Fact Checking

Get help with checking and validating facts from websites, articles, or other texts.


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Fact Checking FAQs

  • What is a fact-checking service, and what does it include?

    Fact-checking is a process of checking a piece of content, like an article, to ensure that the facts or statements made are accurate and free of false information. It also involves checking the sources of such claims or statements to assess their credibility by examining publicly available data, using the Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose (CRAAP) test, or turning to fact-checking websites like SciCheck and Snopes. Some of the things that get fact-checked include news articles, social media content or posts, journal articles, videos, and even images. Aside from traditional and digital media, fact-checking also applies to AI, particularly AI-generated content. AI models may be powerful, but they’re also prone to hallucinations. This is when an AI model generates an incorrect or inaccurate answer and presents it as something factual. That’s because while they’re trained on large datasets, some of these datasets are either incomplete or contain biased information, which causes the model to learn incorrect patterns. Fact-checking services for AI-generated content ensure that the pieces of information you get are accurate and factual. These services also include copy editing and can help give your content a more human touch.

  • Can Fact-checking services validate information in AI-generated texts?

    Yes, they can. Fiverr freelancers who offer fact-checking services thoroughly examine texts and flag false, misleading, or inaccurate information.

  • What types of content are covered under the fact-checking service?

    Some of the content covered in these services include: - Web content. - Articles. - Scripts. - Essays. - Business documents. - Technical documentation. - Speeches. - Resumes. - Personal statements. If you’re looking to use fact-checking services for larger documents, there are also freelancers who offer such services. To see if they’re able to accommodate custom requests, it’s best to send them a message before booking a Gig.

  • Can I request fact-checking for specific types of content, such as academic papers or business reports?

    Yes. Fiverr has fact-checking freelancers who cover various fields, such as operation management, business law, marketing strategies, and more. In case AI tools were used in part to create the document or report, they can also manually rewrite or paraphrase your work to ensure that it doesn’t sound AI-generated. To ensure that a freelancer meets your specific needs, check their Gig page or send them a message to assess if they can accommodate specific content types.

  • How do fact-checkers verify the authenticity of information in a text?

    Fact-checkers employ different tools and techniques to check the authenticity of information. For example, they may use advanced AI tools to detect errors and inaccuracies, while others may use their expertise to ensure that your information is readable and engaging. However, the fact-checking process typically entails several steps, starting with checking the source to make sure that the information comes from a reputable or reliable source. This is followed by cross-checking or cross-referencing the information presented. This is done by comparing that piece of information against multiple sources to verify your claims. The fact checker may also check the citations used or the data and statistics presented.

  • How are the prices for fact-checking services determined on Fiverr?

    For fact-checking services, prices are typically determined based on word count and service inclusions. For example, fact-checking a 300-word piece is more affordable compared to fact-checking services for documents or content with over 1,500 words. You’ll also have to account for extras or inclusions, like the number of facts checked, text editing, and the inclusion of references or citations. While most of these will be covered in the packages offered by our freelancers, you may also check their Gig page to see what each package includes. For clients looking for custom services, feel free to drop them a line to see if they’re able to accommodate specific fact-checking requests.