Capture the Perfect Picture: How to Hire a Photographer in 2024

Looking for a photographer? Check out our handy guide on how to hire a photographer for your next project.

By: Geri Mileva
December 14, 2022
6 minute reading
how to hire a photographer

With smartphones, taking pictures has never been easier. In fact, more than 90% of photographs in 2022 were taken using smartphones. Today’s technology practically assures us of good quality pictures without the need for high-end cameras. However, no amount of pixels can make up for professional skill. We’ve put together this guide on how to hire a photographer who could best capture the perfect shot you need.

Tips on How to Hire a Photographer

Even with smartphones, the demand for professional photographers is on the rise. According to the US Bureau of Labor, photographer employment is projected to increase 9% from 2021 to 2031, faster than the average occupation.

With more than 125,000 photography jobs in 2021, how do you find and hire a photographer who can do an amazing job on your project? Here are some things you need to consider to find and hire the perfect photographer.

Find Out What You Need

Are you looking for an event photographer to capture beautiful and candid moments? Or is it product photography you need? Do you want artistic product pictures or just simple, straightforward product shots? Do you need something specific, such as an enticing image for the cover of abook project, perhaps?

All of these fall within the job description of professional photography, but they all require different skills. It is important to know what you want and need, so you canhire a photographerwho possesses the required skillset.

Search for Photographers Online

Because photographers are usually freelancers, you’ll need some research to hire a good photographer. Freelancers typically do not answer individual job postings. Rather, they join agencies, advertise themselves in online communities, or use their personal networks to look for jobs. 

Companies likewise turn to freelancer websites like Fiverr or browse through remote job boards. Searches on freelancer websites can filter results based on your criteria, including reviews, budget, and delivery times, so only profiles that match your needs will come up.

You can also ask for recommendations from friends, and look up the photographer’s profile online to corroborate the information you received.

Based on these, you can then trim your list down to potential photographers who you feel possess the competencies the job requires. 

Review the Photographer’s Portfolio

Each photographer has their own style. Even photographers who are equally skilled in one type of photography can have vastly different styles. Review the photographer’s portfolio and evaluate their previous work to see if their style matches the aesthetic you’re looking for.

Ask Questions and Get to Know the Photographers

If in doubt, ask! Contact the photographers you are eyeing to get a better feel for them; whether or not they can deliver what you need. Ask not just about their artistic style, but also their working style, schedule, requirements, and extra fees, if any. The more you know, the easier it will be to select photographers you’re comfortable with.

Some questions you can ask them:

  • How long have they been taking photographs professionally?

  • How many similar photography jobs have they done in the past year?

  • How many people will work on this project?

  • Are they part of a professional photography association?

  • How long will it take to edit and process the images?

  • What do you think about my ideas for the images? Anything you can suggest to improve on it?

Of course, basic questions such as their availability, professional fees, and package inclusions should be a part of your interview process.

While talking with them, you should also try to get a sense of their personality. Even if they won’t be full time employees, you’ll be working with them on an important job. It’s crucial that you are comfortable with them not only as a working professional, but also as a person.

Before You Hire a Photographer

After selecting a photographer based on their credentials, portfolio, budget, and other criteria you may have, it’s time to whip out the agreement. 

Go over the contract carefully to make sure that what you and the photographer have discussed beforehand is there, nothing more and nothing less. This includes everything you need from the photographer, and everything the photographer needs from you. 

Be clear with each other’s expectations—whether you’ve requested for a specific shot, angle, or a timeframe. You’ll receive better images if you are specific about what you want.


Given these tips on how to hire a photographer, the whole process need not be a time-consuming hassle. Check out Fiverr’s freelancer search tool to look for top-rated photographers. Hiring a photographer is simple and stress-free. Just establish the images you want to capture to make your project come alive, and Fiverr will connect you with the best photographers in your area.

About Author

Geri Mileva Content Strategist

A prolific and versatile writer, I have built a colorful portfolio that includes hundreds of published pieces reaching a wide variety of audiences. I like telling stories. I believe that a good story delivers value while capturing, influencing, and sustaining its intended audience. This has always been, and always will be, my primary aim as a writer.