30+ AI Content Marketing Tools to Fuel Every Stage of Your Strategy

Leveraging AI helps you create great content that delights your audience. Our list of AI content marketing tools can help you elevate your strategy and ramp up your content process.

By: Elsier Otachi
February 27, 2023
17 minute reading
ai content marketing tools

What’s the number one challenge for content marketers? 

Sixty-one percent say it’s creating content that appeals to different stages of the buyer’s journey. That’s because content creation often requires a strategic mix of art and science. 

Yet human marketers excel more at creativity and storytelling than the science side of things. And when they get strategic, they spend tons of time and resources on tasks like keyword research, topic selection, creating briefs and outlines, and tracking performance.

With AI-powered tools, you can turn lost time into found time.

In this guide, we'll explore the AI content marketing tools you can use to develop your strategy and delight your audience across the buyer’s journey.

Current state of AI in content marketing

A Content Marketing Institute (CMI) report shows only 15% of content marketers thought about implementing AI more in 2022. 

In 2023, 42% of marketers believe AI will be the most important emerging technology.

Source: WARC

Forrester Research expects that number to increase, as at least 10% of Fortune 500 enterprises will invest in AI-supported digital content creation. 

In their book: Marketing Artificial Intelligence: AI, Marketing, and the Future of Business, Paul Roetzer, Marketing AI Institute founder and CEO, and co-author Mike Kaput capture the sentiments from these trends:

"Next-gen marketers know that in order to deliver the personalization and experiences modern consumers expect, marketing must become smarter. It must become marketer + machine.”

If you haven’t put much thought into incorporating AI into your strategy, this is your sign to start.

What are the benefits of using AI content marketing tools?

Before we jump into the AI content marketing tools, let’s go over the benefits they bring to your business. 

Whether you’re creating articles, videos, social media posts, or podcasts, there’s a good chance AI content marketing tools can help you do things better. 

These tools not only understand, write, and speak natural language in written, audio, and video content — they also offer:

  • Time savings: A HubSpot report shows marketers spend an average of six hours per day on manual, operational and administrative tasks, which leaves less time for more impactful work. AI content marketing tools shave off hours from the content creation and optimization processes, freeing up time to do more strategic activities.

  • Flexibility: AI tools allow marketers to shift their resources to activities that drive more agile, data-based responses to their challenges. By 2025, organizations that implement AI in marketing will shift 75% of their staff’s operations from production to more strategic activities.

  • Faster data processing: AI content marketing tools also process data from various digital sources, like emails or social media platforms quickly, delivering actionable insights to inform your strategy. They also conduct multivariate experiments faster and more efficiently than manual split (A/B) testing.

  • Valuable insights: Unlike traditional tools, which use human-generated algorithms to provide instructions, AI content marketing tools are infinitely smarter. They unlock business data-driven insights to help with segmentation and crafting messaging that resonates, engages, and motivates your audience at the right moment.

  • Personalized marketing: Using AI tools, you can serve your audience with relevant, personalized touch points in real time. These tools can generate content and messages personalized to each customer, motivating them to engage and act. 

  • Cost savings: AI-powered content marketing tools intelligently automate data-driven and repetitive tasks, which reduces costs. And with their improved ability to make predictions at scale, these tools help accelerate revenue.

  • Increased marketing return on investment (ROI): With deep customer insights at your fingertips, you'll know what your audience wants, so you can glide them smoothly through the buyer’s journey to a conversion. This maximizes the content you produce without wasting money on unnecessary campaigns‌, thereby increasing your marketing ROI.

That said, let's review the phases of your strategy and how AI content marketing tools fit into each stage.

Where do AI content marketing tools fit in your strategy?

Source: Pexels

Having a strategic content operation gives you a competitive advantage. 

From CMI’s survey, only 29% of the 73% of businesses with a content strategy are extremely or very successful with content marketing. Fifty-four percent successfully nurtured subscribers or leads, while 42% generated sales or revenue. 

So where do AI content marketing tools fit in all this? Well, relying on “finger in the air” content and hoping it does the job won’t drive the desired results.

AI marketing tools enhance your content team’s skills by providing content ideas, audience insights, and other capabilities to take your strategy and results to the next level.

Some specific areas you can maximize the use of AI content marketing tools include:

  • Research and planning: Before producing content, AI tools can scan the web to gather data, and generate keywords, topics, and content ideas based on past and current trends. They can also identify best split testing options for content performance improvement.

  • Creation/production: AI tools are getting better and faster at understanding, writing, and speaking human-like language, incorporating brand style guides, grammar, and punctuation. Some use cases include developing article structure, short-form content, first drafts, content repurposing, and chatbot scripts.

  • Optimization: AI content marketing tools also optimize your content for search engines to rank better and get more visibility. 

  • Distribution: With AI tools, you can scale your strategy faster and ensure the right content gets to the right people at the right time. For example, repurposing blog posts into dozens of social media posts for LinkedIn, Twitter, or even Tiktok.

  • Performance: There are many ways AI tools boost your content performance. For instance, they offer personalization recommendations or keyword suggestions for better SEO performance.

But which AI content marketing tools can develop a less time-consuming and more profitable content strategy and process? We'll review those next.

Which AI content marketing tools can I incorporate into my strategy?

There’s a long list of AI content marketing tools you can add to your strategy. Some are exclusively AI tools while others offer AI features. 

Here are our top picks categorized by different content needs.


People crave high-quality, well-researched content with insights backed by valuable and recent data. It takes work to dig for such information from reports, reputable sites, and other quality sources. 

AI content marketing tools speed up the production of high-quality researched content that stands out and gives you a serious boost in SEO and authority. 

These tools act as fishing hooks, pulling and aggregating facts and figures from the internet within a short time, so you can create quality content faster. 

Keyword, audience, or general research --we've got a tool for each stage of the content marketing process:

  • Frase: Uses machine learning to analyze, dissect, and centralize the best content across the web in one place. This shaves hours off your SERP research process so you can spend more time producing high-quality content. Its intuitive research panel displays competitors' content, including target keywords, headers, and concepts for you to review and use when deciding on your content direction.

  • MarketMuse: Uses natural language processing to process thousands of pages for expert comprehension on different topics. It also provides competitive analysis with word counts, scores, and gap analyses. 

  • Content Harmony: Unlike Frase, Content Harmony includes visual research like videos, diagrams, infographics, and other visual assets in its research reports. It fetches and pulls live data on-demand, even from Google Images and Google Video search results, and highlights the embedded videos and graphics in your competitors' top-ranking pages. That way, you can see what's most relevant to your topic.

Other noteworthy tools with AI features, such as BuzzSumo, Ahrefs, and Sparktoro, can help with your content research, keyword research, SEO analysis, and audience research. That way, you can find influencers in your industry, get data about metrics like targeted keywords, page rankings, or domain authority, and make sound decisions on content or messaging for effective audience targeting.

Pro Tip: Don’t neglect conducting your own research. Some tools collect data from old sources without fact-checking it. Review each sentence, then supplement the tool’s findings with your own work to ensure everything's up-to-date and accurate.

Outline briefs

Once you have a topic, audience, and relevant keywords, the next step is to create content briefs. With a well-crafted content brief, you can:

  • Write faster

  • Consistently produce high-performing content

  • Increase your chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs)

Each brief contains key elements, including your target audience, competitors, pain point, tone of voice, and stage of the customer journey.

AI content marketing tools can build thorough SEO outline briefs based on different search terms, so you can do more intelligent content creation and strategy. They offer suggested outlines complete with relevant information, ensuring you include the required bits for SEO in each content piece.

Here's an example outline brief created using Frase:

Through natural language processing (NLP) strategies, these tools crawl billions of other content pieces on similar topics while shedding light on the areas covered and missing gaps.

Popular AI-powered tools to create outlines and briefs include:

  • Frase: Besides research, Frase can create outlines and briefs using real-life questions searchers ask. Also suggests subheadings and keywords to produce smarter content that ranks well.

  • Content Harmony: Pulls live data on-demand to build a data-driven, customizable content brief within 30 minutes. These briefs contain comprehensive information you can pass on to your writing team in an easily digestible format, with keywords, internal link targets, authoritative sources to link to, visual content research, and more.

  • MarketMuse: This tool cuts the time you spend researching and provides comprehensive information and data to build content briefs, write and optimize your content.


Writing content is easy when you know what you want to say. But getting it from the idea stage to a finished piece can be challenging. 

An AI content marketing tool takes your content brief and spins it into a polished blog post or article you can publish. Just upload your brief into the tool and it’ll generate a finished piece in a fraction of the time you’d take to write the content yourself.

Some tools can write almost anything for you, including blog posts, ad copy, or email subject lines on any topic. 

GPT is one of the most interesting AI tools right now that’s good for brainstorming and finding major talking points for different subjects. It uses written prompts to predict the most likely follow-on text and generates great ideas for writing long-form content. 

“One of the AI tools I use regularly when creating and optimizing content is GPT-3,” says Marcus Clarke, founder at Searchant. “I also use its natural language processing capabilities to generate high-quality and relevant content that resonates with my target audience."

But to get the most out of GPT writing tools, you must know how to write prompts aka instructions. It's a learning curve, but you can skip that by hiring an AI prompt engineer from Fiverr.

Other noteworthy AI content marketing tools include:

  • Jasper: With the perfect AI writing prompt, you can use Jasper to generate short-form email, landing page, blog, and social media content. The tool will spit out dozens of content to kickstart your next piece.

  • Writer: Unlike other generative AI tools, Writer lets you fine-tune your data and even fact-checks your output for you. You get dozens of pre-built apps, which can be trained on your brand voice and content. It also ingests text, audio, video, PDFs and more to generate data for new contexts.

  • Copysmith: With this tool, you can create compelling social media ads, rewrite content, and generate press releases to help you reach your content goals. 

  • Writesonic: This AI copywriting tool helps you create engaging copy that drives sales and traffic for your business. You get options for writing sales emails, landing pages, blog posts, content summaries, and product descriptions. Plus, you can check your content for readability and correct any grammatical mistakes. 

  • HyperWrite: This AI writer uses natural language generation (NLG) to write original and accurate sentences, paragraphs, or entire blog posts and articles.

Writing smart prompts can help you expand your keyword research and focus on LSI keywords as well,” says Nebojsa Savicic, co-founder of Plainly. “We use AI copywriting tools to help us launch meaningful email marketing campaigns and write social media posts, but we always do post-editing.”

Content optimization

If you want your content to rank well on search engines, you need to optimize it so it can stand out in the crowd and meet your target audience’s needs. Content optimization tools were created to help you do that within minutes.

Here are some great optimization tools you can use: 

  • Clearscope: This AI-powered content optimization tool helps you create new, highly-relevant content while refreshing your old pieces to improve your rank in SERPs. It provides high-quality recommendations, a content grading system, optimal word count, and keywords to include, so you can consistently produce top-performing SEO content.

  • Frase: Besides using Frase’s outline builder, you can also optimize your content, automatically create content, and organize your tasks in project folders. Content scoring is included to help you improve readability. 

  • Surfer SEO: With this tool, you get content suggestions to match search intent and boost your SERPs rankings. It comes with keyword suggestions, an SEO audit tool that identifies content gaps, and a content planner.

  • MarketMuse: This tool isn’t just for research — it also helps you optimize your content so it can rank better. You can use it for keyword research and identify frequently asked questions to address in your content.

  • SEMrush: This popular SEO platform helps with on-page optimization and offers features like content gap analysis, audience interest insights, and relevant trending topic information to help you select fresh ideas.

Art creation

Source: Art created in Midjourney

Have you ever browsed the web for the ideal image you need, but to no avail? AI art generators can help with that. 

These tools use text prompts to generate images in seconds. You can type a detailed or vague prompt and the image you’re thinking about will instantly pop up on your screen. 

Whether you need images for social media posts, branding, or for your blog content, AI image or art generators can suit your different needs.

Here are some options you can try: 

  • DALLE-2: Like ChatGPT, this tool made a huge splash because it’s easy to access and has advanced capabilities for image generation, producing artwork with as many details within seconds. Just type your prompt, specify the details you need, and it'll generate four images, which you can tweak until you get what you want.

  • Craiyon: Craiyon is an open-source AI art generator that’s simple to use, with a straightforward interface, and unlimited prompts. Its output may not be on par with DALLE-2, but you can still tweak your prompts until you get what you want for your content.  

  • Dream by WOMBO: If you need to generate art or images on the go, this app helps you create art from quick prompts, remix your own images, and use different design styles for realistic renditions of your idea.  

  • Midjourney: High quality photos are a must-have in any piece of content. Midjourney provides high-quality image outputs for various use cases. You’ll sign up through Discord to create images, but you also get to view other users’ inputs and generated art outputs in the chat.

  • Stable Diffusion: This free-to-use tool also produces clean results and photorealistic images through text prompts. You can create stunning art within seconds to add to your content.

We're using Stable Diffusion (text-to-image AI) with some Python scripts from Deforum to generate coherent AI animations which have a look and feel we really like,” says Emilio Guarino, a music producer and engineer at Glitch Magic

If you test these tools and grow frustrated with the outputs of AI art generators, you can always hire one of Fiverr's AI art prompt writers.

Social media 

If you’re a social media marketer, you can use AI content marketing tools to create multiple variations of short-form copy. 

These tools can provide headline variations, spotlight text, or pull quotes from any piece of content to use in your social ads or posts with little input from a human. They’re especially beneficial when paired with your content writing and social media scheduling tools, so you can automate the posting process and timings. 

Here are a few AI-powered tools to amplify your social media content strategy:

  • Predis.ai: Predis is an end-to-end social media management tool that empowers businesses and influencers to scale their social media activities at 10X speed. Right from creating single image posts to making Instagram reels, Predis does everything seamlessly based on the user's simple text input.

  • AdCreative.ai: The success of an ad campaign relies on the effectiveness of the ad content. Aesthetically designed ad creatives can capture the attention of the viewers and influence their interest. An interesting ad creative can significantly improve the ad click-through rate (CTR). AdCreative.ai leverages machine learning (ML) to generate ad creatives that convert.

  • Lately: This tool analyzes metrics for your social accounts, learning the phrases and keywords that drive the most engagement. It can take your content, match it to your brand tone, and break it down into multiple short content pieces and headlines for social.

  • Albert: Albert personalizes and optimizes your ad content across your social media channels, freeing you up to make effective campaigns. It makes your campaigns more relevant and less wasteful, helping you increase site traffic and leads.

  • Influencity: This tool works best when using influencers in your social media marketing strategy. It helps you assess and contact influencers, collaborate on campaigns across all major platforms, and track the influencers’ effectiveness.

  • Brand24: Wondering how your brand is being mentioned across the web? Brand24 — a social listening tool — scours blogs, social media, news sites, and other forums, aggregating media mentions about your brand, spotting hashtag trends, and identifying topics of conversation and user sentiment. That way, you can respond quickly to negative reviews or user issues before they become crises. 

  • Chatfuel: This conversational AI-powered tool helps you build chatbots for social media sites like Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and your brand’s website. These chatbots can talk with customers in human-like conversations, replying to queries and giving feedback.

Video creation

Short-form video is increasingly popular among B2B marketers today because of its high ROI — 80% of mobile data traffic comes from short-form videos. It’s no surprise considering the average user watches 19 hours of video content each week. 

While there’s a lot of buzz around AI text-to-image generators, the next frontier is AI text-to-video generators. 

AI video generation tools use machine learning to create and produce videos and bring your vision to life.

Type a text description and the AI video tool will generate matching footage. You can test out a script, storyboard, make quick proof-of-concept videos, and much more using AI video creation tools. 

Some popular AI-powered video creation tools include:

  • Synthesia: Automatically animates human-life avatars, eliminating the time-consuming nature of video production, so you can create content at scale. You can add music, images, or text overlays to level up your videos and make them more engaging — with human sounding audio.

  • Imagen Video: Google created this text-to-video tool that produces 1280x768 videos from written prompts.  

  • Make-A-Video: This state-of-the-art AI video generation tool by Meta (Facebook’s parent company) generates videos from text using images with descriptions and unlabeled videos. You can create one-of-a-kind, engaging videos for your brand full of vivid colors and landscapes.

  • QuickVid: Created by a former Meta employee, this AI video generation tool automatically creates short-form social media videos for Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok from text. It even adds a voiceover and background music, helping you increase your content output — without the burnout.


It takes time for content marketing to work. 

Yet even with creative, memorable, and popular content, you’ll never know its impact on your business’s bottom line without measuring it. SEMrush's State of Content Marketing 2023 report confirms this fact. According to the report, 70% of companies that succeed the most in content marketing measure content marketing ROI.

With AI analytics tools, you can measure your content marketing efforts consistently. 

These tools organize your data and provide key performance insights that can inform each stage of your strategy so you know what works, what to improve, and where to scale back.

Whether you’re tracking engagement, backlinks, bounce rate, or traffic, these AI content marketing tools can help you get the insights you need: 

  • Google Analytics: A popular tool, Google Analytics helps you better evaluate the performance of your content by offering rich insights about your site, audience, and digital marketing efforts. You also get to know where your content performs best, which type of content your audience likes most, and channels that earn you the best results. 

  • Surfer SEO: Besides optimization, this tool can analyze your content, giving you a score (out of 100). Its SERP Analyzer also helps you learn what kinds of content rank best on page one of Google.

  • Parse.ly: This tool provides the insights you need to focus on your strategy and prove ROI. Its intuitive dashboard gives you access to deep insights about your content, so you know what works and what doesn’t. 

  • Accenture: If you run an enterprise, Accenture offers knowledge and insights in your unstructured data to help you stay agile and create a competitive advantage. It combines AI technologies with search and analytics to unlock the hidden value of your data and deliver helpful business outcomes. 

  • Optimize.ly: Optimize.ly is a content management system for enterprises but offers real-time, AI-driven recommendations for content improvements.

  • MarketMuse: You can still use MarketMuse to analyze your entire site or content and get personalized, objective insights to confidently plan your content strategy better, and faster.


Great content is useless if your target audience neither knows it exists nor consumes it. Content distribution boosts brand awareness, encourages people to click, act, and become customers, and helps you get loyal followers.

AI tools can help you promote and distribute content across your social media platforms, reaching your audience at the right time. 

In a webinar titled "Real-World Examples of How AI Writing Tech Is Helping Marketers Create Content," Ryan Johnston, VP of Marketing at Writer, explained how AI tools can help distribute content faster.

"Just enter a title, paste your content, and it (Writer) will generate a meta description, push notifications, and social copy to help distribute the content," says Johnston. "What would normally be a multi-hour process is drastically reduced to 30 to 45 minutes."

Some common options include:

  • Writer: Writer isn't just a writing assistant; it also generates content, offers a way to automatically incorporate your style guide to write on-brand content, and helps you easily distribute your content. 

  • Letterdrop: This content operations platform is designed to help B2B marketers create and distribute 30% more content to drive inbound leads. The tool edits and repurposes your content, optimizes it for search, and generates outlines, content ideas, and social posts, too.

  • Concured: Concured doubles up as a content promotion and distribution tool. The AI-powered platform automates your promotion efforts, giving you a smarter way to drive engagement.

Tips for using AI content marketing tools 

AI content marketing tools offer plenty of potential to build a powerful and effective content strategy. From the research reports we’ve cited, marketers are already taking advantage. 

If you’re looking to do the same, keep the following tips in mind that we gathered from business owners and content marketers:

  • There’s a slew of AI content marketing tools out there. Depending on your needs and circumstances, you have to try out several options before committing to a single tool.

  • If you haven't used AI tools before, start with comprehensive tools with strong website traffic and audience analysis capabilities to experience how AI streamlines your daily work tasks.

  • Read as many reviews as possible on product review sites, sign up for free trials, compare your budget to pricing to estimate ROI, and look for testimonials and other social proof to evaluate the tool’s effectiveness.

  • The best tool will integrate with other tools you're using, making your work easier to manage.

  • Consider the features offered by each tool and how they will fit into your content strategy. Look for tools that offer real-time insights and analytics, as these can help you make data-driven decisions about your content. 

  • When choosing an AI tool, consider functionality, ease of use, price, integration with other tools, customization, customer support, and accuracy.

  • Don’t just copy and paste everything the tool spits out. Add a personal touch to your content and experiment with different commands to find the best approach.

  • Hire a human AI writer/editor well-versed in content strategy. AI tools can help your team move faster and be more agile, but it can't replace your team. 

Level up your content strategy 

Feeding the content machine has been a common challenge for marketers. Thanks to AI content marketing tools, they can focus on what they do best: creating great content. 

If you’re just starting out and all these tools seem overwhelming and intimidating, hiring an AI writer/editor from Fiverr can save you time and make the learning curve for AI tools less daunting.

Fiverr is the biggest digital marketplace for freelance services, connecting businesses like yours with expert professionals offering services in 500+ categories — including AI content creation.

Sign up for Fiverr to begin your search for experts in AI art, writing, and SEO. 

About author

Elsier Otachi B2B Content writer

Elsier writes data-driven content for tech-led brands and SaaS companies that gets them noticed online and truly delivers value.