11 Best AI Generators for Small Businesses in 2024

Here’s how you can use AI tools for your business in multiple departments. Find out the best AI generators in 2023 that make SMBs more efficient and productive.

By: Izrael Samson
March 5, 2023
16 minute reading
Die 11 besten KI-Tools für kleine Unternehmen 2023

Small businesses everywhere are cutting costs and time spent on content creation, thanks to  ChatGPT.

But why stop with AI-written content?

A Deloitte study reveals that over 50% of organizations will incorporate AI and automation tech in 2023. If SMBs want to stay ahead of the competition, they should leverage AI-generator tools in multiple departments–such as business operations, customer support, and sales. 

But how do you find the best AI and automation tools for your business? 

The AI space is noisy and rapidly developing with hundreds of new tools pop up daily.

So to help SMBs take their operations to the next level, we ran tests, interviewed business owners, and came up with a list of the best AI-generator tools across multiple categories.

Top 11 Best AI Generators in 2023

Most popular AI generators are GPT-based tools, such as ChatGPT and Dall-E. 

However, our list includes GPT, machine learning, and automation technology tools. 

  1. ChatGPT

  2. Jasper

  3. Byword.ai

  4. WordTune Spices

  5. Writer

  6. Dall E

  7. Midjourney

  8. Open AI Codex

  9. Ponicode

  10. Zendesk

  11. Ada

Top AI generators for writing

Around 70% of marketers use content marketing in their overall marketing strategy. By adding AI to your content marketing workflow, content writers and strategists can create content faster and at a lower expense.

“Using AI for content creation saved us $1,000+ monthly. We no longer hire writers and instead have an AI-trained marketing team,” says Noel Griffith, CMO of SupplyGem

This isn’t to say you should fire all your writers and bring on the AI bots. Instead, you should train your writers to work with AI tools to improve their productivity and efficiency.  Plus, AI-generated content isn’t perfect. So at least hire an AI editor to proofread, fact-check, and edit your content for clarity.

Let’s look at the best AI generators for writing content.

1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT by OpenAI had an estimated 100 million monthly users within two months of its release. It generates full articles, essays, emails, and even poems. 

On ChatGPT, you enter a text prompt, and it gives you a human-like text output. You can talk with the tool and ask for further clarifications or provide feedback and request rewrites. Using detailed prompts will deliver better results on ChatGPT. For example, “write a blog post on influencer marketing” can give you a generic output without unique insights. If you ask ChatGPT to “write a 1500-word blog post explaining the benefits of influencer marketing for clothing brands,” you’ll get a more targeted response. 


  • Can produce a wide variety of written content

  • Multiple use cases for businesses

  • Can write and review/analyze fed content

  • Remembers messages in a thread and builds up on conversation

  • Produces instant results

  • Free to use

“We usually stick to simple blog posts for a wide audience. With ChatGPT, we can also target specific long-tail keywords with small niche audiences,” says Colin Grey, Founder of The Podcast Host. “We allocate our resources for high-priority work and let ChatGPT take care of the rest.” 


  • Can have factual errors

  • Experiences high demand and is often unavailable during peak hours

  • Struggles with very long content, can sometimes trail off mid-way

  • Doesn’t remember more than 3,000 words in a single conversation

  • Poor results with brief ‘Google-like’ prompts

  • Learning curve with generating good prompts

Tips on getting the most out of ChatGPT

  • Hire an expert prompt generator With ChatGPT, your results are only as good as your prompts. It takes trial and error to see how the tool responds to prompt variations. Business owners are busy running their companies, so the next best thing is to hire an expert prompt generator to create a few standard prompts specific to your business’s content. 

  • Use the ChatGPT web extension and email extension. “We discovered ChatGPT extensions to take our content even further,” says Travis Lindemoen, Managing Director of Nexus IT Group. “We use the email extension to create emails inside Gmail and the web extension to fetch web results and provide accurate, up-to-date outputs.”


ChatGPT is currently free to use, but a $20/mo plan ‘ChatGPT Plus’ was launched on February 1, 2023. Paid users will have access to ChatGPT even during peak times, and will get access to new beta features. 

2. Jasper AI

Jasper is an AI writing assistant that works on natural language processing. It can create blog posts, marketing campaigns, website copy, and more. While ChatGPT works with a text prompt, Jasper uses templates to create content for different use cases. 

There are over 50+ templates to choose from. Many contain marketing frameworks like AIDA (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) and PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution). 

Jasper’s content is plagiarism-free and can often pass as human-written in an AI content detector. If you use Jasper with its Surfer integration, you’ll benefit from keyword optimization and research from search engine results pages (SERPs).


  • 50+ templates to choose from

  • Easy to use, intuitive interface

  • Analyzes tone of voice

  • Great for repurposing content

  • Produces multiple results in one go

  • SEO-optimized content

“Compared to ChatGPT, Jasper is way better suited to my needs,” says Gemma Smith, Founder of Gemmaannesmith.com.“It offers superior capabilities and is better equipped to produce content that passes AI detectors while still being useful and informative.” 


  • Jasper is an expensive tool

  • Can’t give the tool feedback and ask it to modify the output

  • Outputs often require human editing

  • Factual inaccuracies, like making up statistics and data points

  • Limited tone of voice options

Tips on getting the most out of Jasper

  • Use Jasper’s templates for content repurposing. For example, turning existing blog posts into social media copy or audio/visual scripts. 

  • Use Recipes to automate repetitive workflows in your organization. 


  • 5-Day free trial with 10,000 words

  • Starter plan starts at $29 per month for 20,000 words

  • Boss Mode starts at $59 per month for 50,000 words

3. Byword.ai

Byword is an AI generator with an SEO focus. Enter your primary and secondary keywords and article title, then get an SEO-optimized article in minutes.  This tool works best for informational content, but there’s limited flexibility for different content formats. Creating content at scale is easy, but difficult to tweak the output of each article.

Byword targets multiple keywords with low search volume and competition. 

“Byword streamlines the whole process—drop in a keyword that your audience is searching for, and Byword will have a full post with images and meta fields up on your site within a minute,” says Mack Greenfell, Founder of Byword.ai. 

And it actually produces results. Jake Ward, Founder of Content Growth, took his blog from 0 to 660K monthly organic visitors using AI content produced by Byword.ai. 


  • Easy to use, minimalist interface

  • SEO informational content

  • Batch-generate articles at scale


  • Can’t tweak prompts for different results

  • Does not work well for non-factual content or opinion pieces

Tips to get the most out of Byword

  • Byword suggests generating a search volume report from a tool like Ahrefs or Semrush and then feeding it into the tool to batch-generate multiple articles in one go. You can also use ‘inductive coding’ for long tail keywords.

Here’s how to do it:



  • $5/credit, for your first 50 credits

  • $4/credit, for credits 51-250

  • $3/credit, for credits 251 and above

4. WordTune Spices

WordTune is an AI-based tool that rewrites sentences and paragraphs. Plus, it understands semantics and tone of voice, going beyond simple grammar checks. You can think of it as a personal writing assistant. Unlike other tools that automatically create content from a prompt, WordTune Spices can build upon existing content by adding statistics, introducing a counter-argument, or giving examples and analogies. It even tells a joke or an inspirational quote.

We spoke to Ben Pines, Director of Content at Wordtune, and he explained WordTune makes the writing process easier and more fun for writers. “Wordtune Spices lets you keep control over what you write, while still saving you time and helping you produce better content.” 


  • AI writing assistant, not replacement

  • Builds on existing content

  • Understands the context and tone of voice

  • Can add relevant and real statistics


  • No plagiarism checker

  • No in-built SEO tools like keyword optimization

  • Free plan is limited

Tips on getting the most out of WordTune Spices


  • Free plan has 10 rewrites daily

  • Premium: $9.99/monthly when billed yearly

5. Writer.com

Writer is a generative AI tool you can train to match your brand’s tone of voice. 

Feed it your company’s resources like content and style guides, spreadsheets, pdfs, text, and podcasts. 

Since the tool understands your business context, it creates specific content with your company information. 

You can create automated workflows on Writer, from ideating and drafting to final distribution. Writer also has integrations with Figma, Contentful, Chrome, and Google Docs—plus an API for your web app. “The future of AI is augmenting every aspect of the workflow. Writer can perform brand consistency and frequency at scale,” says May Habib, Co-Founder and CEO at Writer.


  • Can be trained to match brand voice

  • Enterprise AI platform that can create content at scale

  • Automated workflows

  • API integrations

  • Helps you create consistent on-brand language across platforms

  • SOC 2 and HIPAA compliant


  • Works best for larger teams and companies with existing resources

  • Creating a style guide can be a time investment

  • Content suggestions and checkers can be intrusive for writers

Tips on getting the most out of Writer

  • Use Co-write templates for blog headlines, case studies, release notes, press releases and more. 

  • Use Writer’s AI content detector to make sure the final text sounds human-created. You can also use this as an API.


Here are Writer’s pricing plans: 

  • Team (1-5 users) - $18/monthly

  • Enterprise - Custom sales plans

Best AI generators for images and art

AI image generators can create visually stunning and unique art and images in a few seconds. No need to pay for generic stock images anymore.

Dall-E and Midjourney are the most popular AI image generators. While these are powerful tools, learning how to get the best results with image prompts takes time. Meanwhile, consider hiring an AI image prompt expert from Fiverr to create images faster. 

6. Dall-E

Dall-E is an AI image generator created by OpenAI, the same creator of ChatGPT. Dall-E can create an image from any text prompt up to 400 characters. Your prompt can describe the image's subject, background, art style, overall vibe, and more.  You can also use a simple prompt like “cat sitting on a mountain,” but you’ll have less control over the final output. 

Dall-E can create images in a wide range of art styles.  Here’s an example:

Prompt: a cute orange cat with glasses sitting at a desk and typing on a laptop, digital art style, high resolution

Here’s the same prompt, but with ‘photograph’ instead of ‘digital art.’ 

Understanding art styles is one part of creating AI image prompts. If you plan to create images for your business at scale, you should create images consistent with your branding. An expert Dall-E prompt generator can also create custom prompts you can use multiple times. 

Dall-E creates unique images, and you have commercial rights to use them for your business. 


  • Create unique images in seconds

  • Create impossible or unrealistic images with ease

  • Use the AI-generated image commercially or however you want

  • High flexibility with the tool; changing the prompt can give you vastly different results

  • Create realistic photographs


  • Human faces, fingers, toes, and text are commonly distorted 

  • Learning curve with creating better prompts 

  • Limited free credits, have to purchase new credits for use

  • Limited resolution, have to upscale images if you need large sizes

Tips on getting the most out of Dall-E

  • Use Dall-E’s outpainting feature to extend the borders of an image and add more background. 

  • Work with a Dall-E expert to get the exact results you need, without spending hours on the tool.


115 credits for $15 (Credits get cheaper as you purchase higher volumes)

7. Midjourney

Midjourney is an AI image generator accessible in Beta through a Discord server. After clicking ‘Join the Beta,’ pop-up instructions teach you how to create prompts and images.

Since you’re using a shared server, look at images other users generate. Then tweak their prompt for your own needs.

Midjourney develops high-resolution outputs that are very visually stunning. It’s less flexible than Dall-E for art styles but creates detailed, surreal-looking works. 

On Midjourney, prompts don’t have to be long-winding, but you’ll get the best results with the proper terminology.

Prompt: anime style, a pickup truck drives through an abandoned road with abandoned buildings at the sides, with lots of plants, the trunk of the pickup is full of military boxes and boxes covered by green blankets, during dusk, the camera is far away from the scene, 2:1 size

Midjourney has limited free credits, and it takes practice to learn how to get good results. If you work with a Midjourney expert, they can create prompts and images for your requirements and use case.


  • Generate four images for each prompt instantly 

  • High-quality and visually attractive images

  • Can upscale each image or create variations

  • Creative Commons license


  • Only the BETA version is out right now

  • Difficult to use inside a Discord server

  • Learning curve with creating good prompts

  • Can only use images commercially if you’re a Midjourney paid user

  • Not good at producing realistic photographs

Tips on getting the most out of Midjourney

  • Choose images from the community feed and analyze the prompts. Words like ‘glossy,’ ‘cinematic,’ and ‘4k’ can enhance an image.

  • Note that there are better tools than Midjourney for creating a logo, such as an AI logo maker.


Here are Midjourney’s pricing plans billed yearly: 

  • Basic Plan: $8/month

  • Standard Plan: $24/month

  • Premium Plan: $48/month

To visit the pricing page, type ‘/subscribe’ into a Midjourney server channel.

Best AI code generators

Marketing and creative teams benefit from AI generators, and now developers can too. AI Code Generators help developers build code faster and improve efficiency. 

“My team uses GitHub Copilot for code completion, which reduces time spent on repetitive tasks,” says Siddhant Goswami, Co-Founder and Full-Stack Developer at Scenes. “We also use it for boilerplate code, code review, debugging, and sometimes test cases.”

Some AI code generators integrate into applications for ease of use. Sound intriguing? Work with a Fiverr AI programmer to build AI functionalities into your offerings.

8. Codex

Codex by OpenAI is trained on publicly available source code, such as GitHub. GitHub Copilot is built on the Codex model. Just like Dall-E and ChatGPT, Codex can understand natural language prompts and turn them into code. 

Codex can use multiple programming languages like JavaScript, Ruby, and TypeScript, but is most proficient in Python. The tool can also solve programming challenges considered difficult for humans. 


  • Can code in more than a dozen programming languages

  • Free to use

  • API integration available

  • Excels at mapping new code to existing code


  • Requires considerable programming knowledge to use, not a tool for non-developers

  • Still in beta mode

Tips on getting the most out of Codex

Use Codex from the GPT Playground to play around with the tool before installing the API. 


Codex is free to use in beta.

9. Ponicode

Ponicode is an AI code generator built for developers. It can code in JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Java. With Ponicode, developers can quickly build and visualize with automatic code completion. Ponicode also brings ‘Edge Case focus,’ ensuring the unit test works for all random scenarios. 


  • Multiple programming languages

  • Easy installation

  • Free version

  • Performs unit tests


Built for developers, but requires programming knowledge

Tips on getting the most out of Ponicode

Use Ponicode Dogstring to generate docstring for Python functions instantly. You can use this in Ponicode’s Playground, or as a Github Action for scale.


Ponicode has a free version available. 

Best AI generators for chatbots and customer support.

According to Hubspot’s State of Service 2022, 90% of leaders report customer support expectations have increased to an all-time high.  Using AI chatbots can reduce response and resolution time, lowering the burden on human representatives. 

Here are the top AI chatbots. You can also create a custom AI chatbot using GPT for your business. 

10. Zendesk Answer Bot

Zendesk is a full-stack customer service solution with an AI chatbot called ‘Answer bot.’  Answer bot understands customer queries in natural language, and answers their questions by pulling from your company’s knowledge base. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, Answer bot quickly transfers the chat to a live human agent. 

Its analytic dashboard tracks Answer bot’s performance and ticket resolution success rate. 


  • No coding experience required

  • Recognizes bot-to-human handoffs

  • 24x7 availability


  • Can be expensive for small to mid-sized businesses

  • You have to buy the entire Zendesk offering, not just the AI chatbot

Tips on getting the most out of Zendesk Answer Bot

  • Automate bot conversations with the Flow Builder. The Flow Builder can create a conversation flow and anticipate customer queries. 

  • It doesn’t require coding knowledge, and uses drag-and-drop functionality. 


Here are Zendesk’s pricing plans billed yearly:

  • Suite Team: $49/monthly

  • Suite Growth: $79/monthly

  • Suite Professional: $99/monthly

  • Suite Enterprise: $150/monthly

11. Ada

Ada uses GPT3, the language model created by Open AI. With Ada, customer service is almost entirely automated and AI-generated. 

Instead of pulling answers from an FAQ to solve a customer’s issue, Ada creates tailored responses.

Ada can also identify when a human support agent needs to step in. 


  • Easy CMS integration

  • 24x7 availability

  • Customizable branding

  • Website visitor tracking

  • Advanced routing options


  • Predictive suggestions are only available for higher-tier plans

  • No free version

Tips on getting most out of Ada

  • Ada provides analytics and conversation tracking—use these insights to see how customers are interacting with the tool. You may need to tweak automated answers or set up different flows. 


Visit Ada’s pricing page to get a custom quote.

Hire AI prompt engineers to assist with various tasks

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing industry, and the use cases are never-ending. Small business owners struggle with juggling tasks, and AI-generators can fill in multiple gaps. According to Deloitte’s 2022 study, 79% of companies fully deploy three or more types of AI in their business. 

Ready start save time (and money) on a more efficient processes in your business? Hire freelance AI content experts, prompt engineers, developers, and editors in the Fiverr marketplace today. 




About author

Izrael Samson B2B writer

Izrael Samson is a B2B SaaS writer who specializes in creating long-form, data-driven articles. Her content development process helps B2B brands break down complex ideas, grow distribution, and convert target audiences. When she's not writing, she's either teaching yoga classes or playing indie video games.