Competitor Analysis

Analyze your competitors content, keywords & traffic sources to reveal opportunities, gaps and blind spots


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Competitor Analysis FAQs

  • What is Competitor Analysis in the context of SEO?

    SEO competitor analysis refers to the process of researching and identifying similar or related websites that have a higher ranking for the same keywords that you’re using. Competitor analysis doesn’t just focus on finding out what your competitor is doing in terms of marketing strategy. It also helps you understand the target keywords your competitors are using, as well as their content or SEO strategy, backlink profile, and keyword opportunities.

  • Why is Competitor Analysis important for my business?

    Competitor analysis is important for businesses because it helps you identify SEO opportunities that you may be missing out on. Aside from giving you an idea of what your competitors are offering and whether you’re after the same audience, it also gives you an idea of what SEO strategies your competitors are using to achieve better rankings on SERPs. Furthermore, it lets you identify and establish benchmarks for measuring your performance, as well as build a strategy that can help give you a competitive edge.

  • What kind of information can I expect to receive from a Competitor Analysis report?

    A competitive analysis report typically contains a list of your top competitors, including their profiles. Other common elements you can find in a competitor analysis report include the following: - Competitor website audit. - Competitor keyword analysis. - SERP rankings of your competitors. - Competitor traffic analysis. - Your competitors’ marketing strategies and target audience. - Market share, sales, and revenue insights. - Traffic sources. - Similarities in target audience behavior. - Pricing model comparisons. - Analysis of different strategies. Aside from offering competitor analysis services, Fiverr’s freelancers also offer other related services, such as creating authority-building articles, content analysis, and competitor backlink analysis.

  • How frequently should I conduct Competitor Analysis?

    Conducting regular competitor analysis allows you to stay on top of the competition. It’s recommended that you perform competitor analysis quarterly. For more optimal results, you may want to consider doing it monthly.

  • How can Competitor Analysis help me understand the strengths and weaknesses of my competitors?

    Aside from helping you identify market opportunities, competitor analysis lets you discover what the competition is doing, identify what products or services they’re offering, what they’re doing right, and where they fall short. When you know your competitors’ strengths, you can build a strategy that will let you stay relevant and gain a competitive edge. Knowing your competitors’ strengths can also help you identify benchmarks for measuring growth. When you know where they’re falling short, this can shed light on potential areas of opportunity that you can leverage for your own growth.

  • How can I ensure that my Competitor Analysis is thorough and comprehensive?

    One way to go about this is to create a checklist of the processes and aspects that you want to include in your competitor analysis. You can also follow an analysis framework, which typically includes components such as business metrics and marketing assessment. Fiverr has freelancers who can do a comprehensive competitor analysis for you. Depending on the freelancer, a comprehensive competitor analysis service may include a complete market analysis and a complete competitor analysis. Some professionals also offer product and pricing strategies, while others may offer different analysis types, such as SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces, as well as deliver market dynamics, market segmentation, and supply chain analysis.