What Does it Cost to Use a Resume Writing Service in 2024?

In 2024, it costs $100 to $2500 to hire a resume writer’s services. Learn more about pricing factors and what’s included in a resume service before investing in one for your job search.

By: Tanaaz Khan
March 12, 2024
9 minute reading

In the first quarter of 2024, 42% of employers globally expect to increase hiring. In the United States, 35% of employees expressed intentions to hire. It shows we can expect millions of job postings to open this year.

If you're looking for a new job or planning to make a change, it's time to make sure your resume reflects your expertise. While you can work on your resume on your own, if you work with expert resume writers, you get to:

  • Tap into the writer's expertise

  • Get insights into the industry

  • Access external and unbiased feedback

All of these could significantly impact how fast you get your dream role.

In 2024, it costs $100 to $2500 to hire a resume writer. Let's look at what goes into the process and how to work with one.

How much does it cost to hire a professional resume writer?

Resume writing services prices depend on how experienced the job seeker is and the type of role they're applying for.

Here's a list of the average rates we found based on the job seeker's level:

Entry level resume cost

The price range for an entry-level resume writing service can be between $100 to $400 and depends on the complexity of the resume.

For example, if you've never written a resume before or need a new resume you can expect to pay between $100 and $250 if you have all the information laid out. But if you’re applying for a very technical role, it could be on the higher end of the bracket.

Some writers charge around $50, but that's for a general resume review.

Mid-level resume cost

Mid-level professionals with two to ten years of experience can expect to pay between $350 and $750 for a professional written resume.

You may have achievements or metrics to showcase and need someone to help you put that forward. Typically, you're moving into a managerial role, and your entry-level resume would not reflect critical skills like:

  • Leadership

  • Management

  • Teamwork

In this case, it's also best to get a LinkedIn profile makeover and interview advice. It would help you move up the career ladder as you'll know how to tackle the recruitment process.

Executive-level resume cost

Executives usually include those with over 10 years of experience—including the following titles:

  • Senior managers

  • Vice President

  • Head of the department

  • C-suite executives

You should portray your experience executing things with a detailed track record in these roles. But you need help showing you can think strategically and align with business goals.

You can expect to pay between $600 to $2500 for an executive resume writing service, depending on the services you sign up for.

If you need additional services like coaching for negotiations and job interviews, expect to pay up to $5000.

What influences the final price of resume writing services?

The average cost for resume services depends on many factors, such as:

Writer's expertise

Right from the get-go, your writer's expertise should be evident. They should have the following skills:

  • Understanding of the applicant tracking systems (ATS)

  • Knowledge of the industry and role types

  • Familiarity with the recruitment process

Ideally, they have experience being in-house and processing applications. If not, they should at least be trained by the appropriate organizations.

The network they have is a good indicator of how deep they are within the industry—ensuring they know the nitty-gritty.

Writer’s experience

How long has the resume writer been working? A writer with 25+ years of experience will charge significantly more than one with three years of experience.

A proven track record and testimonials from job seekers should be in their portfolio.

Also, look for someone with solid storytelling and branding skills, as this comes in handy for your LinkedIn and cover letter.


Many professional organizations certify resume writers. Here are a few examples:

These certifications ensure the writer adheres to high standards of quality and ethics. But that also means they charge more for their services.

Reviewing or writing?

The nature of the services significantly impacts the price you'll pay. Are you getting a resume/LinkedIn review or a complete makeover of both?

A review costs much less than a makeover as it takes less time and effort. We recommend reviewing only when you have a complete profile or resume. If not, set a solid foundation to get the job you want.

Add-ons or resume packages

The structure of the service offering also influences pricing. Most resume writers offer three to four packages to choose from.

Sometimes, they also have a rate card with a la carte services you can pick based on your needs.

The more add-ons you take, the more it'll cost. And in that case, it's best to go for a premium package as the upfront cost will be lower.

Also, some writers also offer an interview guarantee backed by their portfolio. Always ask for such add-ons beforehand to make the most of your investment.

Job seeker’s seniority

The more senior and experienced you are, the more the professional resume service will cost.

Entry-level resumes are generally less expensive to produce than those for mid-level or executive positions. Resumes for more senior roles require a higher level of expertise to showcase the job seekers:

  • Leadership experience

  • Strategic impact

  • Potential for future contributions

It also includes a complete deep dive into your career history—requiring the writer to review much more material in this case.

Type of companies

The type of company you're applying to could significantly increase the final project fee.

Resumes tailored for competitive companies, such as PwC or JP Morgan cost more as they need insider knowledge or personal experience.

For example, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Alphabet (Google) resumes are niche offerings. The price could go up to $5,000 depending on how much work the writer has to do.

Alternatively, a competitive industry like technology or finance could also increase resume writing service costs.

Portfolio and reviews

The resume writer's portfolio should include resume samples and client reviews to indicate their capabilities. It shows the transformation they bring through the service and whether they can be trusted to help you.

Those who have received high praise and have a good track record should be top of mind in your search.

Number of revisions

Some resume writing services offer a fixed number of revisions, while others may provide unlimited revisions within a specific timeframe.

More revisions also mean more time and effort and possible misalignment in the approach.

Ideally, you should look for someone who offers a maximum of two rounds, as it means they have a straightforward process and can deliver a higher-quality first draft.

To avoid too many revisions, set clear expectations upfront and give the writer everything they need to complete the job.

Turnaround time

If a job seeker needs a resume quickly, many writers offer expedited services at an additional cost. These situations are common when there's an urgent application deadline.

In this case, ensure the writer has your complete work history and extra context to deliver faster. Missing information could mean the rush fee you'll pay is a wasted investment.

What do resume writers include in their packages?

A DIY resume is an option but there are many aspects to look out for.

This is why many writers offer packaged services that consist of the following:

Review and critique

Your writer will provide a document detailing your current resume's strengths and areas of improvement.

It would involve a critique of the resume’s:

  • Format

  • Structure

  • Clarity

  • Design

  • Content

  • Industry alignment

  • Role alignment

Use this to make improvements on your own or get their help.

This service is ideal for individuals who are satisfied with their resume but want expert advice to fine-tune it for better results.

Resume writing

In this step, your writer will implement all the suggestions they've offered. They may give you a questionnaire or conduct a 1:1 consultation to learn more about your career goals and history.

They'll craft a resume tailored to the position and roles you're applying for. They also ensure your resume passes ATS standards.

Plus, the information is formatted as per review patterns like the F pattern so the hiring manager can easily grasp the information.

Cover letter

Most jobs require a cover letter, which complements your resume and shows a snapshot of your capabilities.

It's a chance to make a great first impression on your potential employer. And it encourages the recruiter to review your resume. So, the writer will use effective storytelling skills to make sure you get that interview.

Hire a freelance cover letter writer to craft a compelling cover letter.

LinkedIn profile review

This review covers aspects like:

  • Professional headline

  • Summary section

  • Work experience

  • Skills

  • Endorsements

The goal is to identify opportunities to improve the profile's visibility and attractiveness to recruiters and your network.

LinkedIn profile optimization

This service goes beyond the basic review, and the writer gives your LinkedIn profile a complete makeover. Considering that six people are hired every minute on LinkedIn, it's a massive opportunity for you.

They'll use current best practices to ensure your profile comes up for the right search keywords and communicates your value in a few seconds.

In some cases, you'll receive tips on posting industry-relevant content or participating in discussions to improve your profile's visibility.

Hire a professional LinkedIn profile reviewer to optimize your profile.

Custom design

Custom design services focus on the visual aspects of the resume and, in some cases, the LinkedIn profile. This involves the following:

  • Creating a unique layout

  • Choosing attractive fonts

  • Incorporating branded elements (color or graphics)

As for the resume, the writer offers a resume template that can pass ATS systems.

Video consultations

These sessions can serve many purposes:

  • Gather information for writing the resume

  • Discuss strategies for job searching and networking

  • Provide career advice depending on your goals

Some writers charge extra for these, but they bake the cost into their project fee for things like interviews.

When should you pay for a professional resume service?

There's a good chance you might not need an external provider to help you. For instance, if you have experience writing your own resume or already have a good resume, you won’t need one.

But there certain cases where services are helpful:

You’re in a competitive field or position

Work with a resume expert if you're in a highly competitive field or applying for a job with too many qualified applicants.

For example, fields such as technology, finance, and healthcare, or roles at the executive level, often see a high volume of qualified candidates. In this case, a professionally written resume can come in handy.

You’re transitioning into another industry

The recruiting process works differently if you're in technology and are moving into manufacturing.

A professional resume writer bridges that gap and lets you identify transferable skills and experiences relevant to the new field.

The goal is to craft a compelling narrative that connects the dots and clarifies why you're a strong candidate, irrespective of your industry.

You’re not getting too many interviews

If you're sending out resumes but not getting interview calls, consult a professional.

A lack of interviews indicates issues with your resume, as it's the first step of the application process. Your writer will diagnose issues with your resume and revamp it accordingly.

You want direct feedback from an expert

Sometimes, you want an expert opinion to put your best foot forward.

Getting this direct feedback means you find out how your resume is perceived from a professional standpoint and what changes can make it more effective.

It also reveals where you stand in the job market—letting you make realistic bets while applying.

You don’t have the time to curate your resume

If you're already working or have other responsibilities, there's a good chance you don't have the time to spend hours on your resume.

Also, curating a standout resume requires writing skills and an understanding of industry trends and ATS optimization.

Professional writers can take on this burden, producing a high-quality resume quickly. It allows you to focus on your current responsibilities without the added stress of resume writing.

You have career breaks or changes

Many professionals have career gaps due to many reasons. But they're not too sure how to portray it in a positive light.

A resume expert can help you strategize how to present these breaks and focus on aspects such as:

  • Professional growth

  • Skills acquired

  • Professional narrative

This approach turns potential vulnerabilities into strengths in your resume.

Hire vetted resume writers on Fiverr

Navigating today's competitive job market can be challenging. Instead of doing it yourself, work with professionals who understand your issues and can craft a resume that reflects your expertise.

While you can go hunting for writers within your network, why not broaden your talent pool with Fiverr's marketplace? You get access to the best resume writing services from different markets and industries in one place.

Plus, you can filter for the right writers based on criteria such as:

  • Budget

  • Delivery time

  • Service options

  • Industry

  • Language

Hiring a freelance resume writer is an affordable option, since you don't pay an extra margin for an agency, while still receiving high quality in return.

Simply choose your criteria and review a writer's profile. Look at aspects like their package offering, reviews, and portfolio to find the one that fits your needs.

Sign up to Fiverr today and work with a professional resume writer to land your dream job.

About Author

Tanaaz Khan Freelance Writer

Tanaaz Khan is a freelance content writer for B2B SaaS brands in the Digital Transformation (DX/DT) tech and Healthtech space. She specializes in long-form content that breaks down dull technical jargon into engaging and data-driven narratives for her audience.