key information to your seller in order to create an effective animated 3D video. First, many sellers will require you to list the objective of your video, such as the purpose or message to be conveyed. Then, they may question the time frame you need the project completed and your budget. Be sure to have all of this information on hand to ensure a smooth ordering process and to obtain a 3D animated video that is near your expectations.

  • What tools are used to create an animated 3D video?

    Each seller will have a different set of tools that they use to create an animated 3D video. Popular software programs include After Effects, Blender, Adobe Animate, Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, Maya, Avtar Builder, MotionBuilder and LightWave 3D. If you have a preference on which tools are used, you can search by software expertise on the drop-down service options menu. In addition, a creative mind is employed to develop innovative animated 3D videos.