
Get a Songwriter to write and compose your next hit


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Songwriters FAQs

  • What is the difference between a songwriter and a lyricist?

    Songwriters are typically the kind of people who write both the lyrics and the melody of the song. They are not the singers themselves, but they write the entire song. Sometimes, songwriters are better at writing the melody than the lyrics. Lyricists, on the other hand, don't write the melodies at all.

  • What does the creative process of songwriting look like?

    The creative process of songwriting varies for writers. A typical creative process starts with a song idea and title, followed by the structure of the song. Some songwriters write the melody and test it out before writing the lyrics to fit, while others first write out the lyrics before creating a melody. Finally, the song is recorded on the main instrument and tweaked based on how it sounds.

  • What makes a great songwriter?

    A great songwriter is creative, process-oriented, persistent, passionate about music, in touch with their emotions, and a keen observer of their surroundings. They are also open to trying new rhythms, grooves, and so on, curious, and always learning and honing their skills.

  • How do I decide whether to hire both a lyricist and a songwriter?

    A songwriter can write both tunes and lyrics, however a lyricist can provide you with a specialist service. There are good examples when one person can do both but there are also many successful collaborations so whatever decision you make, stick to it. To help you with deciding, first set your goals, budget and expectations right, then do some research and you’ll find the right freelancers for helping you create a hit song.

  • What budget will I need to hire a professional songwriter?

    Pricing the services of professional songwriters is not easy as with many creative professions. You can expect a much more straightforward pricing if you hire a freelancer. A lyricist will charge you per word starting from as little as $30 per song and going up to $500-600 and upwards depending on experience and skill. Songwriters/composers charge similar rates, but there are many more options and extras there including a CR (copyright release), video, commercial vs personal use, etc.

  • How do I make sure that the final song is what I really want?

    Songwriting is not a strict process but there are certain must haves. Start with clear expectations and easy to understand requirements. Find the best songwriter (and possibly also a lyricist) you can afford to turn your requirements into a song. It’s important that his style, sound and outlook matches yours. Have a clear vision of what your final song will sound like, what the words will evoke, who they’re aimed at and how you want your target audience to react (apart from listening repeatedly and fervently to your song).