SOC Streamlines Projects Across Branding, Web Design & Development with Fiverr Pro

Web design can seem complex to outsource, especially when coordinating multiple freelancers across time zones. See how a Fiverr Pro Project Partner managed the entire process – from sourcing worldwide talent to delivering a completely redesigned website.

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Save our children logo


Non-Profit Organization 


United States

Company Size

10+ employees


Freelancer teams contributing widely varied expertise


Deliveries: Brand kit, web copy, web development, SEO, and speed optimization


Countries (and 5 time zones) in sync to achieve a common goal

Meet Save Our Children

Save Our Children Truth Commission is a non-profit organization launched in 2021 fighting the unwillful placement of children into the United States’ juvenile dependency system. SOC’s mission is to be the voice of affected parents and children through a nationwide class-action lawsuit that aims to reunite families and secure compensation for damages and distress caused by separation.

Meet save our children

The Challenge

Melody Janelle, Executive Director at SOC, knew her organization’s website needed an update—from lack of security and limited visual language to inaccessible information and an outdated logo. But without the in-house capacity or experience, they didn’t know how. Fiverr Pro’s Project Partner team stepped in to break down the project complexities and coordinate several freelancers simultaneously for a full website makeover.

Save our children challenge

The Impact

Janelle and the rest of the SOC team had previously used Fiverr Pro for numerous projects. In this instance, SOC collaborated with a Project Partner specializing in web design. Together, they updated the organization’s branding, the website’s functionality, and paved the way for SOC to maintain a sustainable visual language for years to come.


Handpicked talent for premium results

SOC worked with multiple teams of industry freelancers in branding, copy, and website design and development. With the support of the Project Partner, these teams worked seamlessly in parallel across multiple time zones and locations: Argentina, USA, South Africa, and the Netherlands.


Streamlined process from beginning to end


Sustainable connections, ongoing projects

“I believe the Project Partner service is a solution for small organizations looking to thrive, compete, and survive while up against larger organizations with more staff members and an increased ability to delegate projects internally.”

Melody JanelleExecutive Director, Save Our Children

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