Resume Design

Make your profile stand out with a prefect resume design.


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Resume Design FAQs

  • What services can I expect from resume designers on Fiverr?

    If you need a resume that will immediately make a strong positive impression to recruiters and potential employers, Fiverr is the right place to come. Working with a professional designer will certainly increase your chances to get the job by standing out. Most designs will not write the copy, but some of them can refer you to writers who are willing to collaborate in order to help with building the ultimate resume.

  • What should I prepare for the designer in order to achieve best results?

    Before you order, it’ll be best to get all you want to include in the CV/resume ready in a Word or other text file. This means personal details, job history, skills, hobbies and anything that you consider relevant for getting this important foot in the door of employers. If you already have an idea of what layouts you like or are suitable for the industry you work in, you should also share this information with the designer.

  • Will I be able to make changes to my resume once I’ve received the final delivery?

    Yes, most designers will send you the standard PDF file which you can send to recruiters and employers. however, they will also deliver an editable version of the source file. So if anything about your professional status changes or you want to personalize your CV for different job applications, you can use this to do so.

  • What if I have special requirements for my resume design?

    Designers have experience working with different requirements in industries such as Sales, Marketing, Engineering, Government, Retail & Wholesale through to Academia and NGOs. You can rest assured that the layout will be customized to reflect the type of experience you have and the jobs you might be interested in. Even if you’re a student, applying for their first job, with the right design, you can always stand out. If you need help with specific languages, colors or branding, get in touch with the freelancer before ordering.

  • How many changes will be included in my order?

    This is a question that doesn’t have a single answer as it will depend on the designer you’re working with. Most freelancers state their revision policy clearly in their gig packages, however it is sometimes difficult to determine what constitutes a revision and what is a change of the main requirements. If not sure, always ask beforehand to avoid surprises in the end.

  • Can I ask for super-fast delivery in 12-24 hours if I need my resume design prepared in a hurry?

    We understand that sometimes job opportunities come out of the blue, so you need to be prepared with a great design. Don’t hesitate to contact the designers you’ve shortlisted and always be forward with the urgency of your request. You can also post a ‘buyer request’ as we have a global community of freelancers which ensures that there’s always someone available around the clock to take your order.