Top 6 Affordable SEO Services for Small Businesses in 2023

Discover the 6 best affordable SEO services for small businesses to drive organic traffic and improve SERP rankings in 2023.

By: Izrael Samson
September 21, 2023
17 minute reading
seo services

If your business can’t be easily found on Google, does it really exist?

According to marketers in 2023, skipping SEO (search engine optimization) and digital marketing is missing out on a big opportunity to build your brand and impact your bottom line.

Small businesses everywhere are realizing the importance of SEO to improve their online reach and attract potential customers. However, for entrepreneurs with lower marketing budgets, finding highly effective and low-cost SEO services is a constant struggle.

This guide will explore the top six most essential and affordable SEO services for small businesses in 2023. We spoke to over forty SEO marketers and small business owners and added their expert insights. We’ve also included suggestions on SEO service agencies and SEO tools to help you make your choice. 

Let’s find out how to boost your online presence without breaking the bank.

What types of SEO services do small businesses need?

A few years ago, stuffing your written content with relevant keywords was enough to rank on the first few pages of search. However, Google’s algorithm no longer supports keyword stuffing, and even recognizes it as a form of spam.

In 2023, small businesses need a tailored and comprehensive SEO strategy to come on the first page of the SERP (Search Engine’s Result Page). Think of the first page of Google’s result page as prime real estate, where multiple brands are vying for customer’s eyeballs.

Even though SEO is highly competitive, it's still possible for a small business to build an online presence that converts target customers. Here are the essential SEO services that small businesses should consider. Note this will vary based on your business's industry, target audience, and growth goals.

  1. Keyword research: Identify relevant keywords to boost organic rankings

  2. On-page optimization: Optimize website elements for search engines

  3. Google Maps optimization: Improve local search visibility

  4. Local SEO: Attract customers within a specific geographic area.

  5. Content creation: Create engaging content to drive organic traffic

  6. Link building: Get high-quality backlinks to boost website authority

  7. Technical SEO: Ensure the website is optimized for search engines

  8. Analytics and tracking: Monitor website performance and traffic

  9. Social media integration: Promote content and increase brand awareness

  10. Local citations: Build consistent online directory listings

  11. Mobile optimization: Enhance user experience for mobile users

  12. Online reputation management: Manage online reviews and reputation

  13. Voice search optimization: Optimize content for voice search queries

Implementing these SEO services helps small businesses improve visibility, attract targeted traffic, and grow their customer base and revenue.

1. Content Marketing 

Content marketing focuses on creating and optimizing valuable and relevant content to improve a business's online visibility and organic search rankings. It involves crafting content that resonates with the target audience while aligning with search engine algorithms to drive organic traffic. 

The purpose of content marketing is to establish your business as an authoritative source within its industry. This increases brand awareness and customer engagement, and converts target audiences.

Content strategy is usually the first step of content marketing, followed by keyword research, and making a comprehensive content calendar. Carry out in-depth keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic search terms. These keywords must blend naturally into your content, so it's easy to read and shows search engines your content is high-quality and relevant to target audiences. In turn, this improves your ranking, visibility, and traffic in organic search.

When writing for SEO, focus on creating high-quality content that speaks directly to your audience’s pain points or gives them valuable insights.

“Don't just write for the algorithms. Don't only use Google Search top pages to do research, or you'll end up with what they call ‘copycat content’,” says Zeeshan Akhtar, Head of Marketing at Mailmodo, an email marketing platform. “You can maximize the impact of SEO by writing content that satisfies the search intent for your audience and gives them real value.”

If your content is well-structured, engaging, and shareable, it also encourages readers to link back to it from their own websites and social media platforms. This generates valuable backlinks that improve the website's authority and search engine rankings. 

For example…

Regularly updating and refreshing content keeps it current and relevant to users and search engines.

“The ability to write compelling copy with effective keywords and phrases is key when optimizing web pages or creating content designed specifically with SEO in mind," says Jason Smit, the CEO of Contentellect. Having poorly written articles without real value won't do much good either, so always strive to provide useful insights and interesting topics within each post.” Also, use analytics and tools to measure how your content is performing. 

“Your ultimate goal should be to convert all traffic into tangible results—be it leads or sales,” says Naman Nepal, Founder at Cove, an eCommerce growth agency. “Also create and optimize resources—like landing pages or blog posts—around high-converting keywords that can generate more sales and leads.”

But how do you identify the high-converting keywords? Keyword research involves looking at ranking competitors, but you should also track conversions from the organic traffic your website is receiving. Identify the keywords responsible for purchases, and the blog posts that persuade action, not just traffic.

Fiverr offers a diverse pool of freelancers who can perform keyword researchSEO writingcontent strategy plans, for various industries and budgets. Also, leverage AI tools for content strategy to simplify workflows, cut down on time and resources, while staying ahead of the competition. 

With well-crafted content, your business can attract more organic traffic and improve search engine rankings. 

2. Technical SEO

Technical SEO optimizes a website's technical elements to boost its visibility and performance in search engine rankings.

This revolves around the website's infrastructure and behind-the-scenes aspects that impact search engine crawlability, indexation, and ranking. Crawling and indexing are how a search engine reads and analyzes your website’s content. 

 So it's critical to have proper website architecture, URL structures, and XML sitemaps to organize content for search engines. 

PRO TIP: Create a robots.txt file to guide search engine bots on crawling preferences. 

If this all sounds like a foreign language to you, consider buying the services of a technical SEO expert on Fiverr for technical SEO audit services. 

Website speed and performance are also vital in technical SEO. Faster-loading pages positively influence user experience and search rankings. In fact, a site that loads in 1 second has a conversion rate 3x higher than a site that loads in 5 seconds.

Graph depicting goal conversion rate reduces with page load speed per second.

Source: Portent

Technical SEO also involves mobile optimization. In 2023, a big chunk of your audience visits your website through their phones. Neglecting to make the mobile experience SEO-friendly can have a negative impact on your conversions.

“Over two years ago, Google announced a mobile text first crawl policy for calculating SEO,” says Ryan Rottman, Co-Founder & CEO of OSDBa sports athlete database. “But many small businesses still make the mistake of not optimizing their website for mobile use.”

Make sure that all mobile content displays correctly for your users. For example, text should align with images, internal links seamless, and pages should load quickly.

But that’s not all. Your technical SEO practices should include techniques like: 

  • Image compression

  • Minifying CSS and JavaScript

  • Browser caching

  • Employing CDNs to improve website speed

There are plenty of technical SEO tools you can use to make these tasks easier, such as:

1. GT Metrix

Screaming frog homepage

GT Metrix is a powerful website performance testing tool that provides valuable insights into a website's loading speed and performance. It analyzes both PageSpeed and YSlow metrics and generates comprehensive reports highlighting areas for improvement. 

By identifying issues related to page load times and suggesting optimizations, GT Metrix helps small businesses create faster and more efficient websites, which is important for user retention and SEO.

2. Screaming Frog

Screaming frog homepage

Screaming Frog is a website crawler that allows small businesses and startups to conduct in-depth technical SEO audits. Screaming Frog can crawl through website URLs and identify these issues:

  • Broken links

  • Duplicate content

  • Missing meta tags

  • Problematic redirects

With its in-depth reports, you can make informed decisions to fix these issues, ensuring that their website is search engine- and user-friendly.

3. Page Speed Insights by Google

page speed insights homepage

Page Speed Insights is a free Google tool that assesses the loading speed and performance of websites on mobile and desktop devices. It provides valuable suggestions, such as compressing images, using browser caching, and minimizing server response times. 

3. On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO, or on-site SEO, involves optimizing various elements directly on a website to enhance its visibility and rankings in search engine results. 

It helps search engines understand the context and value of a webpage, increasing the likelihood of it being displayed to relevant users. The strategies used for Google SEO will differ from other search engines like Bing or DuckDuckGo. 

For example, Google's algorithm places a strong emphasis on high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites, while Bing's algorithm may consider a broader range of on-page factors like page structure and keyword usage. This might lead to varying priorities in link-building efforts for SEO optimization on each platform.

For this post, we'll focus on Google.

If you have a business website, your On-Page SEO campaign would cover these:

  • Keyword Research: Identify relevant and high-traffic keywords to align content with users' search intent

  • Content Optimization: Craft valuable and keyword-rich content, headings, and meta tags to enhance search engine understanding

  • Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Create unique and compelling titles and meta descriptions to influence click-through rates in search results

  • URL Structure: Optimize URLs with relevant keywords for improved user experience and search engine comprehension

  • Header Tags: Organize content hierarchically with proper header tags for better search engine understanding

  • Internal Linking: Create a well-structured internal linking system to assist search engines in discovering and indexing pages

  • Image Optimization: Optimize images with descriptive alt text and compression for faster webpage loading and accessibility

  • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure the website is mobile-friendly to meet search engines' mobile-first indexing preferences

  • Page Speed: Optimize webpage loading speed through image compression and code minification for better rankings

  • User Experience: Improve user engagement metrics like bounce rate and time on page for increased conversions

“If you operate in a highly competitive industry, it’s a safe bet that your competition is competing for the same keywords as you,” says Saad Alam, Co-Founder & CEO of Hone Health, a men’s health platform. “Many small businesses make the mistake of trying to rank for highly targeted keywords that are dominated by websites who post content frequently and have been active longer. Of course, these websites have more in-depth content, backlinks, and a higher domain authority, so naturally they’re placed ahead of you.”

Instead of competing for highly targeted keywords, look for unexploited keywords and viewpoints your brand can capitalize on. For example, if you’re a small furniture company, you may find that ‘best dining table’ or ‘wood cabinets’ are high competition. But you might be able to rank for ‘budget long dining table’ or ‘custom made kitchen cabinets.’ Use on-page SEO tools to identify underused keywords.

Some On-Page SEO service providers available include:

1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs home page

Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO tool that excels in On-Page SEO. It can perform in-depth keyword research to identify high-value target keywords and analyze the competition, especially for small e-commerce or tech businesses.

SEO professionals use its site audit feature to identify and fix On-Page SEO issues, such as broken links, duplicate content, and missing meta tags. 

Ahrefs also provides content gap analysis, allowing businesses to discover relevant topics their competitors are ranking for, helping them create more comprehensive and valuable content.

2. Semrush

Semrush home page

Semrush is a reputable SEO company that offers robust On-Page SEO features. Businesses can use Semrush to analyze their website's health and identify crawl errors, and optimize meta tags and descriptions. 

The on-page optimization service provides valuable insights to improve content quality and relevance, making it easier for search engines to understand and rank the website's pages appropriately. 

With its content template feature, small businesses can craft SEO-friendly content that aligns with top-performing pages for a given keyword, increasing their chances of ranking higher in search results.

3. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO home page

Yoast SEO is a popular WordPress plugin that has become a staple for businesses. It offers real-time content analysis and provides suggestions to improve readability, keyword usage, meta tags, and internal linking, therefore increasing ranks in search engine results pages (SERP).

On-page SEO is an on-going practice for good website health, but it’s cost-efficient to hire a freelancer to set it up for you. On Fiverr, you can find top-rated on-page SEO service providers who can do just that.

One of the most purchased small business SEO services is link building. Link building is an important off-page SEO technique for acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to one's own. These inbound links, also known as backlinks or do-follow links, play a significant role in search engine rankings. They indicate to search engines that a website is trustworthy, valuable, and relevant. 

“Tracking your total backlink numbers, monitoring the domain ratings of the websites in which they appear, and making sure that you are regularly acquiring news ones, is an essential part of any SEO strategy.” says Derek Flanzraich, CEO & Founder of Ness, a health and wellness credit card company. “By monitoring your backlink attribution rates, you will be able to determine whether one of the key factors in your SEO plan remains strong and vital.” 

High-quality backlinks from authoritative and reputable websites are valuable and can substantially boost a website's organic search visibility and domain authority. 

Wondering where to seek backlinks from? 

Do an exhaustive competitor analysis to see where they're getting their backlinks from.

Businesses must focus on creating valuable and shareable content that naturally attracts backlinks. You shouldn’t buy links or risk severe penalties and go against whitehat SEO. 

There are ways to rank on Google without buying backlinks

For example, guest posting works wonderfully if done ethically. Here, you post about your website on other websites. You can find freelancers with expert SEO knowledge who offer guest post services on Fiverr. 

To track your backlinks, use Google Search Console or other SEO audit tools. If you get a backlink from a low authority or trust website, you can remove it using the disavow tool. 

Here are some other tips for link-building.

  • Remove spammy links as these do more harm than good

  • Perform outreach to niche-relevant and industry-relevant businesses and publications

  • Set up a link-building strategy for consistent efforts

Some affordable SEO service tools you can use for link building are:

1. NinjaOutreach

NinjaOutreach home page

NinjaOutreach is an all-in-one influencer marketing and link-building platform. Startups use it to find relevant influencers and bloggers for content promotion and link building. By collaborating with these influencers, you can secure valuable backlinks, boosting your website's authority and rankings.

2. Majestic

 Majestic home page

Majestic is a link intelligence tool focusing on backlink analysis. Small businesses gain valuable data on backlink profiles, referring domains, and anchor text distribution. This information identifies link-building opportunities and assesses existing backlink quality.

5. Social Media SEO

Social Media SEO optimizes social media profiles and activities to boost a brand's online visibility and search engine rankings. It strategically uses social media platforms to influence search results positively. It ensures the brand's profiles prominently appear when users search for related keywords. Small businesses must allocate resources toward building a social media calendar, and SEO should factor into this.

By optimizing profiles with relevant keywords and complete information, search engines accurately index and display them. Regularly posting engaging, shareable content attracts user interactions and generates backlinks, enhancing the brand's authority and credibility. 

Social signals, such as likes, shares, comments, and followers, also impact rankings as they determine content popularity and user engagement. 

Effective social media marketing SEO requires a well-aligned social media strategy, consistent quality content, and active community engagement. Your marketing budget should be carefully made in selecting the right SEO marketing services so it gives you the max return on investment.

Monitoring social media performance using analytics tools helps adjust strategies and maintain a competitive edge, while staying updated with trends, platform algorithms, and SEO practices.

Some tools you can use for this are:

1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite home page

Hootsuite is a popular social media management tool that enables small businesses to schedule and analyze their social media posts effectively. It helps maintain a consistent social media presence, positively impacting SEO.

2. Sprout Social

Sprout Social home page

Sprout Social is a social media management platform that offers robust analytics and reporting features. Small businesses can track the performance of their social media content, identify trends, and optimize their social media strategy according to business needs. 

6. Local SEO

Local SEO is a digital marketing strategy that boosts a business's online visibility for local searches and reaches potential customers in a specific area. This is especially important for e-commerce SEO as online retail brands often have businesses with physical locations or serve specific regions.

First, businesses need to claim and optimize their Google Maps listing (earlier Google My Business) with accurate information, images, and relevant categories. Consistent name, address, and phone number across online platforms build trust with search engines and customers.

Secondly, positive online reviews play a significant role in local search rankings. Encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp boosts local SEO.

Additionally, creating location-specific content with localized keywords on the website helps search engines understand the business's relevance to local searches.

A mobile-friendly website is essential, considering the prevalence of mobile searches for local products and service providers.

Some local SEO services that help you appear in local search results are:

1. BrightLocal

Brightlocal home page

It provides a suite of local SEO tools and reporting features to help small businesses optimize their local search rankings and attract nearby customers.

2. Synup

Synup home page

A local marketing software that aids small business owners in managing their online reputation and local search presence. It allows local businesses to monitor customer reviews, update business information, and track local search rankings, enhancing their local SEO efforts.

In the dynamic digital landscape of 2023, affordable and effective SEO services can significantly impact the success of small local businesses. 

By using these top services, businesses can bolster their content marketing and SEO efforts, achieving higher visibility, increased organic traffic, and improved search engine rankings. If you don’t have the budget for a full-time SEO in-house team, consider hiring an SEO consultant on Fiverr.

SEO agencies vs. SEO freelancers: What’s the better choice?

SEO agencies and freelancers both offer valuable SEO services, each with its own advantages. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs, budget, and preferences. 

Let's look at the differences:

SEO Freelancers

  • Personalized approach: Freelancers offer a one-on-one experience, leading to a deeper understanding of your business goals and more tailored SEO strategies.

  • Budget-friendly: Freelancers are more affordable compared to an agency, making them attractive to small businesses with limited budgets. However, we don’t recommend choosing the first cheap SEO service you find. Take time to verify their skill and past experience. Not all SEO freelancers will have a portfolio, but they might have case studies of working with other companies.

  • Specialized expertise: Freelancers may specialize in specific SEO aspects, allowing you to find an expert matching your needs. 

  • Flexibility: Freelancers are usually more flexible in their schedules and responsive to client requests and feedback.

  • Project Management: While effective for smaller projects, freelancers may have limitations in managing larger or more complex projects due to their individual capacity. 

On Fiverr, you can choose from hundreds of skilled SEO freelancers specializing in Local SEO, SEO writing, Technical SEO, and more. Buy SEO Freelance services on Fiverr today

SEO Agencies

  • Expertise and resources: Agencies have diverse teams of SEO specialists, content creators, link builders, and technical experts, allowing them to handle various aspects of SEO comprehensively. 

  • Range of services: Agencies offer a wide range of SEO services, including technical SEO, content creation, link building, local SEO, and analytics, providing an all-in-one solution. They may also take care of web design, PPC (pay-per-click marketing), or other internet marketing. You might want to choose an agency that offers an all-inclusive SEO package, since this can be more affordable.

  • Scalability: Agencies can handle larger projects and businesses with significant SEO needs, scaling their services accordingly.

  • Accountability: Established digital marketing agencies are more likely to be accountable for their work, offering service-level agreements and clear reporting structures when compared to individual freelancers. However, you can get the same accountability with freelancers by working on a marketplace like Fiverr.

  • Cost: Online marketing agencies may have higher costs due to overhead expenses and comprehensive services, justifying the investment for larger businesses. While you can still find an affordable SEO company, it may not be cheaper than finding freelancers yourself.

Ultimately, the decision between hiring an SEO agency or an SEO freelancer will depend on the scale of your project, budget, level of expertise required, and the specific services you need. Sign up on Fiverr to find freelance search engine optimization services.

About author

Izrael Samson B2B writer

Izrael Samson is a B2B SaaS writer who specializes in creating long-form, data-driven articles. Her content development process helps B2B brands break down complex ideas, grow distribution, and convert target audiences. When she's not writing, she's either teaching yoga classes or playing indie video games.