Local marketing ideas & strategies for small businesses

This guide will cover everything you need to know about local marketing, as well as how you can use this strategy for your own business.

By: Melanie Clarke
November 18, 2023
13 minute reading
local marketing

local marketing

If you're a business looking to grow your customer base, the best way to do this is by focusing on your local area. Local marketing is a business marketing strategy that targets consumers within a certain radius of the physical location(s) of a business. In essence, your ads are shown to people who are searching for what you offer in their neighborhood or city. It's especially effective for businesses with bricks-and-mortar stores.

Local marketing has many benefits; it can help increase your website traffic, attract new customers, and improve your brand awareness within your local community.

This guide will cover everything you need to know about local marketing, as well as how you can use this strategy for your own business.

Here are 18 local marketing ideas & strategies:

1. Google Business Profile 

Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business)  is a free service that provides Google users with information like your location, store hours, directions, contact information, online reviews, and more. It also allows you to claim your business on Google Maps and Google Search. As a result, all businesses should have a Google Business Profile account so that people can find them online easily.

Adding or updating your Google Business Profile listing is straightforward. You can do so using the My Business Tool (if you have an existing account), or the Google Business Profile mobile app, which is available for both iOS and Android. If you need help setting up or updating your GBP listing, check out Fiverr GBP Services. 

2. Listings on third-party websites

Listings on third-party business directories like Yelp or Yellow Pages are important for establishing legitimacy, especially if your business is new and has not yet built a strong online presence. The more information about your company that’s available online, the higher its search engine rankings, which means more people can find you when searching for businesses like yours.

If you haven't already done so, create an account on Yelp or the Yellow Pages website. If a listing already exists for your business but isn't accurate, update it so it now contains the relevant information.

If there isn't an existing listing for your company at all, create one by filling out the form provided by each site. You can also choose whether or not you want to pay for advertising on these platforms, as well as how much detail goes into creating each entry.

3. NAP

NAP stands for name, address, and phone number. This is crucial information that you should have on every page of your website, as well as in all social media profiles and email signatures. This is because NAP has become an important factor in local search results, as it allows people to find you online when they need to visit your physical location.

Additionally, search engines use local data to determine which businesses to show first in their organic search results. Make sure your NAP information is consistent in your business listings and social media pages, since Google values accurate information. 

4. Localize your business website & utilize local SEO 

Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank for locally-relevant terms and keywords. It requires in-depth knowledge of search engine optimization practices, so is something small business owners often outsource to local SEO experts, such as those on Fiverr.

People conduct local searches primarily because they want to find relevant businesses near them and learn about those brands. They also conduct local searches when planning events, visiting new areas, or seeking out entertainment options while on vacation.

If you want your company to be found by people searching for businesses in a specific location (such as within a 10-mile radius around your business), then it’s important to optimize your presence for those relevant keywords.

There are several ways to localize your business website. Examples include:

  • Adding a local address

  • Creating a location-based page for each branch

  • Including location-specific terms in the content of your site

We also highly recommend adding a local address to your website. This can be done by creating a page titled “Contact Us” and including a map of your location on it. You may also want to include contact information, hours of operation, and any other relevant details about your business. If you have multiple locations, consider creating individual pages for each one so that customers can easily find the information they need for their area.

To improve your website’s local SEO efforts, consider using a Schema.org markup for local businesses. Read more about it here. 

5. Utilize local PPC 

PPC (pay-per-click) ads are another excellent way to reach local customers. They allow you to promote your business and make it easier for people to find you when they search Google. This is because these ads appear at the top of the search results, so your audience is very likely to see them.

Make sure to pick the most relevant, local keywords when you first start using PPC advertisements so you can connect with quality leads. These are people who are actively looking for what your business has to offer.

Google wants to provide the most relevant PPC advertising to its audience, thus it's important to create Google ads with high-quality content. Try writing a few different versions of a headline and see which one works best for generating clicks from potential clients who live nearby. This will vary depending on how competitive these terms are.

You can also optimize your PPC ads by adjusting your bid and budget. For example, if you want to attract the most amount of clicks in the shortest period of time, then increase your bid amount. This will make it more expensive for you to show your ad at the top of search results, however. On the other hand, if you’re looking to grow organically over time, then you can decrease your ad spending.

If you don’t have previous expertise with PPC ads, then you should consider hiring the services of a freelance Search Engine Marketing (SEM) specialist to boost your chances of success.

6. Take advantage of local social media for your business

Social media marketing is a great tool to help you reach more relevant leads interested in your business. Most social media sites provide several localization options, ranging from adding a location to your profile to tagging the location of your uploaded content. Local hashtags can also be included in the caption or comments of your posts. Examples of a local hashtag include #NewYorkAccountant or #PhiladelphiaBookstore.

By creating a presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (among others), you can also provide up-to-date information such as your business’s location, contact information, and store hours.

If you want to use social media as a local online marketing tool, it’s important that your business has an established presence on these sites. Post relevant content such as photos of your products or services and updates about new developments at your business. You can also host contests and giveaways to attract more followers.

7. Be mobile-friendly

A mobile-friendly website is crucial for gaining new clients, particularly local ones. When visited through a mobile device, mobile-friendly websites load quickly. They also display larger text, form fields, menus, and buttons to make it simpler to access content while on the go.

Additionally, you should make your PPC landing page mobile-friendly too, as people will regularly click on PPC advertising while using mobile devices.

Mobile-friendly websites help your business in a number of ways. They allow you to gain more traffic from Google search results, which can increase your sales and leads. They also attract new customers who are using their phones to find local businesses. Finally, having a mobile-friendly site can also boost your SEO. This is because Google has stated they will use the mobile version of your site as the main ranking factor if you’re not using responsive design.

8. Create partnerships with other local businesses through social media

If you're looking to expand your business, consider partnering with other local businesses via social media. The best partnerships are those in which both businesses have similar goals, but aren't in direct competition with each other.

A joint promotion with another local business, for example, is an easy way to promote your own business while supporting a like-minded small business in its efforts as well. This might include a collaborative giveaway or competition, where entrants must be following both businesses’ accounts in order to qualify.

Another idea is to simply develop a relationship with another local business where you both agree to share each other’s special news or promotions with your own social media following. This kind of support can go a long way in boosting both of your customer bases.

Besides assisting one another, you can also establish referral programs and provide appealing incentives to your partners in return for their support, referrals, and word-of-mouth advocacy.

Taking it a step further, you can partner with local influencers to boost your brand visibility and sales. Influencer marketing is emerging as a powerful strategy, particularly in the ecommerce space. These influencers can share attractive photos and videos featuring your business, provide testimonials for your website or social media, and even make in-store visits.

9. Create localized content 

Localized content is a great way to connect with your local audience and build trust among them. You can create localized content in the form of blog posts, eBooks, videos, or infographics that provide helpful tips on topics relevant to your community.

The key to successful localized content is creating content that connects with your audience on a personal level. This means you need to understand their needs, pain points, and frustrations before trying to provide them with any solutions.

A good way to do this is by conducting market research that will help you identify what your target audience wants and needs. Understanding the local demographics and tailoring your content accordingly can get your customers attention towards your business. 

For example, a hotel in Berlin trying to increase foot traffic through content marketing and email marketing tactics, can produce helpful content about the city such as the top 10 restaurants in Berlin or “The Complete Guide to a Perfect Berlin Vacation” 

When it comes to creating content, it’s also important that you meet your audience’s expectations as well. Readers expect content that is engaging, valuable, and of a high quality. This is why it’s vital for you to outsource your web content writing project. 

10. Get involved with local online communities and forums

There are many online communities and forums dedicated to local businesses, and they can be a great way to get your name out there and build relationships.

You may also benefit from joining local groups on Facebook or LinkedIn. These groups will allow you to post information about your business more easily than if you were posting in a forum all on your own, but they still give you the opportunity to interact with other members of the group.

The most important thing to remember is that, when you join a group, you are representing your business. You should post in a way that shows that you’re professional and knowledgeable about the subject matter. If your posts are not relevant or informative for other members of the group, then people will quickly lose interest in what you have to say—or worse—block you.

11. Get involved with your local Chamber of Commerce or business association

Local Chambers of Commerce are a great way to network with other businesses in your area. You can learn about events, news, and happenings in your community. They also often have lists of business partners that you can contact for more information on working together or cross-promoting each other’s services.

Chambers of commerce are also a great place to share resources. If you have an event coming up, posting it on the chamber’s website is a good way to get exposure for your business. You may even want to join their board or volunteer for some projects.

12. Sponsor a local sports team or event

If you’re looking to attract attention with a local marketing strategy, one of the best ways to do so is by sponsoring a local sports team or event. This is a great way to make your name known in the community and build relationships with local organizations. You will also have the opportunity to promote your brand at events and through advertisements on uniforms and signage.

If you’re just starting out as a small business, consider sponsoring an amateur team in order to scale up slowly. As you become more established locally, you can start looking into professional teams and leagues for sponsorship opportunities that will provide larger audiences for your business.

If you’re looking to get involved with a specific sport or event, you should also think about how your brand can benefit from being linked with it. For example, who are your target customers and what are they most interested in? What events or sports teams do they support? Doing so will help you to build up your reputation among the right members of the community, while also giving them a way to access your products.

13. Have some company swag made and hand it out at local events

Company swag, or promotional items, are any product that you give away at events, trade shows, and conferences that advertise your business. You can choose from a wide range of items that suit your brand and audience, and they’re a great way to make an impression on potential customers.

Promotional products include anything from t-shirts or pens to water bottles. It all depends on what you want to promote. You can also use these products to make your brand more memorable by choosing items with bright colors and unique, professional designs.

To create the best swag for your brand, it’s recommended that you hire the services of an experienced graphic designer to get this just right. Thankfully, Fiverr is home to thousands of highly rated graphic designers who can work within your budget.

So, what should you include in your promotional products? You can include a variety of things, depending on the type of product you’re making. The most popular additions include your business’s:

  • Name

  • Logo

  • Phone number

  • Website URL

  • Short message about what makes your brand unique, such as a slogan

14. Give talks or presentations at local events or meetups

If you're good at what you do, why not share that with others? Giving talks or presentations at local events or meetups is a great way to get your name out there, and it's also an effective way to show off your prowess as an expert in the industry you're in.

You can give talks about anything related to your business, including what it does, how it operates, and how it differs from competitors. Because these events are geared toward getting information out into the world as well as bringing people together over common interests, giving presentations can give customers (and potential customers) even greater insight into who your business is behind closed doors.

If you're looking for new clients or just want people to know about the work you do, public speaking is one of the best ways to make that happen.

15. Make use of local print media to advertise your business

Another effective way to advertise your business is through local print media. Local newspapers and magazines provide a great platform for you to reach an audience that's interested in what you have to offer.

There are many advantages to using local print media. Firstly, it's cost-effective. If you're just starting out at running a business, it can be difficult to maintain an advertising budget with multiple channels such as social media, TV ads, and radio spots.

Local print media advertising also allows customers more time with brands than other forms of advertising. This is because they also deliver entertainment value by providing readership opportunities too.

Local print media is also a great way to reach customers who are often too busy or distracted with other forms of media to see the ads. This is why local newspapers and magazines are still around (and in some cases, thriving) despite the rise in popularity of social media, online news sites, and blogs.

16. Place billboards or other forms of outdoor advertising in strategic locations

Billboards can be another successful way to advertise your business. They can be placed in strategic locations where your customers are likely to see them, such as around town or along busy highways. You can use billboards to advertise special offers and promotions, or just promote your business in a funny or interesting way.

Billboards also provide a means to get your message across in a creative way—especially when you use the right design and message.

You can also use outdoor advertising to boost your business’s brand awareness. For example, if you own a new restaurant that just opened, you could place an advertisement on the side of a bus that runs through your town. People who see the bus will know exactly where to find your restaurant when they’re ready for lunch or dinner.

17. Get your business involved with local charities and causes

Becoming involved with local charities and causes is one of the best ways to build trust and goodwill in your community. Not only will you be giving back, but you're also helping people—which makes everyone feel good about what you're doing.

By getting involved in local charities and causes, you can make a real difference in people's lives—and build your company’s reputation at the same time. Doing so will also show how you care about the local community, as well as its members.

18. Hire booth space for your business at local events 

At these events, you can reach customers who may not have heard of you before. You can also show off your brand and interact with people who are interested in what you're doing.

Include a sign that makes it clear that the booth is for your business, and ideally, include the URL to your website. Additionally, make sure to have some printed business cards with you that you can give to potential customers.

If you have a product, make sure to bring some samples with you too. You can also leave a coupon for customers who want to purchase your product later on. This is a great way to encourage new customers to try out your products or services.

Achieve local marketing success

Local marketing campaigns can be one of the most affordable ways to promote your business. It can also be one of the most effective, as it helps you connect with customers who are likely to be interested in your product or service based on where they live and what they need.

Whether you’re trying something new or continuing with an old tradition, local marketing is a great way to reach potential customers who may not be familiar with your brand yet. 

Remember, if you need assistance with your marketing efforts, help is at hand. Fiverr is home to thousands of freelance marketing professionals, expert in both offline and digital marketing, who can get any job done with ease.

Melanie Clarke - author headshot
About the author

Melanie Clarke

Melanie Clarke is a freelance writer based in Sydney, Australia. She has obtained university degrees in both creative arts and journalism and possesses over a decade of experience in creating educational online content. She is particularly passionate about helping small business owners learn about the intricacies of graphic design and branding.