Email Copy

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Email Copy FAQs

  • What is an email copywriter?

    An email copywriter writes content for marketing emails. Email marketing copy is persuasive writing, designed to encourage subscribers to take action on the email content. Like other marketing copywriters, email copywriters are good at writing and research, and have a wide vocabulary. Hiring a specialist email copywriter is the best way to create a successful email marketing campaign to grow your email list. The best email copywriters are good at writing appealing email subject lines, content, and calls to action.

  • What's a good email open rate?

    When you assess email open rates, one thing it’s important to know is that open rates can be different depending on your business. MailChimp’s email campaign benchmarks found an average open rate of 20.81%. However, industry email open rates varied, with hobbies having an open rate of over 27%, and daily deals an open rate of just under 15%. Always track your own email open rate metrics so you know what a good open rate is for your business.

  • How can I use email effectively?

    To use email marketing effectively, know the goals and audience for each email campaign. Effective email marketing copy makes subscribers want to click through to your landing page or new product to see what you have to offer. Consider welcoming your subscribers when they first sign up, then offering something of value. For example, email marketing goes hand in hand with content marketing, so an email message is a great place to share a blog post or other valuable resource.

  • What is a good email subject line?

    A good email subject line gets people to open your emails. Make your subject lines more appealing by using marketing tactics like urgency and scarcity to influence people to check out your email content. Avoid using spam trigger words in subject lines or your email may not reach the inbox. Instead, keep email subject lines short and simple, between 17 and 24 characters, according to CoSchedule. Include action words like "get" and "grab" to encourage people to open the emails.

  • How do you create a successful email campaign?

    Planning is key to creating a successful email campaign. It’s not enough to create one email; you also need to think of the next email, and the one after that. It’s also essential to know your audience and to segment your audience according to demographics or behavior. For best results, consider hiring an expert email copywriter, who knows how to write winning email subject lines, make emails personal by using the second person ("you"), and create successful calls to action.

  • How can I create an email list from nothing?

    To create an email list from nothing, know who your audience are and what they need. You’ll also need somewhere to capture email leads, like a website. Next, choose the right email marketing service and get it set up.Offer people something as an incentive to sign up. This is called a lead magnet. Put a lead capture form on your website. Promote your email list. Consider hiring an expert to help with the technical aspects of email list setup.