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Fiverr Releases Global Small Business Needs Index, with E-Commerce, Dropshipping, and Web Development Services Topping the List

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New search data reveals the most in-demand services small businesses are looking for in a post-COVID world

New York, NY - October 7, 2020 - Fiverr International Ltd. (NYSE: FVRR), the company that is changing how the world works together, today released its second semi-annual Small Business Needs Index. This index highlights the variety of different services that small businesses feel will help them succeed in a more online first world. The global list, backed by Fiverr search data, reveals many businesses are searching for tools and services that will help them digitally transform.

2020 has without a doubt been a challenging time for small businesses as the COVID-19 pandemic has forced worldwide stay-at-home orders and subsequent business shutdowns, from gyms to restaurants and hotels to bus tours. On top of the usual challenges small businesses face of adapting to changing customer needs, it's clear that over the past six months many have had to adhere to in-person closures and figure out how to successfully move their businesses online.

"It has always been necessary for small businesses to stay on top of the latest technology and trends in order to remain relevant in the eyes of their customers," said Hila Klein, COO of Fiverr. "In the current state of the world, for many businesses, we can see enhancing their digital presence and utilizing services to support building e-commerce sites has skyrocketed, along with developing apps and websites, and enhancing their social presence. On a positive note, with the increase in demand for Brand Names, it seems likely that new companies are being born at this time. Fiverr has the unique ability to not only identify the types of services small businesses need, but also to provide them access to skilled professionals who can help them."

The top ten fastest growing searches on a global scale over the previous six months include:

Dropshipping; 319%
Shopify Promotion; 247%
Youtube Editing; 231%
Front End Web Developer; 205%
Product Mockup; 186%
Facebook Promotion; 174%
Social Media Design; 158%
App Development; 133%
Brand Name; 85%
Customer Service; 85%

In the United States, the top three services that saw the fastest growing searches over the past six months include:

Trademarks; 104%
Real Estate Video; 67%
Customer Service; 53%

The US data indicates that not only has there been a focus on increasing digital offerings, but also in enhancing business services, or even starting a new business altogether. Specifically, companies have gotten creative with ways to move business along serving an online audience by hiring customer service professionals to tend to clients. With the need for more distance buying and a boom in home buying it makes sense there is more demand in real estate videos to show properties in a safe and convenient way, especially as more people move from the cities to the suburbs due to remote work flexibility. Meanwhile, businesses looking to get off the ground are seeking services to support that, like filing trademarks.

Fiverr's Small Business Needs Index analyzes data from the millions of searches across the platform to identify business services that have seen the largest increases. This growth data therefore has the unique ability to predict the building demand for products, platforms and tools that small businesses are relying on to support future success.

Fiverr's Small Business Needs Index also reveals the top three needs for businesses across the globe, specifically in Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal and the U.K. A more detailed breakdown is viewable here:
