Game Writing

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Game Writing FAQs

  • What is video game writing, and why is it important in the gaming industry?

    Video game writing entails crafting storylines for video games and developing characters, including their backstory and dialogues. Some of the things video game writers create include side quests, character descriptions, and cut scenes. The video game writer’s role may change depending on what stage they’re at during the production process. For example, the writer must research and determine the game’s needs during conception. In the postproduction phase, the writer may need to proofread the text and make necessary changes. Aside from bringing the game to life, effective video game writing can make a game feel more immersive and engaging to the player. Good writing helps a player understand the game—what it is about, how its world works, how to play it, and who its characters are.

  • What are some of the key differences between writing for video games and writing for other forms of media?

    One aspect in which video game writing differs from other forms of media is interactivity. Video games are interactive and, thus, require writing that’s capable of bringing that aspect to life. Another aspect to consider is structure and pacing. The writer follows a specific structure when writing a novel or short story. In video game writing, many variables can influence a game’s structure and pacing, including the game’s duration and the player’s progress. You also have to consider that not all games are made the same. Some games are non-linear and allow the players to influence the story’s pacing, while others may involve several side quests or micro-tasks that can affect the overall gameplay.

  • What skills and experience should a professional video game writer have, and what should I look for when hiring one for my project?

    The writer must be skilled in creative writing and understand the game’s characters, plot, and story. Aside from these skills and having a passion for video games, they should be open to collaboration, as they will work with artists, voice actors, and game designers. It helps if the writer has some coding knowledge, making it easier for video game writers to discuss the game’s development with the designers. When hiring a video game writer, look for someone with prior gaming industry experience and familiar with your game’s genre. For example, if you were making a role-playing game, then you should be adept at writing complex narratives and characters. They should know how to take constructive criticism, given that they’ll work with others to create a compelling, interactive game. Look at their writing portfolio to understand their range and find out what other projects they’ve worked on.

  • How can I measure the success of my video game writing, and what metrics should I be paying attention to?

    There are several ways to measure your writing’s success. These include: - Gamer experience – This includes the number of daily and monthly active users, number of referrals and new players, player retention rate, and user lifetime value. - Play session length – Identify what your game’s typical and optimal play session lengths are. - Number of people who complete the game – Many factors contribute to a game’s non-completion, and your narrative is one of them. Other important metrics include engagement rate (when do players abandon the game?) and how many friends they’re connected with in a game (for multiplayer games). Methods to measure your writing’s success include A/B testing and measuring the game’s K-factor, which assesses a game’s potential to go viral and achieve sustainable growth.

  • What are some of the most important things to remember when working with a video game writer, and how can I ensure a successful collaboration?

    Before hiring a video game writer, evaluate their writing samples. Assess the quality, style, tone, and content of their writing. You want to pick a candidate who knows the industry and is familiar with your game’s genre and target audience. Ensuring a successful collaboration means establishing well-defined roles and respecting the other members’ roles and contributions. Clearly outlining the different processes involved also helps. Successful collaborations also entail regularly communicating and coordinating with other writers, designers, and developers. This makes the story’s narrative consistent and cohesive with the game’s other elements. Use project management or communication platforms like Slack, Trello, and Google Docs to facilitate collaboration.

  • How much should I expect to pay for professional video game writing services, and what factors will impact the cost?

    The cost of hiring a professional video game writer will vary depending on their experience level, project length, and project scope. In the US, the average hourly rate of video game writers is $27. In 2023, Their average annual salary is approximately $51,000. Fiverr lets you start working with creative writing professionals for as low as $5. Fiverr also makes finding professional video game writing services that fit your budget easier. Use Fiverr’s Budget filter to set your minimum and maximum budget to narrow down your options. Aside from video game writing services, some Fiverr service providers offer additional services such as gameplay mechanics and interactive dialogue. Note that adding these services may influence the freelancer’s rates.