Social Media Management

Turn followers into raving fans with social media management services


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Social Media Management FAQs

  • What does a social manager do?

    A social media manager oversees a brand or organization’s online presence and image on social media (SM). This includes but it’s not limited to analysis and evaluation of channels and suitability depending on mission/vision, developing a strategy, creating the content, usage analytics, and responding to feedback, on a project, campaign, or ongoing basis. Some companies prefer to have in-house SM managers, while others rely on experienced freelance professionals to take care of it.

  • How to hire a social media manager?

    Once you’ve set your social media goals and platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc) to use, you can shortlist professional freelancers with relevant experience. Even if you don’t know where you want to be, search for professionals who have a solid background with the right mix of platforms, know how to use instruments such as Hootsuite, and have experience in a variety of campaigns and projects for the right budget.

  • Why is social media important for business growth?

    Regardless of the industry or size of your business, nowadays you must have a well-managed social media presence. You can’t ignore the fact that almost half of the world’s population is on SM, which opens enormous opportunities to reach new audiences (potential leads, brand champions, even employees) to make your brand better recognized and to ensure your business doesn’t just survive but develops into a thriving, responsive, respected brand.

  • What skills must a social media manager have?

    Whether in-house or freelance, a social media manager must be capable of doing many things such as copywriting, marketing, strategy, design, data analysis, and many others. But above all, he/she must have an innate curiosity and desire to learn, develop and adapt as the world of social media marketing is forever changing. Last, but not least, they should be an excellent communicator who can establish rapport with clients at all levels and their audiences.

  • How can I effectively manage multiple social media accounts?

    Very often a social media manager or a business owner has to manage many accounts on different platforms and with different (even on functional or department level) profiles. To avoid confusion and exhaustion, ensure you document all your profiles, use social media productivity tools such as Buffer, and HubSpot, create a schedule and don’t forget to monitor, analyze and learn from what you do so you can improve with each new post or campaign.

  • What is social media management?

    Social Media Management is the process of strategy development, and data analysis to establish who (audience) to target, with what means (content/adverts/influencers) and budget, to establish your brand, increase conversion, sales and ROI. It’s fast becoming the main strategic marketing focus and managing SM in the right way can make or break your business. Building an efficient SM management team with the right mix of internal and freelance talent is a must for every marketing leader.