QA & Review

Make every launch a success with professional product QA testing and code review


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QA & Review FAQs

  • Why is it important to use QA & Technical Review Services?

    When you launch a new website, app, videogame or any other new software, it’s very important to adhere to certain standards of quality to ensure consistent user experience and output. First of all to ensure that all defects are prevented Quality Assurance (QA) Testing needs to be done and then to identify and fix defects at each release Quality Control (QC) is applied.

  • What are QA and QC?

    Quality Assurance or otherwise known as QA testing is performed to ensure that the best possible product (in most cases software) is provided with the requested quality as determined in the initial requirements and specifications. The Quality Control (QC) element ensures that the final product meets the requested quality and is as defect-free as possible.

  • How much does the QA & Review service cost?

    The QA & Review service costs between $100 and $700, depending on the complexity of the project. The price includes a thorough review of your project, including checking for spelling, grammar, and technical accuracy.

  • How to choose the right QA & Technical Services provider?

    It would really depend on your project so the best advice is to go for a freelancer who specializes in testing the type of product you’re launching e.g. mobile apps, websites, games, etc. Look at their credentials and check what’s included in each gig package so you can make sure that your needs are met.

  • What is typically tested by QA Services providers?

    You can expect the tests to include user interface and user experience, usability and user acceptance, performance and load speed as well as bugs and errors testing.

  • What will be the QA services deliverables that I can expect?

    Most QA providers will deliver usability, functionality, responsiveness and browser compatibility testing. They will provide you with annotated screenshots, screencasts and a detailed summary report. Make sure you check in advance what’s included in the package you’re buying.